EPA Petition: Glyphosate
Please sign and share this important petition to the EPA by septiembre 14:
To the EPA Pesticide Division:
Moms Across America and our supporters: retail brands, pediatricians, scientists, physicians, health coaches, teachers, farmers, lawyers, and consumers, are requesting that you review the 67 studies that were not included in your review of glyphosate as a carcinogen that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed and revise your decision regarding the license of glyphosate. We request you also review the new studies connecting glyphosate to many reproductive and endocrine-disrupting issues. Hundreds of independent studies have shown that glyphosate is harmful in many ways, not only as a carcinogen. Glyphosate also has endocrine disrupting properties at very low levels and can cause neurological, nervous system, reproductive, sperm, liver, kidney, and organ damage as well as miscarriages.
There is no safe level of glyphosate in our food or livestock feed supply, and you are the only agency that has the authority to change the current reality: harmful levels of glyphosate contaminate school lunches, fast food, baby food, and gluten-free food. In the past, glyphosate has been detected in thousands of food samples and other substances, including oats, chickpeas, beans, wheat, soy, corn, orange juice, wine, beer, eggs, bread, snacks, cereals, honey, and even breastmilk, hospital gauze, feminine sanitary products, childhood vaccines, and sperm.
America has a physical, mental, and reproductive health crisis, and glyphosate is a significant contributing factor to all of these severely critical issues. Your agency must take action now to protect the health and future of our country.
We are asking you to:
- Review all of the studies the IARC reviewed and all new independent studies available today on glyphosate and all health effects.
- Revoke the license of glyphosate.
- Until the license is revoked, immediately disallow glyphosate from being used as a drying agent or pre-harvest weed killer on all agricultural crops. The EU has recently banned pre-harvest spray with glyphosate to minimize dietary exposure. We are asking you to do the same.
Thank you for taking action to protect the American public's health, not the corporations' profits.
We hope you appreciate that when you reflect on your legacy one day, it will be one of courage, commitment, and integrity.
Thank you.
Tell the EPA To Listen to the American People, not Chemical Corporations!
After Moms Across America filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the EPA for all communications between Bayer/Monsanto: memos, calls, emails, and meetings to the EPA regarding glyphosate between 2020 to the current time, we received a call back saying that the request was too large. They had "a few hundred thousand communications, and it would take them until 2024 to review" (redact) and return those documents to me. Might we please reduce the request?
A few HUNDRED THOUSAND communications just regarding glyphosate (one chemical!), just from Bayer (one company!) over two years? What could they possibly say about a chemical that is clearly unsafe? Apparently, a lot. If we assume only 200,000 communications, that means Bayer communicated with our US EPA 275 times a day!
The overwhelming number of communications shows us, the American people, the gravity of the influence the chemical corporations have over our regulatory agencies.
My response after legal counsel?
I told her that the volume of communication was exactly my concern - I believed the American public deserved to know just how much communication was and what was said. However, in consideration of timing, I will agree to narrow the request to communications, just to emails to the Pesticide Re-Registration Review Board and the Head of the EPA. And, I said, how about I make it easier for you - just send us the documents without redaction, don’t bother with that!
She balked but stated that they "have to review and redact CBI"- (Confidential Business Information) to protect the sensitive business information of the company. Then they have to go to the company and make sure they agree. I got heated. Do you know what is sensitive? My son’s health, after being exposed to glyphosate in his food. Do you know what I did not agree to? My son having the levels of glyphosate in his urine of a farmer - even though he has never touched a bottle of Roundup! Do you know what he has to live with every day while the chemical companies make profits off of poison? His whole body now has Ehler’s Danlos syndrome and Electromagnetic Sensitivity. He will likely not be able to go to college here in the USA because his immune system has been impacted by toxins like glyphosate, and he is now sensitive to wireless radiation! His whole life has been altered and affected and you are telling me you need to protect the company? When are you going to protect the people?
She explained that she is only doing her job blah blah blah...but I impressed upon her that she is there - on the INSIDE and she has a responsibility to speak up. She can speak to the Pesticide Review Board, to the Head of the EPA - she can say WE CAN DO BETTER. She has that opportunity. We are on the outside.
