Kennedy for Head of HHS Being in the DC Hearings - A Mom’s Perspective
Posted by Zen honeycutt · febrero 05, 2025 7:58 PM · 3 reactions
Big Ag Wants the Same Immunity As Vaccine Companies
Posted by · febrero 03, 2025 6:23 PM · 1 reaction
Open Letter to US Senators
Posted by · enero 26, 2025 4:18 PM · 1 reaction
Diet, Home and Garden
Moms have enough problems, we want SOLUTIONS!
This page is dedicated to the solutions we have found that work for our Moms. They may not work for you but you won't know until you try! Please click on the links and read the powerful testimonials from Moms and Grandmas!
Note: Although some of the companies that offer solutions may choose to sponsor our educational outreach, we are not featuring any company on this page BECAUSE they sponsor us, if they do. We simply listened to our Moms and want to offer solutions to Moms. We are also not doctors and always recommend you consult with a professional experienced with your child's unique health issues.
We Moms want to avoid GMOs, Glyphosate and toxic pesticides because we believe they are at the root cause of our kids having gut issues which can lead to allergies, autism, auto immune disorders, behaviorial issues, IBS, Chrohn's disease, diabetes, obesity, bi polar and more. We believe the first step is to:
REMOVE all foods from your diet that could contain GMOs/Glyphosate. See this list for surprising places where Glyphosate is allowed to contaminate our food.
AVOID Pesticides in food, parks, back yard gardens and sidewalks. Pesticide Action Network provides this great Healthy Kids Tool Kit: Click here.
Once you have removed as much of the polluting foods and environmental sources as possible, then:
Any level of glyphosate in your child’s body is of great concern.
90% of pesticides have been shown to be eliminated within one week. 100% after 2 weeks. Great improvements are reported by:
1.Eating only organic.
2.Treating any fungus/yeast/bacteria overgrowth. (Ask your integrative doctor for best methods)
These organizations, individuals, Moms and companies have also helped our children get better:
Cultured Food For Life
Donna Schwenk about her daughter Macy:
"She had allergies to almost everything. Food made her stomach hurt every time she ate. I brought cultured food into our diets and what an amazing journey that was...and a real joy for me because Macy's stomach healed. In about a year Macy wasn't allergic to anything anymore."
Weston Price Foundation
The GAPS Diet
If you know of a company that should be featured on this page, you are a Mom that really used the product (and NOT an employee or sales person from that company) then please endorse that company below.
Also if you purchase products from a company or store from our recommendations, let them know you heard about it from Moms Across America too! If they know about us they will consider sponsorship and partnership. With their support we can reach MORE Moms about GMOs/Glyphosate,which is what we believe is the REASON for all these gut issues, and WE CAN BE a part of the SOLUTION to recreate the future of America.
THANK YOU for your partnership in health and freedom!
Please Endorse a SOLUTION that works for you below!
The content of the Moms Across America website is provided for information purposes only. Information is subject to change without prior notice. Every effort has been taken to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, but no guarantees can be made.
Neither Moms Across America nor its authors are liable for damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this site. The authors are not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from this website or any damages resulting from information on those sites.
The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the information on this site lies with the reader. Moms Across America is not giving medical advice, only information as testimonials from what worked for our Moms. Always seek medical attention from an experienced professional.
Moms Across America es solo eso.
Es tu vecino. Soy yo. Eres tu.
Natalie, RN
Moms Across America's Advisors
Ruth WestreichPresident of the Westreich Foundation |
George KlabinFounder of Klabin Marketing
Don HuberEmeritus Professor of Plant Pathology |
Eric PlaskerBestselling Author, Creator of The 100 Year Lifestyle®, International Speaker, Chiropractor, Human Potential and Longevity Leader for Decades |
Beth LambertExecutive Director of Epidemic Answers |
Michelle Perro, MD, DHom |
Mark DoudlahRegenerative Organic Farmer |
Stephanie Seneff, PhD |
Former AdvisorRobert F. Kennedy Jr.Chairman of Children's Health Defense |
Moms Across America is seeking additional advisors, especially those from underrepresented communities and diverse backgrounds. Please send nominations to [email protected] with 3 references.
Moms Across America’s Partnering Organizations
Red de madres holísticas is a non-profit organization whose mission is to generate national awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and green living by providing nurturing, open-minded, and respectful local community networks that encourage families to share these ideals and learn from each other.
Children's Health Defense is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Their mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.
Americans for Responsible Technology is committed to promoting new technologies that protect the health, safety, security, privacy, and property values of their fellow Americans.
