Open Letter to International Presidents and Consumer Groups
Dear Presidents of Countries That Import USA Crops and Consumer Groups,
The mothers and families of the USA need your international help. Trump has signed an executive order prompting USDA policy change to allow GMO companies to self-determine if their GMO innovations pose a "plant pest" risk and therefore need to be regulated by our USDA or not. No mention of harm to humans or life on the planet. These GMOs - herbicide tolerant, BT Toxin, gene drives and CRISPR - with thousands of genetic mutations, will be exported to your country and/or other crops will likely be contaminated by their pollen or seeds. Your people, our people, will be a part of a continued global experiment whose results are only known when our young are sick and dying...which is already happening.
Lee masTell the Government to Regulate -and BAN- GMOS!
Thousands of us dedicated our lives to getting GMOs labeled. We thought we were being reasonable and that our government would listen to us. Our previous administration did not. GMOs are still not labeled, and they remain in our food unseen, without warning, and with thousands more in the pipeline.
Now our new administration has signed an executive order that GMO companies will be able to self-determine whether their GMO should be regulated or not. These are the same companies that brought us DDT, PCB's, Agent Orange, y Glifosato. The same companies that poison the paradise of Hawai'i, that refuse to pay the fees justly award to cancer patients in need of care due to the use of their products, and the same companies that have been found to be ghost writers of "scientific" studies showing that glyphosate is "safe."
These are the people our government trusts to put safe chemicals and genetically modified species in our marketplace, our towns, and our bodies. We do not agree that this is safe. In fact, we believe this is dangerous, corrupt, and criminal. They know that GMOs and chemicals like glyphosate can cause harm and they are allowing this anyway. Or do they? Are they seeing only the industry science and hearing from chemical company CEOs with big donation checks?
Lee masNearby farmers, landscapers, or neighbors spray pesticides and herbicides. I think my family is getting sick because of them. What do I do?
- Get tested. You need proof that these chemicals are impacting your bodies. We suggest urine testing with Health Research Institute Labs for glyphosate because they have the lowest detect-ability. Great Plains Labs has a GPL-Tox test for many pollutants which is very useful.
- Hair testing from the Detox Project is also good because it shows a month's accumulation.
- Go to or email the nearby farmers, landscapers or neighbors who are spraying and ask why/what they are spraying. Follow up with an email, asking for it in writing. I ask because “my kids have chemical sensitivities and I just want to be clear which ones they might be responding to.”
DIY Insect Repellant
At Moms Across America, we are always on the lookout for safe, toxin-free alternatives to the many food, household, and body products that we are exposed to every day.
MAA supporter Marielle shares with us some of her favorite solutions that are safe not only for our families but our fur babies too.
Bug repellent and spray products can be scary for moms across the nation, even more concerning than the mosquitoes themselves. Many popular bug repellents are known to contain harsh chemicals (e.g. petroleum) which makes many hesitant to use them on their kiddo’s skin. When the “momsenses” kick in, many moms question sunscreens, lotions, soaps, etc. to ensure the safety and well being of their kids.
THE State of Emergency
Our current administration has issued many executive orders and declared some situations in America as a State of Emergency. Troops have been mobilized, millions of emergency funding have been spent, and immediate actions have been taken in some situations to respond to a crisis.
Though there are many urgent matters happening in our world today, our administration needs to see the state of emergency, happening everyday in almost every American home, is the state of our children's health.
We call upon our administration to focus its attention on our millions of sick children, now. Immediate action must be taken, political will must be mobilized, and policies must be passed to protect our children. Our children are our future. Without healthy children, and adults, we cannot be a world power, a thriving nation, or a compassionate society. We must take action to prevent health issues, not just to treat them. We must reduce our children's exposure to toxins, regain their potential, and the future of our country.
Lee masGovernment Induced GMO Free-For-All
If you looked at the recent news about the policy proposal to have GMO companies regulate themselves, 30 years ago, we would have thought it satire. No one except for the GMO companies, shareholders, and corrupted members of our government would thought that it would be a good idea for chemical companies to regulate themselves. We have all seen, through the devastating situations of cancer and deformities involving Agent Orange, DDT, PCBS, PFAS (ie:non stick pan chemicals) what happens when chemical companies are allowed to sell their products without regard for safety. This recent executive order is an assault on the health and safety of us all.
The Center for Food Safety states," Unfortunately the rules being proposed would make almost every GMO exempt from regulation and instead allow the companies that make GMOs decide the safety of their own products before selling them. If we don’t stop these new rules, the vast majority of GMOs will not be reviewed by the government. Instead chemical and food companies would decide whether or not their own GMOs are harmful. Talk about a conflict of interest!"
We must speak up!
Lee masProtect Your Pets! Avoid Poison in Pet Food and Your Neighborhood!
We all love our pets. But both wild and domesticated animals are contracting illnesses at an increasing and alarming rate. There are many factors that are contributing to the tragic increase of animal sickness and death including food, environmental factors, and vaccines.
Food is the most consistent contributor to an animal’s health. Unfortunately, the pet owner community and animal advocates can no longer just trust the label on a pet food package, even if it says “natural.” In general, the safety standards and requirements to disclose ingredients are far less rigorous for animal food than human food.
Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste!
Plastic Free July is a campaign led by the Plastic Free Foundation. Each year, millions of people around the globe take the challenge and choose to refuse single-use plastics. Their vision is to see a world without plastic waste. In julio 2018 alone, 120 million people across the globe took part in the challenge across 177 countries.
Whether you want to reduce your consumption at work or at home, whether you already are aware of things you can do to cut back on plastic use - or need fresh ideas - Plastic Free July and the Green Education Foundation have many creative options.
Lee masHappy Independence Day!
Our liberty can never be safe but in the hands of the people themselves.
Thomas Jefferson
As we all celebrate this 4th of July - whether it’s in your backyard or marching down your main street - I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the meaning of the holiday. It was on julio 4, 1776 the Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were united, free, and independent states, no longer subject to the rule of Britain. And for over 240 years that day has been celebrated as a time to honor the courage of the men and women who gave us that freedom and fight to maintain that freedom, as well as a time to reflect on and appreciate our freedom.
Why We Need to Understand the Science
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. This is a clear prescription for disaster. Carl Sagan from Parade Magazine, septiembre 10, 1989
Nearly 30 years ago Carl Sagan, American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science popularizer and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences wrote an essay for Parade Magazine entitled “Why We Need to Understand Science.” It was a balanced look at the good and bad, the ups and downs of science and technology from his perspective.
I know that science and technology are not just cornucopias pouring good deeds out into the world...Our technology has produced thalidomide, CFCs, Agent Orange, nerve gas, and industries so powerful they can ruin the climate of the planet. There's a reason people are nervous about science and technology.
Lee mas