We are not communicating with the EPA 275 times a day.
But we can do better too. Will you speak up today and tell the EPA they need to listen to the American people and DO THEIR JOB - protect us and revoke the license of glyphosate?
Please speak up with us today - for all the children, bees, wildlife, marine life, pets, and humans on the planet that deserve a safe environment.
Dear Michael Regan and EPA Pesticide Re-Registration Review Board,
I am appalled to learn through a Moms Across America FOIA that the chemical company Bayer has communicated a few hundred thousand times to the EPA about glyphosate over the past two years. This overwhelming amount of communication is undue influence, potentially even harassment, and is in excess. This amount of influence from private industry is pressuring the EPA to take Bayer’s desires, their profits more heavily into consideration than the desires and safety of the American people.
I am writing to request that you listen to the American people.
We have been asking you for years to stop allowing the spraying of glyphosate before harvest for any reason, as a weed killer or drying agent, specifically on food and feed crops.
Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of individual Americans and supporters of Moms Across America, Organic Consumers Association, Beyond Pesticides, Friends of the Earth, Center for Food Safety, Pesticide Action Network, Children’s Health Defense, and many more have asked you to revoke the license of glyphosate completely.
Glyphosate has been shown to be a carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor, causing liver and kidney disease at very low levels of exposure, to androgenize baby girls and damage the sperm of males.
Your failure to listen to us and protect the American people is killing us, our pets, soil quality, wildlife, and marine life.
You can right this wrong.
Puede revocar la licencia de glifosato.
Your bosses,
The American Tax Payer
Glifosato, Monsanto/Bayer y la cuenta atrás para la extinción humana
Han pasado más de dos años desde la última reunión de Moms Across America con la Junta de Revisión de Pesticidas de la EPA sobre el glifosato en 2019 y siete años desde nuestras pruebas mostró glifosato en nuestras muestras de agua del grifo, orina de niños, leche materna, alimentos, vino, cerveza y jugo de naranja. Aunque se movía a un paso de tortuga laboriosamente lento y burocrático, nos alegró ver que la EPA revisión sobre el glifosato y especies en peligro de extinción hace un año. El sentido común y la ciencia sugieren que descubrir que el 93% de las especies en peligro de extinción y el 97% de sus hábitats críticos se ven dañados por la exposición a los herbicidas de glifosato es razón suficiente para revocar la licencia de glifosato de inmediato, pero no.
We demand action now. Click HERE to tell the EPA to do their job!
Lee masCinco razones para revocar la licencia de glifosato ahora
Si lo ha escuchado de nosotros una vez, lo ha escuchado mil veces. Pero vale la pena repetirlo porque la EPA aún no ha hecho su trabajo y ha prohibido el glifosato.
La ciencia que respalda esa prohibición sigue llegando.
En los últimos meses, se están acumulando más y más datos que muestran que los herbicidas de glifosato, también conocidos como Roundup o Ranger Pro y 700 + otras marcas, deben retirarse de los estantes, prohibirse la fumigación aérea y restringirse para el uso agrícola. inmediatamente. Aquí hay cinco razones más.
Lee masRoundup no es solo un herbicida cancerígeno. También es un pesticida que mata las abejas.
Un nuevo estudio publicado abril 6, 2021, en el Journal of Applied Ecology revela que Roundup, el herbicida más utilizado en el mundo, y el foco de demandas recientes relacionadas con el linfoma no Hodgkin, no es solo un herbicida sino también un asesino de abejas.
This study is monumental because the decline of bee populations has been drastically declining since Roundup was introduced to agriculture, landscaping, and backyard gardening in the late 1970s. In the US, the number of honey-bee colonies dropped from 6 million in 1947 to just 2.5 million in 2014. In 2015, Monsanto made nearly $4.76 billion in sales and $1.9 billion in gross profits from herbicide products, mostly Roundup.