Alliance for Natural Health USA is the largest organization in the US and abroad working to protect your right to utilize safe, effective, and inexpensive healing therapies based on high-tech testing, diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes. They believe a system that is single-mindedly focused on “treating” sick people with expensive drugs, rather than maintaining healthy people, is neither practical nor economically sustainable.
Moms Across America está buscando miembros de equipo adicionales de comunidades subrepresentadas y de diversos orígenes.
Email us your nomination with 3 references HERE. Thank you!
Moms Across America is the brainchild of Zen Honeycutt, mother of 3 boys, one of whom had life-threatening allergies. That is until she found out about GMOs and helped her sons to avoid them. Her sons with allergies and autism symptoms got better when they avoided GMOs and pesticides by eating organic. Later her second son experienced a sudden onset of autism symptoms at 8 years old. He tested positive for fungus, gut dysbiosis, and 8 x higher the level of glyphosate in his urine than was found anywhere in European testing. Through an organic diet and restoring the gut bacteria, he is completely recovered. Passionate about caring for her family, and inspired by Robyn O'Brien's Ted Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey Smith's "Tipping Point Network" concept, Zen created a forum for Moms to reach out & encourage one another. The power of one. It starts a movement. And now look at us, marching in solidarity from Sea to Shining Sea in 172 parades in 2013 in 44 states! And 1000 events since then!
Moms Across America es reconocido por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos como una organización benéfica pública exenta de impuestos de conformidad con la Sección 501 (c) (3) del Código de Impuestos Internos. Nuestro número de identificación fiscal es 30-0891447. Las contribuciones de caridad a Moms Across America son deducibles de impuestos de acuerdo con la Sección 170 del Código de Rentas Internas.
'Estar en el jurado del juicio de Monsanto cambió mi vida'
Jurado de Monsanto en una revuelta histórica contra un juez que intenta rechazar su veredicto unánime
En una muestra sin precedentes de compromiso con la justicia, ocho de los 12 miembros del jurado y dos suplentes que participaron en el juicio Johnson v Monsanto, 10 en total, se tomaron un día libre, dejaron a sus familias y se presentaron en el San Francisco. La corte la semana pasada le hizo saber al juez Bolaños que quieren que se resuelva su veredicto. La "Prueba del Siglo", como muchos la llaman, resultó en un premio de $ 289.2 millones por el jurado de Monsanto a Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela que contrajo un caso terminal de linfoma no Hodgkin mientras usaba los productos herbicidas de glifosato de Monsanto Roundup y Ranger Pro.
Al llegar, "la sala del tribunal estaba tan llena", relató Robert Howard, miembro del jurado número cuatro, en una entrevista conmigo, "que uno de los miembros del jurado tuvo que sentarse en su antiguo asiento. El juez definitivamente notó nuestra presencia.
Compartió cómo, durante mucho tiempo, él y sus compañeros miembros del jurado, a quienes tiene la más alta estima, permanecieron en silencio. Se refirió al dicho: "No se puede citar incorrectamente el silencio". Pero cuando vio el aviso de que el veredicto del jurado podría ser revocado, él y varios miembros del jurado sabían que era hora de hablar.
Lee masComunicado de prensa Gly en OJ
El herbicida de glifosato se encuentra en todas las 5 marcas populares de jugo de naranja
Supporting article and full results here.
Facebook LIVE link here.
Mission Viejo, CA- Today Moms Across America released glyphosate test results revealing that all of the five popular orange juice brands tested positive for glyphosate weed killer. Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops. As confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our children, who frequently drink orange juice for breakfast, are especially vulnerable to pesticides and measures should be taken immediately to protect them."
The average person in America consumes 2.7 gallons of orange juice and 3 pounds of oranges each year. “100% Pure Orange Juice” is a common claim used by many juice brands that allow consumers to feel safe when serving it to their families on a daily basis. Finding glyphosate in food and beverages is becoming less of a surprise and more of a serious health risk, as honey, cereals, bagels, eggs, snacks, wine, beer, and most recently Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream have tested positive for glyphosate. The EU is currently reviewing evidence of coverups by the manufacturer and is considering banning the use of glyphosate herbicides.
Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto, and 750 other brands of glyphosate-based herbicides. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, often sprayed as a weedkiller between citrus trees, found in irrigation water and rain.
Two samples of each of the following brands were tested for both the herbicide glyphosate and its residue AMPA. Positive results ranged from 4.33 parts per billion (“ppb”) to an alarming 26.05 ppb. Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, which can lead to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Additionally, 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 drop in the water of 22 Olympic swimming pools combined.
Conventional citrus growers often insist that harsh chemical herbicides are necessary to maintain crop production and to prevent competition for water between weeds and the orange trees. However, Dr. Don Huber, a professor at Purdue University, a farmer educator, and a plant pathologist with 50 years of experience, has stated that glyphosate is not safe and can, in fact, increase water usage, disease and can be detrimental to citrus growth, soil and irrigation water quality. The USGS showed that counties in Florida had as much as two tons per square mile of residual glyphosate/AMPA in their soil.
