Don Huber - Moms Across America

Don huber

Don huberDr. Don M. Huber has a long, varied and highly productive career focused on plant physiology, microbiology, and pathology.

Don grew up on crop and dairy farms in Arizona and Idaho. His training from both University of Idaho (B.S. and M.S.) and Michigan State University (Ph.D., 1963), was augmented by U.S. Army military service in sensitive areas such as global epidemiology, national production capabilities, and national security.

A family man, he takes the education of his children and grandchildren seriously, serving twelve years on local school boards. At the request of the Indiana Governor, he served on the Indiana Education Employment Relations Board seven years as mediator and fact-finder for conciliation of collective bargaining disputes.

Huber began his 50-year academic career with eight years of service as a cereal pathologist at the University of Idaho. He taught, researched and published at Purdue for thirty-five years. His field: soil-borne disease control, physiology of disease, and microbial ecology — a perfect fit which reinforced his unique military work.

He is now Professor Emeritus of Purdue University.

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