Lee mas¡Tomar acción! Nuestra mejor oportunidad para prohibir el glifosato
The EPA has admitted that glyphosate herbicides (also known as Roundup or Ranger Pro by Monsanto/Bayer) harm 93% of endangered species. This is an excellent reason for the EPA to deny the license of glyphosate. However, they claim that only landscaping use (20 million pounds of glyphosate a year) is the only method of use that is causing harm, NOT agriculture use ( 280 million pounds). This is outrageous! We have a huge problem with this- do you?
¿Sabía que nuestra democracia está diseñada de tal manera que cuando usted, el ciudadano, tiene una queja con una política del gobierno, es trabajo de su funcionario electo abordarla con el gobierno? Trabajan para ti. Los elige para que sean su megáfono para los legisladores, su enlace con las agencias reguladoras federales.
¿Tiene alguna queja con el herbicida más utilizado en el mundo, los herbicidas de glifosato como Roundup, que se rocía sobre nuestros alimentos?
Do you have a grievance with this known carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, and neurotoxin that causes liver disease and multiple generations of reproductive harm being found in our breastmilk, baby food, tap water, wine, beer, orange juice, and thousands of foods?
Do you have a grievance with this herbicide damaging gut bacteria, weakening our immune systems, leaving us more vulnerable to severe COVID symptoms and prolonged shutdowns?
El hallazgo de la EPA de que la exposición al glifosato no causa ningún riesgo para la salud es un acto flagrante de imprudencia temeraria para la salud pública. Los estadounidenses deberían estar indignados, no solo porque nuestra EPA no nos protege, sino porque nuestro gobierno está permitiendo el colapso de la democracia complaciendo la codicia corporativa.
- La EPA evaluó los riesgos para los seres humanos de la exposición al glifosato de todos los usos registrados y todas las rutas de exposición y no identificó ningún riesgo de preocupación, incluido el cáncer.
- La EPA no revisó ningún impacto acumulativo en la salud del glifosato.
- La EPA redujo la lista de tipos de cultivos con niveles permitidos de residuos de glifosato de 160 a 15; sin embargo, los cultivos eliminados probablemente no utilizaron glifosato y la lista no está completa.
- La EPA aún no ha respondido a la petición de EWG et al sobre la descontinuación del uso de glifosato en la avena y el trigo como desecante ni ha tomado una determinación sobre los niveles de residuos.
- La EPA realizará más evaluaciones sobre el impacto del glifosato en las abejas y las especies en peligro de extinción debido a la mitigación del Centro para la Diversidad Biológica.
- La EPA está limitando la cantidad de glifosato usado por acre, por categoría de uso, para prevenir una mayor resistencia de las malas hierbas.
- La EPA requiere un etiquetado adicional para uso acuático que advierte sobre la muerte de peces por la falta de oxígeno de la vegetación de agua muerta (nota: no por glifosato).
- Se tomará una decisión final después de una decisión sobre la desecación del trigo y la avena, la revisión de especies en peligro de extinción y una evaluación de la alteración endocrina. Las decisiones podrían estar en 2020 para algunos y agosto 2021 para otros.
Mamá recibe estudios de grupo de trabajo sobre glifosato sobre glifosato enviados a la EPA
Hace seis meses hoy, junio 1, unos días después de nuestra reunión con la EPA, solicité por mi derecho como ciudadano estadounidense, a través de la Ley de Libertad de Información, recibir copias de todos los documentos presentados a la EPA con respecto a glifosato Nunca en mi vida imaginé que estaría pidiendo potencialmente miles de páginas de estudios científicos sobre un químico tóxico. Me encantaba la ciencia cuando estaba en sexto grado, incluso imaginé ser uno algún día. Pero no pensé que era bueno en matemáticas, todo el aprendizaje de memoria sin comprender fue más condescendiente que las miradas que mi maestro de matemáticas me dio, así que descarté la posibilidad de ser científico y me dirigí a un camino más artístico como diseñador.
Tengo una formación creativa, pero no pude inventar lo que voy a compartir contigo.
Es increíble que cualquier científico o no científico pueda ver esta información pensando que el glifosato es seguro.