Moms Across America y los consumidores solicitan al Congreso que exija a la EPA que revoque la licencia de glifosato, como se está discutiendo en Europa, y que los agricultores cambien a prácticas regenerativas orgánicas para proteger a sus familias, trabajadores agrícolas, consumidores, vida silvestre y el medio ambiente. .
For the full article click here.
Moms Across America es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 c3, una coalición nacional de mamás imparables cuyo lema es Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.
Glifosato encontrado en todas las 5 principales marcas de jugo de naranja
Updated agosto 6, 2021
In 2015 the USDA reported orange juice was the most consumed fruit juice in the United States and oranges were the second most consumed fruit overall, just slightly behind apples. The average person in America consumes 2.7 gallons of orange juice and 3 pounds of oranges each year. “100% Pure Orange Juice” is a common claim used by many juice brands that allow consumers to feel safe when serving it to their families daily. However, recent testing revealed that every one of the five top orange juice brands Moms Across America sent to an accredited lab tested positive for glyphosate weed killer. Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto, and 750 other brands of glyphosate-based herbicides. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, often sprayed as a weedkiller between citrus trees, found in irrigation water and rain.
Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops. As confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our children (who frequently drink orange juice for breakfast) are especially vulnerable to pesticides and measures should be taken immediately to protect them."
Two samples of each of the following brands were tested for both the herbicide glyphosate and its residue AMPA. Positive results ranged from 4.33 parts per billion (“ppb”) to an alarming 26.05 ppb. Chemical farming proponents will claim that these levels are too low to cause harm, and are lower than the EPA's allowable glyphosate residue level of 30 ppm on citrus, but these claims are irrelevant in comparison to new data. Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppm (100ppb) of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, which can lead to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Considering the standard American diet high wheat, sugar, oatmeal, soy, and corn, with levels of up to 6000 ppb or 1.67ppm have been detected, a child can easily exceed 100 ppb if a glass of orange juice is added at 26 ppb.
Additionally, 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 drop in the water of 22 Olympic swimming pools combined. Considering that studies show glyphosate bioaccumulates in bone marrow, any amount ingested is unacceptable.
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Descargar e imprimir - ¡Uso ilimitado!
Nuevos materiales
Imprima estos volantes y distribúyalos como mejor le parezca.
¡Invite a las personas a conectarse y obtener más información en manifestaciones locales, marchas y ferias callejeras!
![]() Folleto de Iniciativa de Escuela Saludable |
![]() Folleto de pesticidas |
![]() Folleto sobre plaguicidas - español |
![]() Hoja de datos de glifosato |
Letters to Senators
The EPA Must Stop the Countdown to Human Extinction
The COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Benefit Public Health
Folletos de reuniones de mamás
Imprima estos volantes e insértelos en los volantes que entregue. Tener una reunión y ayudar a correr la voz! Estos son volantes 4 -up y los tenemos en color y en blanco y negro.
We have new banners that you can have printed at your local printer with the files included below. Right-click on the link below the banner you would like and download it to your computer. You can then upload the file to their website and order your banner. It's easy!
Moms Across America- Creating Healthy Communities
Moms Across America Honors Organic Farmers
Pancarta de protesta (no desfile) - ¡Deja de envenenar a nuestros hijos!
Order from -- the cost is $44.99 for In-store pickup. Select Shop All | Pancartas | Upload Your Own Design. Select Banner Size - 2 x 6, Orientation - Landscape, Finishing - 6 grommets. Click Get Started. On the next page, click Add Image and upload the banner image. Above the banner, click "Scale to Fit". Click Continue. You will have the option to view your banner and then download a pdf proof if desired. After that you can either have it shipped or pick up in the Staples of your choice. That's it!
Let Freedom Ring! Banner
"March for an Organic America" Banner
Banner "Deje de rociar productos químicos tóxicos en nuestra ciudad"
Banner "Tenemos fe en nuestros agricultores"
Banner "Salud antes de la riqueza. Estados Unidos no puede permitirse el rodeo"
Bring an MAA Sign up Sheet to all events!
Gather, connect and empower moms to DO SOMETHING about creating healthy communities. Many people want to help they just don't know how! Connect and you can all work together, passing out flyers, meeting with representatives, school boards, or HOA directors.
Descargue e imprima una hoja de registro para recopilar información de la parte interesada y comparta su próximo evento con ellos.
MAAM Email Sign-up sheet to connect your community. Color- Click here
GATHER and ORGANIZE!!!! Download sign-up sheet here.
