Michelle Perro, MD - Moms Across America

Michelle Perro, MD

“Michelle Perro, MD, DHom, is a veteran pediatrician with four decades of experience in acute and integrative medicine. More than fifteen years ago, Dr. Perro transformed her clinical practice to include GMO and pesticide advocacy. She has worked as both Emergency Room Director and Attending Physician from New York’s Metropolitan Hospital/New York Medical College to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland, CA.

Dr. Perro has managed her own business, Down to Earth Pediatrics, creating a new field of integrative urgent care medicine. Dr. Perro has co-authored the highly acclaimed book, What’s Making our Children Sick? and is co-founder and CEO of a non-profit scientific-based website, GMOScience established in 2014. She has authored many publications and has had a column with the journal, The Townsend Letter.

She assisted in the creation of Regeneration Health International, a nonprofit based group focused on holistic health and promoting “food as medicine” in collaboration with Regeneration International Dr. Perro has lectured nationally and internationally on regenerative food/soil, environmental health and justice issues focused on children. She plans to have her second book, Making our Children Well, released summer 2024.”


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