Recibí 9 archivos, que van desde 67-293 páginas. La mayoría eran los estudios reales, dos eran evaluaciones de otros estudios. No creo haber recibido todos los estudios presentados a la EPA, y pediré el conjunto completo de documentos. Sin embargo, lo que sí recibí, en mi opinión, es razón suficiente para no volver a registrar el glifosato.
Vea una versión en video de este blog aquí y compártala con amigos.
El primer estudio que abro es un 96 horas de estudio en ostras ... y concluye que aunque en 4 días no hubo muertes de ostras, la mayoría de las ostras estaban "cerradas y no se alimentaban". ¡Eso es equivalente a un humano en coma! ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? ¿Se supone que esto prueba que el glifosato es seguro para la vida marina?
¿Y qué pasó después de 4 días? ¿Durante cuánto tiempo permanecieron las ostras "cerradas y sin alimentarse" y qué les sucedió entonces?
Estoy leyendo esto, gritándole a mi esposo sobre las ostras y el querido hombre me está aguantando. Incluso admite que está contento de que sea el tipo de persona que se preocupa por esto porque alguien tiene que hacerlo.
El siguiente estudio, un 96 horas de estudio sobre camarones Mysid, shows that after 4 days, the "level of no-morbidity was .51 a.e.mg/L ( 1.71 mg/L MON 2139 mg/L". The level of glyphosate in our corn, husk removed is 3.5 ppm. .51 mg/L and 1.71 mg/L is equal to .51 and 1.71 ppm. And it was the level just above this killed the shrimp after 4 days. 100% of the shrimp died at levels of 3.9ppm.
Por supuesto, no somos tan pequeños como un camarón, pero la cantidad de glifosato debe ser equivalente y significativa en comparación. Tenga en cuenta que el 80% de los OMG que constituyen el 90% de nuestros cultivos alimentarios y en el 85% de nuestros alimentos se rocían con glifosato. Además, muchos cultivos no orgánicos también se rocían con glifosato como agente de secado antes de la cosecha. Además, se aplica una aplicación de quema de glifosato antes de plantar, por lo que la cantidad de glifosato que potencialmente consumimos de los 160 alimentos con niveles de glifosato permitidos es de. 2 - 400 ppm. Esto es muy significativo
The average life span of a Mysid shrimp is 365 days. 4 days is 1% of it's life. How is this a study which is scientifically sound for weighing the safety of glyphosate? It's not! it's preposperous! This test duration is equivalent to a human who lives to 78 years old being exposed to glyphosate for 284 days...less than a year. The reality is glyphosate has been in our food supply for nearly 20 years....7300 days...already.
Camarones blancos en comparación con el tamaño de un feto humano (el feto humano es aproximadamente la mitad del tamaño)
Another 96 hour White shrimp study showed "the no-morbidity after 4 days was 5.2 mg/L ( 17 mg/L of MON 2139)". Higher than that and they died. The levels of glyphosate on dried sugar beet pulp, the main source of sugar in millons of American products, is 25ppm. The average American consumes 156 pounds of sugar per year. How much glyphosate is that? What is it doing to us? A white shrimp is larger than a 6 week old human fetus. What coudl glyphosate be doing to our fetuses? Why has our infertility and miscarriage rate skyrocketed to 30% just like the pigs in Denmark who ate feed sprayed with glyphosate and had their levels of miscarriage jump to 30%?
FISH SHARE 85% del mismo ADN que los humanos
The 96 hour minnow study showed the level of no-mortality at 2.1 a.e mg to 6.8 mg MON 2139/L. Higher than that and fish died in 4 days.We have 5 ppm allowed on our potatoes and 7 ppm of glyphosate allowed on tea, items that we eat/drink in large quantities.
The 2 month (dosing period) study of canaries showed mortality at 432mg/L and with birds dying within 2 hours of dosing at 3300 ppm. Our animal feed grains are allowed by the EPA to have levels of 400 ppm and are consistently fed this amount, it is not just a one or two time dose during 4 days of their life.