We ask if that you use the graphics to sell any shirts that all money goes to educational materials for GMO info locally. We request if you do use the graphics if you could please donate at least 6 dollars so we can compensate our generous and talented graphic designer who did these for us for free. ¡Gracias!
8 x 10" Graphics available to iron on your own t-shirts to use for parades. ( Note: Images are smaller than on the above shirts) Buy Iron On Paper at your local craft store or Staples.
OGM? ¡No lo estamos comprando!
¡Etiqueta los OMG AHORA! ¡Porque lo dijimos!
Folletos y pegatinas de Halloween
Print out these flyers and hand them out to help spread the awareness about GMOs and eating healthy all year long, including Halloween! Have healthy non-GMO treats? Print out these stickers and attach them to your treats -- the parents will be thankful! Right-click on the image to view and then you can download the image and print it out. It's that easy!
For Business Owners
GMO FREE DINING FLYER- Download, print and pass out to restaurants!
Click here for Front
Click here for Back
Para tiendas de comestibles naturales
Grocery Store Note - 6 to a page, one-sided, please cut.
junio 17-21 - Leave flyers at your natural grocery store asking for comments to EPA to stop contamination of food supply!
(haga clic en la imagen para imprimir en alta resolución - 2 arriba)
Para dueños de restaurantes
(haga clic en la imagen para imprimir en alta resolución)
Event Invitation Flyer
Descargar PDF en color (2 -up)
Here is a sheet you can print to sign people up to help get Roundup and Glyphosate out of your town and food.
Tour por la ciudad libre de toxinas
¡Apoye el recorrido por la ciudad libre de toxinas!

Soy Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America y mi familia y yo estamos conduciendo a campo traviesa en el National Toxin Free Town Tour para crear conciencia sobre las toxinas y empoderar a los ciudadanos para que tomen medidas y saquen el Roundup y los productos químicos tóxicos de sus ciudades y OMG de sus mesas. .
Podemos y estamos dispuestos a reunirnos con locales y simpatizantes en 40 paradas de ida y vuelta y entregar volantes, pancartas y materiales gratuitos para ayudar a crear comunidades saludables. ¡Cada persona que recibe estos materiales le da a su comunidad nuevas soluciones y revierte la crisis de salud de Estados Unidos! ¡¡¡Es la hora!!!
Will you chip in $5, $10 or what ever you can to support us in raising awareness?
Supporting this tour also helps to release the grip of our country from corporate control. The chemical companies only power they have over our government because we give them our money by buying their products. Together we can raise awareness and regain health, justice and freedom in America!
Necesitamos alrededor de $ 7,000 para el viaje: $ 2000 para gasolina, $ 2000 para edición de video y gráficos para el video que haremos sobre las granjas orgánicas que visitamos y los seguidores y sus historias en el camino, $ 1800 para lugares de RV y $ 1200 para soporte de logística.
¡Estamos súper agradecidos de que Dr.Bronner's igualará las donaciones! Los fondos adicionales se destinarán al apoyo de la gira: el programa de apoyo, camisetas, materiales, volantes, carteles de césped y donaciones de alimentos orgánicos a los bancos de alimentos locales.
Significaría mucho para nosotros conocer a nuestros seguidores, crear conciencia en todo el país, potenciar la acción para comunidades saludables y donar a los bancos de alimentos.
Si no aumentamos la cantidad total, la prioridad se dirige hacia el gas, los materiales y el video. ¡Esperamos recaudar más que suficiente para donar libremente a los bancos de alimentos y tener muchos suministros para repartir!
Nos conectaremos con seguidores y conoceremos nuevas personas en todo el país y les brindaremos APOYO y SOLUCIONES.
Simplemente no es suficiente para su familia o mi familia comer alimentos orgánicos o dejar de rociar Roundup en nuestros patios. Los futuros cónyuges de nuestros hijos están en algún lugar, probablemente comiendo OMG y toxinas de sus alimentos, vecinos y parques públicos. Así que este es un problema de la comunidad, un problema nacional y global. Una familia a la vez podemos marcar la diferencia y proteger a las generaciones futuras.
Estaré muy agradecido por su apoyo. Esta es la pasión de mi vida, y mi familia está totalmente dedicada a esta causa. Prometo que su donación hará la diferencia para las generaciones venideras.
¡Enormes abrazos de los Honeycutts!
hoja de inscripción
Descargue e imprima esta hoja de registro para que pueda conectarse con las personas después de la Marcha contra Monsanto, festivales, ferias y desfiles del 4 de julio. ¡Necesitamos reunirnos, organizarnos y crear cambios AHORA!
¡PUEDES tener una ciudad libre de toxinas y alimentos libres de OGM!