Blog de las mamás en toda América


Qué podemos hacer para mantener a Estados Unidos fuerte

caída-del-mercado-de-valores-XHAWUP4.jpgRecibimos muchos consejos de las estaciones de noticias para seguir lavándonos las manos y practicar el distanciamiento social. Estas dos acciones ayudarán a prevenir la propagación de CoVid 19, sin embargo, no evitarán directamente el efecto secundario de la pandemia, que es el colapso de nuestra economía. El impacto que podríamos enfrentar en los próximos meses por la pérdida de empleos, la venta de acciones y el cierre de negocios, si no somos responsables, podría provocar más muertes y personas sin hogar de las que podemos imaginar.

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Trump anula la regulación de los transgénicos durante la pandemia

Presione soltar
Contact Debbie Luican
[email protected]

Mission Viejo, CA, marzo 28, 2020 -  Moms Across America has received documentation from a supporter showing that the USDA program inspectors have been instructed to no longer regulate genetically modified organisms (GMO) in foods, including meat and egg products. The order reads,IPP (inspection program personnel at the USDA) are not to verify whether establishments meet labeling requirements related to the NBFDS (National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standards).” The order states that enero 1, 2022, the Agricultural Marketing Service will enforce compliance with NBFDS. 

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Estimulador de buen humor garantizado

¿Temeroso? Estresado? ¿Ansioso?

Escuche a mamá.

  • Deja tu teléfono.
  • Take a moment to read some GOOD NEWS Acerca de GOOD DEEDS and...
  • Respirar....

En todo el país y en todo el mundo, las personas se están intensificando durante este tiempo de estrés y miedo y nos están volviendo locos con amabilidad. La semana pasada presentamos la generosidad creativa de personas principalmente en Europa, en Italia y España. Esta semana reunimos historias de aquí en los buenos Estados Unidos de A. 

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¡Llamada a la acción! ¡Proteja a nuestros niños en las escuelas!


Gobernador Newsom: ¡No implemente 5 instalaciones G / Wireless en nuestras escuelas durante la cuarentena!  


Estimados californianos y amigos de los californianos:

On Thursday, marzo 19, El gobernador Newsom anunció his intention to expand the deployment of wireless infrastructure in schools during the COVID-19 quarantine. We understand this is during a time when there will be the least resistance to this harmful technology. While we all appreciate Governor Newsom’s leadership regarding COVID-19, deploying further wireless infrastructure in our schools and neighborhoods, especially at this time, is taking the wrong path.


Children's Health Defense, junto con Moms Across America y 5 G Free California, está lanzando una campaña para que el gobernador Newsom reconsidere su decisión y lo anime a asumir el liderazgo en la protección de la salud de nuestros niños de los daños comprobados de la radiación inalámbrica y para liderar el camino con tecnología de cableado más segura y rápida.  

As reported by the LA Times:

“With schools closed across the state and teachers struggling to implement online and alternative learning programs, the governor also asked for an expansion of technology investments for schools, an increase in Title I funding for schools with a high concentration of poverty, broadband internet upgrades, grants for teachers to adapt to digital-age instruction…”

Newsom's full letter to the President aquí.


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El poder de nosotros

En el peor de los casos, tenemos la oportunidad de ser los mejores de la humanidad.

Lo que está sucediendo en el mundo ahora mismo es aterrador. El impacto económico y en la salud de CoVid 19 está cambiando nuestra vida cotidiana de manera espectacular. En cada momento las cosas pueden cambiar ... a medida que el mercado de valores se desploma, se recortan los fondos para organizaciones sin fines de lucro como la nuestra, se detienen los contratos de mes a mes con consultores, se cancelan los trabajos de catering, dejando a los fabricantes de alimentos con miles de porciones de alimentos. De repente, las familias necesitan resolver la educación en el hogar, ya que los niños son enviados a casa durante semanas o incluso un mes o más. La vida está trastornada. Podemos reaccionar ante eso. O elige respirar y crear en cada momento.

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Adopte un enfoque racional al reciente coronavirus

Reprinted with permission by Restoration Healthcare.

¿Preocupado por el coronavirus? No estas solo. Es difícil NO preocuparse por eso si sigue las noticias o publicaciones en las redes sociales. Pero una sola estadística debería ser suficiente para aliviar los temores y el pánico: el 81 por ciento de las personas infectadas con el reciente coronavirus, que a día de hoy son 164 personas en 19 estados, tienen síntomas leves.

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Healing Chronic Migraines: Using Nutrition as a Prescription for Health

By Josette Herdell, MS, CN
Functional Nutritionist & Executive Director of the Herdell Migraine Institute

Therapeutic Nutrition

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” -Thomas Edison

Nutrition is a powerful therapeutic healing tool which gives the body the building blocks to regenerate and heal itself. Food can be used to support the body’s innate healing mechanisms by providing vitamins, minerals, macro and micronutrients, as well as phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, detoxify and regenerate cells. The role of nutrition in preventing migraines is well-established, with diet being a primary migraine trigger and the elimination of specific foods a fundamental aspect of migraine treatment. Modern industrialized society has flooded us with pre-packaged, artificially flavored and preserved food-like substances that barely resemble the whole foods our bodies are designed to recognize and utilize for maintaining health.

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10 Reasons You Should Vote Every Chance You Get

If you look up the etymology of the word “democracy,” you will find out that it translates from the ancient Greek meaning “people rule” or “people power.” Despite our power, not so many of us choose to exercise it. In the midterm elections of 2018, according to NPR, over 100 million of us voted - hitting a new record. NPR called the turnout “massive” with a 47+% turnout. That means that approximately 53% of us who were eligible to vote didn’t. WOW! We can do better. More people - everyone who can vote - should vote. At Moms Across America we believe that it is important for everyone to participate in the future of our towns, country, and planet. We want you to vote. If you need some motivation, here are 10 reasons. We’re sure you can think of even more.

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Top 6 Reasons to Bring Back Victory Gardens

Reprinted with permission from our friends at Grow Food Nation.

by | enero 15, 2019

In the mid-1940s the United States government asked the people to plant edible gardens to help support the downwardly spiraling economy and the war effort. During that time millions of people all over the country planted gardens called “Victory Gardens” and harvested nearly one-third of all the vegetables consumed in the country. That means 33% of all our vegetables came from small-scale gardens! Gardening became a popular family or community effort planting vegetables, herbs and fruit trees.

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Health Benefits of Love

Valentine’s is not just a day for greeting card companies to make money. It is...but it does not have to be ONLY that. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to remind the people you love how special they are. But you don’t have to have a partner to love you...remember it’s about YOU feeling and giving love. You can volunteer at a homeless shelter and feel love for your fellow human beings as you serve them. You can buy some organic chocolate bars and give them out on Valentine’s Day to lonely seniors in your local senior center. You can forgive your mother or father and simply give them a hug. You can call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time and just tell them you love them.

You may find yourself in difficult times....without a partner or in conflict with family or friends, and consider that these are the times when it is most important ...for your generate love. As someone who has, through life, fallen “out of love” with many people or entities...government, people, family members, I know it is not always easy. I have learned that feeling love is a choice, a generating of respect, acceptance, wonder, and delight. When I choose love, everything aligns, feels clear and peaceful.

Look into your life and out in the world...what can you find that you respect, cherish, or enjoy about someone?

It’s good for them and it’s good for you! As our friends at Natural Healers remind us - love comes with many health-related benefits!

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