El estudio del ratón fue un mero 28 días... ni siquiera un mes ... y aunque afirmaron que no les hicieron cambios a los ratones ... ¿se supone que esta duración es válida como un estudio científico para la seguridad de un químico tóxico rociado en nuestros alimentos para consumir? Si allí se hicieron estudios más largos, no me los enviaron como lo exige la ley.
So the next time a GMO scientist tells you they have "hundreds of studies" showing the safety of GMOs and Glyphosate, ask them, how long are those studies for? What were the results? If the animals did not DIE, did they exhibit other symptoms (like not eating) that would lead to their death shortly after the duration of the study?
These studies, even in their small scope and short duration show that glyphosate should not be re registered. It's not sound science to see these as showing safety by any scope of the imagination and in addition this mother, for one, would prefer to be better safe than sorry than to feed my kid a chemical that has most oysters "closed and not feeding" after 4 days. It's hard enough to feed my kids, Thank you very much. I chose organic.
Informe a la EPA qué cree que deberían decidir con respecto a la revisión del glifosato AHORA. Están leyendo y evaluando estos estudios ahora y tomarán una decisión antes de Navidad. Contacto:
Neil Anderson
Jefe de Gestión de Riesgos e Implementación Rama I
División de reevaluación de plaguicidas
US EPA (Código postal 7508 P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NO
Washington, dc 20460
Phone: 703-308-8187
[correo electrónico protegido]
Zen honeycutt
PD: Me han informado que los estudios son confidenciales y no puedo compartir los documentos reales. Puede solicitar cualquier tipo de información que desee a través de la Ley de Libertad de Información.
Daño colateral propuesto del glifosato
Reunión de las mamás en todo Estados Unidos con la EPA para recordar el resumen y detener los cócteles químicos tóxicos en nuestros alimentos
Presented to the EPA mayo 27, 2014 on Rachel Carson's Birthday, author of "Silent Spring"
Cuando un químico no hace lo que el fabricante dice que hará, por ejemplo, se descubre que mata pájaros, la EPA, en lugar de recordarlo, evaluará si el "beneficio supera el costo". Y "a menudo descubren que sí". Es decir, hay un nivel aceptable de daño y muerte. Nos preguntamos cuál es el nivel aceptable de daño y muerte de nuestros hijos en correlación con el uso de glifosato.
¿Cuánto daño colateral debemos esperar que la madre aguante?
¿Las ganancias de las corporaciones superan el costo?
Daño colateral: estadísticas del impacto propuesto de los pesticidas en nuestros alimentos por las mamás en todo Estados Unidos
Los estudios demuestran que el glifosato destruye las bacterias intestinales. Enfermedades hoy asociadas con el daño de la bacteria intestinal:
- 150 children die each year from peanut/food allergies =3000.Food allergies have increased 400% =6.7 million since GMOs and pesticides have been allowed on our food. Intolerances=24.7 million. Study from the Journal of Pediatrics shows colitis has tripled in just 10 years.
- Los registros hospitalarios muestran un 79% de aumento en el diagnóstico de niños con enfermedad de Crohn en los últimos 10 años desde que se introdujeron la mayoría de los pesticidas. - Científica del MIT Stephanie Seneff
- Damaged gut means inability to produce tryptophan which equals and inability to produce serotonin, which regulates insulin. Diabetes =25.8 million people in 2011 alone.
- También significa que sin serotonina y melatonina, se produce insomnio, depresión, enfermedad mental y actos de violencia. Estados Unidos ahora tiene un tiroteo en la escuela cada dos días, hiriendo a cientos y traumatizando a millones.
Los estudios demuestran que el glifosato es un disruptor endocrino.
5. Estados Unidos es # 1 por muerte infantil en el primer día en el mundo industrializado. 50% más niños mueren en Estados Unidos en su primer día de vida que todo el mundo industrializado combinado. - Seneff Esto se correlaciona con el hallazgo de abortos involuntarios, defectos congénitos y pérdida infantil en sus cerdas alimentadas con OGM / Glifosato que tuvieron una pérdida de 30%.
