Nuevo estudio muestra que el glifosato perjudica a la próxima generación: mamás en todo Estados Unidos

Nuevo estudio muestra que el glifosato perjudica a la próxima generación

According to a new study, we have not even begun to see the true impact of glyphosate.

This new study by Kubsad et al, published in Scientific Reports shows that glyphosate alone, not the surfactants, impacts the germline of the fetus in female rats. The germline means the sperm and eggs inside the fetus, which will ultimately become the fetuses’ offspring. The sperm and eggs are harmed by glyphosate, affecting the health and viability of future generations.

There has been considerable controversy about whether or not it is glyphosate alone or the surfactants, also known as co-formulants, in glyphosate herbicides that cause harm. This point is legally significant. The EPA only requires safety studies on the one declared “active” chemical ingredient in glyphosate herbicides or any pesticide for that matter, not the full formulation which, includes the co-formulants. Lawsuits worth billions of dollars are being contested based on the industry science and EPA policies. Scientists who asserted that only the co-formulants caused harm and not glyphosate alone were inadvertently supporting Monsanto’s assertion that glyphosate (alone) does not cause harmful effects. That assessment could lead to another 15-year approval from the EPA.

Por otro lado, evidencia sustancial que demuestre que los coformulantes causan daño (y no están inactivos) podría conducir a un cambio de política que requiera que el fabricante presente estudios de seguridad basados en la formulación completa. La regulación de la formulación completa es un cambio muy necesario en la política y es la única forma de regular la seguridad con precisión.

El problema en cuestión es la revisión actual del glifosato y si la EPA revocará o no su licencia de uso o la volverá a aprobar por otros 15, 10 o 5 años. Si solo revisan los estudios de glifosato, pueden volver a aprobarlo porque no es inmediatamente y agudamente tóxico (matando a más del 50% de los sujetos animales en menos de 96 horas). De acuerdo a Estudio de Seralini et al., los tensioactivos son 1000 veces más tóxicos. Aún así, nuevamente, dado que la formulación completa no está incluida en la regulación, la EPA posiblemente podría ignorar esos efectos. Por lo tanto, este estudio que muestra los efectos epigenéticos a largo plazo del glifosato solo es significativo y podría conducir a la prohibición total del glifosato si la EPA lo considera.

Recently, the EPA has determined that glyphosate herbicides do harm 93% of endangered species and 97% of their critical habitats. No doubt, one of the ways the species are harmed is the manner in which this new study describes, epigenetically. When a species cannot reproduce, the species dies off.

La siguiente evaluación del nuevo estudio nos la proporcionó la experta en glifosato y científica del MIT, la Dra.Stephanie Seneff:

This is a follow-on paper from earlier work the same authors have done where they've shown that low dose glyphosate exposure to pregnant rats results in serious damage to their grandpups and their great grandpups.  It's an extraordinary finding, but it is characteristic of toxic chemicals that are endocrine disruptors.

It's the germline in the fetus that is being directly affected.  Those are the cells that will eventually become eggs and sperm for the next generation.  They get exposed directly to glyphosate and they respond through epigenetic modifications to the DNA.  This is not a DNA mutation, but rather a chemical modification of the DNA such as methylation of certain nucleotides in the DNA, that alter the expression of the genes and therefore the metabolic policy of the progeny that are descended from the exposed fetus.

This is a new angle to the research where they characterized differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs) in sperm taken from the sequence of generations. The attached figure is quite striking because you can see that the top items in the list have larger responses in later generations.  They also linked the patterns seen to various known diseases.

"Epigenetic analysis of the F1, F2, and F3 generation sperm identified differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs). A number of DMR associated genes were identified and previously shown to be involved in pathologies."

Numerous animal studies have shown that glyphosate-based herbicides, full formulation, contribute to cancer, autism, thyroid disease, neurotoxicity, birth defects, diminished gut bacteria, and therefore weakened immune systems, and can cause fatty liver disease. Clearly, glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides’ full formulations are harmful, not only to current generations but to future generations as well.



Según la EPA, en los Estados Unidos se utilizan trescientos millones de libras de glifosato por año en la agricultura y el paisajismo. Se ha informado que el herbicida permanece en el suelo durante 20 años. Teniendo en cuenta el uso generalizado, la longevidad y el impacto del glifosato en los órganos reproductivos, el futuro de la raza humana y la vida en la tierra podría depender de las decisiones de algunos legisladores de prohibirlo o no.

The EPA is accepting comments until marzo 12 about the impact of glyphosate herbicides on endangered species. We urge our readers to take action and tell the EPA to ban all glyphosate use immediately.COMMENT BY marzo 12, 2021. Commenters are instructed to post comments to the BE docket. Click on  Copy and paste EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0585 in the search bar. Comment and attach studies from 

View the prepublication notice of the biological evaluation for glyphosate.

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  • Vendaval de carmen
    comentado 2021-03-12 18:53:31 -0500
    Prohibir el glifosato es lo único correcto que podemos hacer para salvar nuestro planeta y las especies, las abejas, los mamíferos y los humanos en peligro. Permítanos transmitir el conocimiento a todos sobre cómo hacer jardinería y cultivar sin glifosato, transgénicos ni químicos dañinos.
  • Audrey tadlock
    comentado 2021-02-08 23:55:27 -0500
    Prohibir el glifosato
  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2021-01-29 10:10:02 -0500

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