Deje que el premio del jurado de $ 289 M se coloque en el caso de Monsanto
Por Neil Young y Daryl Hannah
Actualizado: octubre 14, 2018 11:12 am
As originally posted in the San Francisco Chronicle
Lee masHummus "saludable" contaminado con el resumen de Monsanto
Glyphosate in Hummus Test Results Report
Moms Across America
agosto 31, 2018
agosto 31, 2018 - Hummus es la merienda favorita para la mayoría de las personas que se consideran saludables. Aparentemente, la marca de hummus ahora se ha vuelto mucho más importante. Hoy, Moms Across America lanzó el resultados de pruebas de 10 muestras de hummus de 8 marcas mostrando niveles preocupantes de residuos de glifosato. Todas menos 1 de las muestras dieron positivo para niveles cuantificables. El glifosato se encuentra en Roundup, un herbicida popular de Monsanto, y se rocía comúnmente sobre garbanzos como agente de secado antes de la cosecha. El glifosato químico ha aparecido en numerosos titulares en las últimas dos semanas debido al veredicto en el juicio de Johnson v Monsanto. Johnson era un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela y el jurado del gigante químico Monsanto le otorgó 289.2 millones de dólares por "malicia y opresión" u ocultar el hecho de que sabían que su herbicida de glifosato podría causar cáncer. Las marcas de hummus que dieron positivo para residuos de glifosato fueron Kirkland Signature, Sabra, Cedar's, Simply Balanced, Trader Joe's, Sadaf y Hope. El hummus orgánico de Lilly fue la única marca que tuvo un resultado no cuantificable para el glifosato.
Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America stated, “Glyphosate residues in hummus are not surprising, due to the farming practice of spraying garbanzo beans preharvest with glyphosate as a drying agent, but these results are terribly disturbing. The agriculture industry has known since 2015 that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. They had ample time to discontinue the practice of spraying this herbicide on their crops. We hope now, with these results and the verdict of the Johnson v Monsanto lawsuit, that the EPA will revoke the license of glyphosate and farmers will stop using harmful chemicals.”
Lilly’s Hummus representative stated that they source their garbanzo beans from organic farmers in California. When asked about the absence of glyphosate in their products they stated, regarding their suppliers, “They perform random field pre-checks on crops, and recognize glyphosate as one of the worst herbicides. We’re very gratified to produce a nourishing product safe for individuals and families free of this substance.”
La revisión de la Prop. 65 de la EPA de CA hace que las empresas se vuelvan específicas sobre los químicos cancerígenos
agosto 30 , 2018 - Misión Viejo. Moms Across America aplaude la decisión de la Oficina de Evaluación de Riesgos para la Salud Ambiental (OEHHA) de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de California (CA EPA). Hoy es el día en que los cambios tan esperados entran en vigencia para las empresas, los fabricantes y las partes responsables en la cadena de suministro de exponer al público a productos químicos nocivos. A partir de este día, cualquier persona que exponga al público a sustancias químicas que se sabe que causan cáncer o daños reproductivos en California debe tener las advertencias establecidas de la siguiente manera o enfrentar una multa de $ 2,500 por día, por violación.
Zen Honeycutt, de Mom Across America, declaró: “Estamos encantados de que las empresas ahora tengan que indicar específicamente, por nombre, a qué producto químico están expuestas. El público tiene derecho a saber. Sin embargo, estamos indignados de que el glifosato, que está en la lista de Prop 65 y se rocía en nuestros alimentos y alrededor de nuestras escuelas y parques, no se incluirá porque Monsanto demandó a la EPA de California para detener El etiquetado. Esto es una injusticia para el público estadounidense que debe corregirse de inmediato ”. Los herbicidas de glifosato fueron objeto de una demanda reciente en la que el demandante Dwayne Lee Johnson recibió 289.2 millones de dólares de Monsanto por la causa de su linfoma no Hodgkin, a la que estuvo expuesto mientras usaba equipo de protección como aplicador de pesticidas en la escuela
According to 30 years of EPA policy, normally glyphosate, which was placed on the Prop 65 list in 2017, would be included in this regulation. All products, such as Roundup sold in Home Depot, would need to carry this warning today. All pesticide applicators would need to be informed that they were using products which cause cancer, and all farmers would see warning labels on their bulk purchases of glyphosate herbicides which they spray on our food crops. However, Monsanto sued the CA EPA and the judge granted them a temporary injunction which stopped the labeling of glyphosate herbicides. Their reasoning was that Monsanto had the right to “free speech” meaning they and the other clients in the lawsuit, such as the Wheat Growers Association, had the right to not speak about whether their products or food ingredients contained a probable carcinogen. Nevermind that they also have the free will to make or use a chemical which exposes the public unknowingly to a carcinogen.
Lee masThe Beginning of The END of the Chemical Era
Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, a school pesticide applicator with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, WINS his lawsuit against Monsanto! The jury (God Bless them) awarded Johnson 289.2 million dollars! 4000 other plaintiffs are waiting to sue Monsanto and 10,0000 are expected by the end of the year. Surely this decision has Bayer, who now owns Monsanto, reconsidering whether or not to continue to sell glyphosate-based products.
This is a huge win for humanity! Corporations around the world now get that they must take responsibility for the impact of their products!
Watch the verdict here:
US Court demands that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos in 60 days! Chlorpyrifos, a chemical sprayed on food crops, is a known neurotoxin, especially to children, and was supposed to be banned last year. But the ban was revoked by the current administration. Coincidentally, the ban dismissal was enacted after Trump held a meeting with the CEO of Dow, the manufacturers of the chemical, who gave a 1.2 million dollar donation to his campaign. At Moms Across America, we believe that no matter who we vote for, what our political inclinations are, that every public figure has a responsibility to protect our children. This behavior is reprehensible, and we are glad that the courts have the power to reverse that decision and reinstate the ban. We simply cannot allow big business to harm our little kids.