6. EE. UU. Tiene un 30% de incapacidad para concebir en parejas jóvenes, la más alta en la historia registrada. - El Sierra Club
= 2 million babies lost each year
Los estudios muestran una conexión cerebral intestinal. Los estudios también muestran que el glifosato rompe la barrera hematoencefálica, permitiendo que las toxinas ingresen al cerebro. Esto puede explicar muy bien por qué los médicos no vieron una "inundación de niños con autismo", a pesar de que el mercurio estaba en vacunas desde 1929, hasta finales de 1990 cuando los OGM y el glifosato fueron permitidos en nuestros alimentos.
7. Dentro de veinte años, 1 de 2 de nuestros niños serán diagnosticados con autismo si continuamos al ritmo actual.- Seneff = 27.1 millones (costo hoy = avg 60 K p / familia / año = 1.6 billones de dólares)
Con respecto a los niños con autismo: utilizando las estadísticas de población de EE. UU .:
73.7 millones de niños 2012 = 837,500 niños con autismo (1 de 88 2 años atrás)
74. 3 millon niños de EE. UU. 2014 = 1,092,647 niños con autismo (1 de 68 hoy)
=increase of 255,146, in two years, = 127,573 children per year = 349 children diagnosed per day = 43 children per doctor’s office hour =every 1.2 minutes a child is diagnosed with Autism in America (during doctor's business hours.)
349 hijos por día = $ 20 millones, 940 mil en costo adicional para las familias estadounidenses POR DÍA. Esto equivale a un costo de 764.3 millones por año para las familias estadounidenses financieramente.
Esto no incluye la devastación en el tejido de nuestra sociedad, el costo para las escuelas públicas (el 50% del presupuesto federal se gasta en Educación Especial), el impacto en el divorcio debido al estrés y la mayor pérdida de coeficiente intelectual y talento que podría estar contribuyendo al éxito de América.
8. Dado que los OGM / Glifosato se pusieron en nuestros alimentos, nuestro coeficiente intelectual colectivo ha caído 7 puntos, lo que en lugar de 6 millones de daños mentales, ahora tenemos 9 millones. Y millones menos dotados y talentosos.
Diríamos que el asunto es urgente. Estos son los costos del autismo solo.
Cada día es crítico para el futuro de América.
9.Alzheimer’s increase- 5 million currently, every 67 seconds someone dies of Alzheimer’s
Los estudios demuestran que el glifosato es un quelante, que priva a los seres vivos con los que entra en contacto, de sus nutrientes vitales, vitaminas y minerales. La deficiencia de vitaminas es una ocurrencia constante en todos los pacientes con cáncer:
10 .Cancer es el asesino número uno de niños en Estados Unidos hoy.- El Consejo del Presidente sobre el Cáncer = 8750.
Más niños mueren cada año de cáncer que los que murieron en 9/11.
11. One out of two males (69.5 million) and one out of three females (47.8 million) are expected to get cancer in America today. -Robyn O’Brien. =117.8 million adults with cancer
12. One out of two of our children have some form of chronic Illness in America today. – Beth Lambert “The Compromised Generation” =37 million children
= Casi 200 millones de niños y adultos con enfermedades crónicas con cáncer, diabetes y Alzheimer solo.
Afirmamos que el costo del uso de glifosato no supera el beneficio.
Las peores noticias que una madre podría escuchar
Dear Friends
The last week or two were weeks of what looked like insurmountably bad news. Daunting. Unbelievable and disheartening.
1) The EPA RAISED the glyphosate levels to unbelievable amounts. We know now that breast cancer cells proliferated upon the introduction of only parts per TRILLION of glyphosate ( see our blog "Proof of GMO Harm"). We know that the chemicals in Agent Orange caused hundreds of thousands of birth defects and deaths. And yet the EPA has granted Monsanto's and Syngenta's requests to raised the levels of these and other chemicals by double, triple, quadruple and higher amounts in the part per million. For example: 2-4 D and other chemicals have been increased in the feed crops that the animals we eat , eat: barley hay from 1.4 to 30 ppm and aspirated grains from 30 to 108 ppm.
