Bayer's Roundup Bites the 2023
Bayer Ends Sale of Roundup and Glyphosate Herbicidesto Garden and Lawncare Market by 2023.
Click here for Bayer's announcement.
Moms Across America is thrilled to share that something we have long been working for and waiting for has happened.
Bayer has announced that by 2023 they will no longer be selling Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides at our local retailers for garden and lawncare! This will prevent our neighbors from unknowingly poisoning our community, risking miscarriage in our pregnant family members, giving our dogs cancer, and killing our bees and pollinators.
This is a huge win for communities all across the country.
Although 2023 is FAR too long, and TODAY would have been far more responsible, this is an enormous step in the right direction.
This decision was made after Judge Chabbria’s recent decision regarding the proposed 10 billion dollar cap on lawsuit payouts. The Judge decided that the cap would not be fair for people who develop cancer years after using Roundup and Bayer’s glyphosate products. Under Bayer’s proposal, those victims would not be able to get compensation because the cap was already met. So there is no cap to the amount of compensation that Bayer could payout for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases connected to the use of their glyphosate products. The only way Monsanto could stop the increase of lawsuits is to stop selling the product. So today, that is what they decided to do.
Lee masFive Reasons to Revoke the License of Glyphosate Now
If you have heard it from us once, you have heard it a thousand times. But it bears repeating because the EPA has still not done its job and banned glyphosate.
The science to support that ban keeps on coming.
In the past few months, more and more data is accumulating, showing that glyphosate herbicides, otherwise known as Roundup or Ranger Pro and 700+ other brands, must be removed from the shelves, banned from aerial spraying, and restricted from agriculture use immediately. Here are five more reasons why.
Lee masRoundup is Not Just a Carcinogenic Herbicide. It's a Bee Killing Pesticide Too.
A new study released abril 6, 2021, in the Journal of Applied Ecology reveals that Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, and the focus of recent lawsuits regarding non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, is not just a weedkiller but a bee killer as well.
This study is monumental because the decline of bee populations has been drastically declining since Roundup was introduced to agriculture, landscaping, and backyard gardening in the late 1970s. In the US, the number of honey-bee colonies dropped from 6 million in 1947 to just 2.5 million in 2014. In 2015, Monsanto made nearly $4.76 billion in sales and $1.9 billion in gross profits from herbicide products, mostly Roundup.
Lee masRoundup Wine Parody Song recuerda a EPA y Bayer que nos están envenenando
Moms Across America ha alentado durante mucho tiempo el coraje, la creatividad y el esfuerzo por hacer una contribución a sus comunidades al tomar medidas para crear conciencia sobre GMOS, glifosato y toxinas que dañan a nuestras familias.
Un grupo creativo de personas llamado RoundupWine Team hizo exactamente eso ... ¡e hizo esta canción parodia muy inteligente y artística sobre Roundup Wine!
¡Compártelo por todas partes!
Keep it organic,
Not-so-fun-fact. Having one glass of wine a day can increase the risk of cancer up to 44%. Maybe it's the glyphosate?
What if wine was NOT contaminated with glyphosate?
Click here for the first glyphosate test results in wine.
And the second here.
And the third here.
Lee masLey Orgánica de Cuidado de Tierras para Escuelas de California 468
¡Hoy es la fecha límite para pedirles a nuestros legisladores que apoyen este proyecto de ley!
The California Guild has introduced Assembly Bill 468 authored by Assemblyman Muratsuchi (D-Torrance). We should be proud of this landmark legislation that will require California school
sites and day care centers to utilize organic landscape management practices at school sites, playgrounds and athletic fields, replacing harmful pesticide and herbicides. The bill is co-sponsored by Non-Toxic Communities and Beyond Pesticides.
Send in your letters of support!
AB 468 will begin its long journey into becoming law in front of the Assembly Education Committee on marzo 27. We need your letters of support – DUE marzo 19 by 5 pm.
Resumen de Monsanto encontrado en alimentos para bebés
diciembre 11, 2018
El gobierno chino es inteligente al anunciar queet límites bajos de residuos de glifosato en sus importaciones de alimentos. Se ha demostrado que los granos son especialmente altos en niveles de glifosato y el impacto perjudica a nuestros más vulnerables.
Mamás en toda América announces that the baby food samples tested were positive for residues of glyphosate when the baby foods contained grains such as rice, wheat, or oats. Baby foods that contained only fruits and vegetables did not. Eight different conventional baby foods from two top brands, Gerber and Comfort for Baby, were tested by Health Research Institute labs in Iowa, with the “gold standard” HPLC MS/MS methodology. The levels found in the foods with grain as part of the ingredients averaged 14.3 parts per billion, which is 143 times higher than the amount that is allowed in EU drinking water. At-home testing on Gerber Oatmeal and Apple Toddler Cereal revealed that glyphosate levels between 50-200 ppb. Oats are commonly sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent so most conventional oat products are expected to have similar levels of glyphosate.
Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto/Bayer. Recent John v Monsanto jury trial found Monsanto guilty on all accounts, including for “malice and oppression”- meaning that the company knew their products could cause cancer and suppressed the information.
