Could the COVID Vaccine Cause Autism? - Moms Across America

¿Podría la vacuna COVID causar autismo?

A nuevo estudio ha demostrado que la exposición materna a altos niveles de herbicidas glifosato de Monsanto / Bayer causó síntomas similares al autismo en ratas machos jóvenes. Los estudios en animales se consideran de gran relevancia para el Instituto Nacional de Salud y la única base para la aprobación de la EPA.

El nuevo estudio es innovador, ya que muestra claramente la vía de cómo el glifosato causa autismo a través de alteraciones de la microbiota intestinal y un aumento de epóxido hidrolasa soluble. (sEH) enzima en el cerebro. Cuando se administró un inhibidor de la enzima sEH por vía oral a las ratas madres gestantes y lactantes, los síntomas similares al autismo fueron prevenido en la descendencia.

Tenemos una epidemia de autismo en Estados Unidos.

1 de 34 niños en algunos estados de EE. UU. tienen autismo. Se espera, si continuamos al ritmo actual, que el autismo afecte la mitad de nuestros hijos dentro de una década. 

El glifosato se usa ampliamente en jardinería y agricultura, contaminando la mayor parte de nuestra comida convencional, muchos productos personales y nuestro entorno. Eso Se ha detectado en nuestros alimentos como trigo, frijoles, soja, huevos, lácteos, vino, cerveza y productos sanitarios femeninos. Estamos expuestos con tanta frecuencia, y tanto, que incluso una pequeña cantidad podría sumar un alto nivel en una madre embarazada o un bebé.

Glyphosate has even been detected in childhood vaccines including the flu shot given to pregnant women.

procedimiento-de-inyección-de-vacuna-W8HGG2P.jpgThis contamination is unacceptable and the predictable future, if we continue exposing pregnant women and children to glyphosate, is unsustainable for our country. This is an urgent situation. The development of the COVID-19 vaccine is being rushed and contamination and safety testing could be overlooked. No COVID or any other vaccine should be administered to anyone, especially pregnant women and vulnerable infants or children, without screening for glyphosate or other toxin contamination.

Glyphosate has been detected in thousands of food samples and even vaccines, including the flu shot given to pregnant women. There are no studies that we know of to show the impact of glyphosate, even at very small amounts, injected directly into the bloodstream of a pregnant woman. The widespread contamination of glyphosate and exposure through many sources is likely accumulating to high levels of glyphosate in today’s pregnant women and is a major contributing factor of the skyrocketing numbers of children with autism.

How is glyphosate getting into vaccines? Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world and in addition to being used in landscaping in our community parks and streets, it is sprayed directly on GMO food crops and on non-organic food crops as a drying agent. It does not wash, dry or cook off and is absorbed. Animals such as pigs, chickens and cows that eat glyphosate-sprayed grains have been shown to have glyphosate in their tendons and bone marrow. Pig tendons are made into gelatin, which is a stabilizing agent in vaccines. Bovine (cow) serum and chicken/egg cells are also used in vaccines. Other GMO ingredients in vaccines, such as soy or corn, and ingredients derived from glyphosate-sprayed crops such as sugar (fructose) could also be the mechanism for contamination. Scientists suspect the contamination is happening through these pathways.

Organizaciones Mamás en toda América y Red de acción de consentimiento informado (ICAN ) have both asked the FDA and CDC to test for glyphosate in vaccines and ensure safety. Our concern is that not only is glyphosate impacting the gut as shown in this study, but that it is breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing toxins such as aluminum (also in vaccines at high levels) into the brain, contributing to autism and Alzheimer’s. These regulatory agencies respondió con una negativa tomar los resultados de la prueba en serio y no haber abordado este problema. Además, Moms Across America e ICAN solicitaron a la FDA pruebas de estudios de seguridad realizados que demuestren que la vacuna contra la gripe es segura para las mujeres embarazadas. Su respuesta era que no tenían ningún estudio de este tipo disponible.

The question is, considering this new autism study, and evidence of glyphosate in vaccines, will the FDA take the safety of vaccines seriously now?

¿La FDA y los fabricantes de vacunas probarán la vacuna COVID- 19 para detectar la contaminación por glifosato?

Will the FDA, ACIP and CDC require or promote this vaccine to pregnant women and risk increasing the rates of autism in our country?

Hacemos un llamado a los fabricantes de vacunas, los reguladores de seguridad de las vacunas, la FDA y los CDC, y los departamentos de salud pública para que aborden seriamente la seguridad de las vacunas ahora.

What will be required is for vaccine manufacturers to source ingredients that are not derived from GMOs, animals fed GMO/glyphosate-sprayed grains, and ingredients that are not sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent. These ingredients will likely be difficult to source, and requests will need to be made of the agriculture industry to change their practices. It would be essential for the farmers to not substitute glyphosate for glufosinate or dicamba (now banned) , etc...and simply replace one toxin with another. Farmers may insist that they cannot grow crops without these toxic chemicals but that is simply not true. Farmers have been ingenious, and they have been farming for thousands of years without toxins. The biodinámico and growing regenerative alimentos orgánicos industry is proof that it can be done.

Vaccines contaminated with toxins and glyphosate are one of the major reasons why an increasing number of parents are vaccine hesitant today. If public health officials want to impact vaccine hesitancy, this issue must be addressed.

We ask you to call upon Dr. Fauci, the CDC, FDA and vaccine manufacturers to test the COVID-19 vaccines for glyphosate and ensure all vaccines are toxin free.

Join us in this call to action by clicking here and sharing the campaign.

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  • JIm Jordan
    comentado 2021-04-11 18:08:05 -0400
    For those that do not know, I decided to look into the research study they looked into, Glyphosate in HIGH LEVELS can be harmful to pregnant mothers, and is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to even affect the baby. Think of an adult male vs an adult mouse and think of the size difference. You will more than likely not reach any kind of high levels of Glyphosate nor will any amount in a dose of a vaccine affect you or your child. Infact, COVID can have more of an effect on your child rather than Glyphosate. Get vaccinated everyone.
  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2020-06-15 19:27:49 -0400

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