Glyphosate levels were increasd in Sunflower seeds to 85 ppm, Tea 5 ppm, Beans 5 ppm, Quinoa 5 ppm, Bananas .2 ppm, Sugar Beets 25 ppm, Dry Peas 8ppm, Pork 5 ppm etc.
Image from Occupy EPA
2) Moms Across America Zen Honeycutt was able to interview Anthony Samsel and found out that 160 of our foods are contaminated with glyphosate. See the full list here.
3) Birth defects in babies are a reported 4-8 X higher down stream from three orchard areas in Washington State that use heavy glyphosate sprays. See article here.
4) TPP: Many of us found out that an international trade agreement called TPP ( Trans Pacific Partnership) that could threaten everything we are working for by fast tracking ( and keeping secret) trade agreements between nations that could eliminate GMO labeling, allow corporation to sue countries for blocking sales of GMOs and force more sales of GMOs. Go to www.flushtheTPP.org to find out more and support the cause by hosting a Meet the Congress! event on MAA website.
We believe that some of the worst news a mother could hear is that the food we eat is causing harm to our family and the toxins in our environment that have been deemed safe by our own EPA are causing birth defects. On top of it our own government appointed officials may take away our rights to be able to choose our food and protect our families from these toxins. This is unacceptable.
But there MUST be Good news right?
Of course there is! Moms and our fantastic supporters are an undauntable bunch!
1) The biggest good news is that we are now creating PARTNERSHIPS between organizations that will expand and support all of our intentions nationally and around the globe. Moms Across Africa, Moms Across Canada and Moms Across Ireland have Facebook pages and we are working on developing an international coalition! We are connecting with several other orgs and will announce partnerships soon!
2) Moms Across America's Kathleen Hallal spoke at the La justicia comienza con la conferencia de semillas in Washington State last weekend and I spoke in my CT home town in front of 62 people, 20 teens from FRESH, a gardening program, who are out to transform the food industry! We are continuing the global movement for Moms, who buy 85% of the food, and supporters to be the ones to make a change in our health and freedom.
3) 14 year old Rachel Parent from Canada went on national TV and stood her ground debating Kevin O'Leary. Click here for the link. Inspiring! If she can speak up, we all can too!!
4) Kauai Hawaii and NY made giant steps forward in labeling GMOs and eliminating toxins from our environment and bodies.
5) Moms Across America is just getting started! Our next endeavors are:
GMO Free Shopping Day! Sept 7, 2013 GMO Free Moms and YOU Moms Across America supporters are the perfect candidates to host a GMO Free Shopping coaching session at your local grocery store! More info on www.gmofreemoms.org. Please post any and all of your events on www.momsacrossamerica.com so your local supporters can find you!
World Food Day octubre 16, 2013 Moms Across America GMO FREE SCHOOLS Educational Outreach. Gather a group of Moms to hand out flyers at drop off or pick up and educate your entire school about how they can make GMO free lunches! Flyers coming soon. Post your event soon!
RECALL ROUND UP: Date: ASAP- Glyphosate information door hangers to distribute in neighborhoods.
GMO Free DINING : Date: ASAP- Flyers to give to restaurants to encourage them to go GMO Free. Chef Patrick Stark supporting us with great tips!
We are disturbed by the bad news...but the good news is you.
Moms Across America is an international coalition of unstoppable moms and we have tremendous reach and power because we buy 85% of the food. It's up to us Mommas and our tremendous supporters.
The Good news are our Dads. The good news is our Teens. The good news is our kids, doctors, nurses and politicians who supports this effort. The good news is that we are not alone and we are growing!
We are continually and deeply inspired by the people like you who know this situation is daunting and huge and yet KEEP GOING ANYWAY.
Thank you for being unstoppable!
Zen honeycutt
Kathleen Hallal and the MAAM Team
P.S. We need your help. We need professionals..a non profit developer, social media gurus, graphic designers, writers, researchers and media support. Please also donate and encourage your favorite organizations to donate and support the Moms who buy 85% of the food to go GMO free and Organic and eliminate toxins from our food supply. Every dollar helps!