Transcripts of the closing arguments here.
Johnson's lawyer's slides here.
Also, in the news is Monsanto on trial and Robert F. Kennedy Jr - one of the lawyers suing Monsanto for the link to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Watch his stellar interview here.
We are so glad he addressed all the health issues we moms have been talking about for years now - and that the media is covering this issue!!!!
Lee masArsenic in Wine? Michelob Moves to Organic? Why the Alcohol Industry Is Making Changes
New Test Results Show What Popular Beer and Wine Brands Have in Common:
Monsanto’s Roundup
marzo 15, 2018 , Mission Viejo Ca- It has been a rough few years for the alcohol industry, but change is a-brewing. In 2015, Los Angeles CBS news broke the announcement of a lawsuit against 31 brands of wines for high levels of inorganic arsenic. In 2016, 12 California wines tested were all found to be positive for glyphosate herbicide. In 2016, beer testing in Germany also revealed residues of glyphosate in every single sample tested, even independent beers. Vinters and brewers alike began noticing the growing demand for organic. Just this week, Anheuser-Busch announced that their brand Michelob has launched a new beer Ultra Pure Gold made with organic wheat. What do these events all have in common?
Monsanto’s Roundup.
How are they connected? If you remember, French scientist Seralini et al released shocking findings in January of 2018 that all the brands of the glyphosate-based Roundup they tested, over a dozen, had high levels of arsenic, over 5x the allowable limit. Roundup used in vineyards and sprayed on grains used in beer as a drying agent is appearing to be one of the major contributing factors of arsenic (and of course, glyphosate) residues in our wine and beer.
Today Moms Across America is releasing new findings of glyphosate in all of the most popular brands of wines in the world, most of which are from the US, and in batch test results in American beer. The findings were at first, confusing. But one thing that was clear was that the beer and wine industries must and in many cases are, moving away from Monsanto’s Roundup in order to avoid contamination by this chemical herbicide, a known neurotoxin, carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor, which causes liver disease. Despite Monsanto’s impassioned appeal of “irreparable harm”, CA federal Judge Shubb allowed glyphosate to remain on the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list in a ruling out just two weeks ago.
Lee masTest Results of Wine and Beer
Click here for full pdf report of wine testing.
Click here for full pdf report of batch beer testing.
Judge Says Public Doesn’t Need Cancer Warning Label
CA Judge OKs Glyphosate Prop 65 Listing But Decides Public Doesn’t Need Cancer Warning Label on our Food and Products
febrero 27, 2018-- Today a CA Federal Judge ruled that the public does not need a warning label to inform us that cancer-causing and harmful chemicals in glyphosate herbicides are in our food or products, temporarily relieving manufacturers from the responsibility of being honest with their customers. At a time when more and more American families are struggling with diseases and their high cost, one man decided that it was an injustice to the chemical companies to have to tell us about the presence of their chemicals.
Senior United States District Judge William B. Shubb released his ruling regarding the case of Wheat Growers and Monsanto against the California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA), Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the CA Attorney General to remove glyphosate, the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, from the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list, a law approved by California voters by ballot initiative in 1986.
The Judge ruled that OEHHA can keep glyphosate on the Prop 65 carcinogen list but the manufacturers such as Monsanto and food producers will not have to label their products with a warning label. Normally, the law states that products containing chemicals on the list, above a certain level, must label their products within a year from the listing. The label would state, “WARNING this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm.” The temporary preliminary injunction granted by the judge halts the impending labeling by manufacturers of products and foods containing glyphosate and allows them to not inform their customers of this fact... that glyphosate has been found to cause cancer in animals and to be a probable human carcinogen.
Lee masDocumento sobre violaciones de derechos humanos enviado a Monsanto
Datos compilados por miembros del Equipo del Tribunal de Monsanto, Navdanya, Moms Across America y ciudadanos preocupados de los EE. UU.
Sostenemos que Monsanto, ante todo una empresa química, se equivoca al pensar que es su trabajo "Alimentar al mundo". El trabajo de Monsanto es asegurarse de que los productos químicos que venden sean seguros y efectivos. O, para redirigir sus recursos al negocio, lo que no incluye el uso de productos químicos tóxicos que pueden dañar a los humanos, la vida silvestre, el ganado, el suelo y el suministro de agua. Monsanto tiene la responsabilidad de mantener su compromiso con la seguridad e integridad de los productos formando un comité para investigar si se han producido violaciones de derechos humanos debido a sus productos y prácticas comerciales.
Millones de personas en todo el mundo están trabajando para reclamar su derecho básico de libertad de semillas, para proteger la salud y los derechos humanos y para promover la agricultura orgánica y la agroecología libres de veneno. Hacemos un llamado a Monsanto Company para garantizar que sus violaciones de derechos humanos reconocidas mundialmente cesen y desistan.
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El complot para acabar con IARC y continuar envenenando a nosotros debe ser detenido
¿Sabías que ... a pesar de que Se espera que 1 de 2 hombres y 1 de 3 mujeres en Estados Unidos contraigan cáncer, un grupo de miembros del Congreso de los EE. UU. que forman parte del Comité de Ciencia, Espacio y Tecnología de la Cámara de Representantes, amenazaron con desmantelar y desmantelar el Organismo Científico Independiente de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el Agencia internacional de investigación de Cáncer (IARC)?
El desembolso de fondos de EE. UU. Podría tener el impacto de desmantelar todo este cuerpo que sirve al mundo entero en temas de cncer, como parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.
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