Lee mas'Estar en el jurado del juicio de Monsanto cambió mi vida'
Jurado de Monsanto en una revuelta histórica contra un juez que intenta rechazar su veredicto unánime
En una muestra sin precedentes de compromiso con la justicia, ocho de los 12 miembros del jurado y dos suplentes que participaron en el juicio Johnson v Monsanto, 10 en total, se tomaron un día libre, dejaron a sus familias y se presentaron en el San Francisco. La corte la semana pasada le hizo saber al juez Bolaños que quieren que se resuelva su veredicto. La "Prueba del Siglo", como muchos la llaman, resultó en un premio de $ 289.2 millones por el jurado de Monsanto a Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela que contrajo un caso terminal de linfoma no Hodgkin mientras usaba los productos herbicidas de glifosato de Monsanto Roundup y Ranger Pro.
Upon arrival, “the courtroom was so full,” recounted Robert Howard, juror number four, in an interview with me, “that one of the jurors had to sit in his/her old seat. The Judge definitely noticed our presence.��
Compartió cómo, durante mucho tiempo, él y sus compañeros miembros del jurado, a quienes tiene la más alta estima, permanecieron en silencio. Se refirió al dicho: "No se puede citar incorrectamente el silencio". Pero cuando vio el aviso de que el veredicto del jurado podría ser revocado, él y varios miembros del jurado sabían que era hora de hablar.
Lee masDeje que el premio del jurado de $ 289 M se coloque en el caso de Monsanto
Por Neil Young y Daryl Hannah
Actualizado: octubre 14, 2018 11:12 am
As originally posted in the San Francisco Chronicle
Lee masEl comienzo del fin de la era química
Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela con linfoma no Hodgkin, ¡GANA su demanda contra Monsanto! ¡El jurado (Dios los bendiga) otorgó a Johnson 289.2 millones de dólares! 4000 otros demandantes esperan demandar a Monsanto y 10,0000 se espera para fin de año. Seguramente esta decisión tiene a Bayer, quien ahora es dueño de Monsanto, reconsiderando si continuará vendiendo o no productos a base de glifosato.
¡Esta es una gran victoria para la humanidad! ¡Las corporaciones de todo el mundo ahora entienden que deben asumir la responsabilidad del impacto de sus productos!
Mira el veredicto aquí:
US Court demands that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos in 60 days! Chlorpyrifos, a chemical sprayed on food crops, is a known neurotoxin, especially to children, and was supposed to be banned last year. But the ban was revoked by the current administration. Coincidentally, the ban dismissal was enacted after Trump held a meeting with the CEO of Dow, the manufacturers of the chemical, who gave a 1.2 million dollar donation to his campaign. At Moms Across America, we believe that no matter who we vote for, what our political inclinations are, that every public figure has a responsibility to protect our children. This behavior is reprehensible, and we are glad that the courts have the power to reverse that decision and reinstate the ban. We simply cannot allow big business to harm our little kids.
Transcripts of the closing arguments here.
Johnson's lawyer's slides here.
Also, in the news is Monsanto on trial and Robert F. Kennedy Jr - one of the lawyers suing Monsanto for the link to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Watch his stellar interview here.
¡Estamos muy contentos de que haya abordado todos los problemas de salud de los que las madres hemos estado hablando durante años, y que los medios de comunicación están cubriendo este tema!
Lee masComunicado de prensa Retirar resumen
Los consumidores instan a Home Depot y Lowes a
Deje de vender Roundup debido a un etiquetado inadecuado
Contacto: Zen Honeycutt
Mission Viejo, CA julio 10, 2018, Mamás en toda América and consumers have initiated a campaign to urge Home Depot and Lowes, two of the largest retailers of Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup, to pull the products from the shelves due to improper labeling and their carcinogenic effects.
“Home Depot and Lowes promote the sale of Roundup not just in their weed and pest control sections but in several prominent places throughout their stores. This is blatant preferential promotion of a carcinogenic product during a time when 1 out 3 people in America are expected to get cancer, according to The American Cancer Society. Without proper labeling, this is misleading and irresponsible. Even if there were proper labeling, we urge retailers to listen to the consumers calling their offices and pull the product from the shelves to protect their customers,” said Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America.
Glyphosate, an ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, was placed on the CA EPA Prop 65 carcinogen list on julio 7, 2017. According to thirty years of California EPA Policy, one year later all products in California that contained the chemical glyphosate were identified to be labeled with a warning label for carcinogenic and/or reproductive effects. This CA Prop 65 warning label mandate did not happen by its scheduled julio 7 2018 date of enactment because Monsanto sued and the judge temporarily placed a stay on that procedure.
The request coincides with the week of the commencement of the Johnson v Monsanto trial. Dewayne Johnson, a 46-year-old pesticide applicator for the Benicia, California school district, used Roundup hundreds of times over a period of about three years and now has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Studies have shown an increased risk of contracting non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with glyphosate herbicide exposure. Despite wearing full protective gear, over 80% of his body is covered with lesions and doctors predict he has two years to live. Johnson has a wife and three children.
La Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer (IARC) clasificó al glifosato como un probable carcinógeno en marzo de 2015. Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro como Beyond Pesticides y Moms Across America brindan información sobre más de diez alternativas a Roundup y brindan apoyo para que los distritos escolares, las ciudades y los condados se liberen de las toxinas.
Moms Across America es una organización sin fines de lucro de 501 c3 con el lema "Mamás empoderadas, niños sanos".