Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela con linfoma no Hodgkin, ¡GANA su demanda contra Monsanto! ¡El jurado (Dios los bendiga) otorgó a Johnson 289.2 millones de dólares! 4000 otros demandantes esperan demandar a Monsanto y 10,0000 se espera para fin de año. Seguramente esta decisión tiene a Bayer, quien ahora es dueño de Monsanto, reconsiderando si continuará vendiendo o no productos a base de glifosato.
¡Esta es una gran victoria para la humanidad! ¡Las corporaciones de todo el mundo ahora entienden que deben asumir la responsabilidad del impacto de sus productos!
Mira el veredicto aquí:
Tribunal de los Estados Unidos exige que el ¡La EPA debe prohibir el clorpirifos en 60 días! El clorpirifos, un químico rociado en los cultivos alimentarios, es una neurotoxina conocida, especialmente para los niños, y se suponía que estaba prohibido el año pasado. Pero la prohibición fue revocada por la administración actual. Casualmente, el rechazo de la prohibición se promulgó después de que Trump sostuvo una reunión con el CEO de Dow, los fabricantes de la sustancia química, que dieron una donación de 1.2 millón de dólares a su campaña. En Moms Across America, creemos que no importa a quién votemos, cuáles sean nuestras inclinaciones políticas, que cada figura pública tiene la responsabilidad de proteger a nuestros hijos. Este comportamiento es reprensible, y nos complace que los tribunales tengan el poder de revocar esa decisión y restablecer la prohibición. Simplemente no podemos permitir que las grandes empresas perjudiquen a nuestros niños pequeños.
Transcripciones de la argumentos de cierre aquí .
Johnson's diapositivas de abogado aquí.
Además, en las noticias es Monsanto en juicio y Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Uno de los abogados demandando a Monsanto por el vínculo con el linfoma no Hodgkin. Mira su entrevista estelar aquí.
¡Estamos muy contentos de que haya abordado todos los problemas de salud de los que las madres hemos estado hablando durante años, y que los medios de comunicación están cubriendo este tema!
What are these events telling us?
We are at the beginning of the END of the Chemical Era!
In just the past few months, news has come out that:
Canadian Wheat Growers Association launches a "Keep it Clean!" Campaign- to STOP spraying glyphosate as a drying agent on wheat! This is HUGE! Glyphosate residues are second only to oats - but wheat products are such a huge part of the American diet that it is likely the biggest contributing factor of the presence of glyphosate in the gut, the destruction of beneficial gut bacteria, and the overgrowth of pathogenic gut bacteria. Imbalance of the gut bacteria, or microbiome, can lead to many health implications such as leaky gut, allergies, autoimmune issues, behavioral issues, insomnia, autism symptoms, diabetes, and mood disorders which may lead to depression, bipolar, and acts of violence. It may seem that eating a piece of non-organic whole wheat bread or pita bread and hummus is healthy for you but in reality, the levels of glyphosate that you are most likely exposing your body to are high enough to trigger an autoimmune reaction, rashes, and erratic behavior. Over time, the inflammation in the gut can lead to serious health issues. Until we know that ALL wheat growers no longer use glyphosate herbicides on their crops for any reason, it is safest to buy organic.
Australian Barley Mill Segregates Glyphosate Sprayed and Non-Sprayed Grains!
This turning of the tide often looks like it is getting worse before it gets better, but the fact that these issues are being revealed is a sign that things are getting better. Before we didn't know. Now we do. Now we can do better!
Some startling information came out this week:
80% of Breast Milk Tested in Brazil Found to be Positive for Glyphosate
When Moms Across America sent breast milk to Microbe Inotech, critics around the world slandered MAA. Monsanto even paid $10,000 each to couple Mark and Shelly McGuire to test breast milk and conveniently come up with a negative finding. Well, today news was released that 80% of breast milk samples in Brazil were also positive for glyphosate. This is, of course, horrible news. But it confirms our findings and will hopefully have our critics look at how to resolve this issue instead of how to defame a moms group.
GMO BT Toxin causes immune issues, allergies, and precancerous changes in the colon!
Scientific evidence that GMOs are allergens should create a whole new possibility for labeling GMOs as an allergen and having clear labeling on the package. Parents NEED to know what they are feeding their children!!!!
There are too many studies and papers to include in this email.
The news is too wonderful for me to stay inside. My family and I are going to go to the beach with dear family friends who lost their Grandfather (who sprayed Roundup in their yard) from Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and who almost lost their son as well.
We are all crying tears of joy tonight. It is time to celebrate!!
Zen honeycutt
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