About Us - Moms Across America

Moms Across America is just that. 

It's your neighbor. It's me. It's you.  

Founder & Executive Director

Board President

Natalie, RN
Board Treasurer

Board Member


Admin Extraordinaire


Divine Data Researcher



Moms Across America's Advisors


 Ruth Westreich

Ruth Westreich

President of the Westreich Foundation

George Klabin

George Klabin

Founder of Klabin Marketing


Don Huber

Don Huber

Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology
Purdue University



Eric Plasker

Bestselling Author, Creator of The 100 Year Lifestyle®, International Speaker, Chiropractor, Human Potential and Longevity Leader for Decades

Beth Lambert

Beth Lambert

Executive Director of Epidemic Answers


Michelle Perro, MD, DHom


Mark Doudlah

Regenerative Organic Farmer
Doudlah Farms

Stephanie Seneff, PhD


Former Advisor

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Chairman of Children's Health Defense




Moms Across America is seeking additional advisors, especially those from underrepresented communities and diverse backgrounds. Please send nominations to [email protected] with 3 references.

Moms Across America’s Partnering Organizations

Holistic Moms Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to generate national awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and green living by providing nurturing, open-minded, and respectful local community networks that encourage families to share these ideals and learn from each other.

Children's Health Defense is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Their mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Americans for Responsible Technology is committed to promoting new technologies that protect the health, safety, security, privacy, and property values of their fellow Americans.

Alliance for Natural Health USA is the largest organization in the US and abroad working to protect your right to utilize safe, effective, and inexpensive healing therapies based on high-tech testing, diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes. They believe a system that is single-mindedly focused on “treating” sick people with expensive drugs, rather than maintaining healthy people, is neither practical nor economically sustainable.

Moms Across America is seeking additional team members from under-represented communities and diverse backgrounds.

Email us your nomination with 3 references AQUÍ. Thank you!

Moms Across America is the brainchild of Zen Honeycutt, mother of 3 boys, one of whom had life-threatening allergies. That is until she found out about GMOs and helped her sons to avoid them. Her sons with allergies and autism symptoms got better when they avoided GMOs and pesticides by eating organic. Later her second son experienced a sudden onset of autism symptoms at 8 years old. He tested positive for fungus, gut dysbiosis, and 8 x higher the level of glyphosate in his urine than was found anywhere in European testing.  Through an organic diet and restoring the gut bacteria, he is completely recovered. Passionate about caring for her family, and inspired by Robyn O'Brien's Ted Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey Smith's "Tipping Point Network" concept, Zen created a forum for Moms to reach out & encourage one another. The power of one. It starts a movement. And now look at us, marching in solidarity from Sea to Shining Sea in 172 parades in 2013 in 44 states! And 1000 events since then!

Moms Across America is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public charity consistent with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax identification number is 30-0891447. Charitable contributions to Moms Across America are tax-deductible according to Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.  

Thank you to Pamm Larry of LabelGMOs for your support, the Institute for Responsible Technology: Jeffrey Smith Tipping Point Network, to Robyn O'Brien of Allergy Kids, Beth Lambert, "Canary Kids Party", Jeffrey Hays producer of the movies "Bought", Autism Media, The Thinking Moms Revolution, Holistic Moms Network, Friends of the Earth, NYR Organic, Dr.Bronner's and many more supporters and sponsors for your support.

We have many more supporters and we thank you dearly for your commitment. Our hundreds of local leaders are the backbone of our national coalition of unstoppable Moms. If you want to be a leader or sponsor, please join us! Together we can do it! The list of supporters is growing every day.

Showing 11 reactions

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  • Leslie Preston
    commented 2021-09-16 00:04:56 -0400
    Hey Christine
    What we eat influences our mental and physical health. Here’s an article about autism and how it may be linked to glyphosate (an Herbicide sprayed copiously on our food). Mom’s Across America also has a lot of information about this herbicide and how it affects our health. Moms Across America is committed to getting glyphosate (as well as other poisons in our environment) banned. https://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/weed-killer-glyphosate-harming-your-health
  • Chloe purcell
    commented 2021-05-02 14:44:38 -0400
    NVIC national vaccine information center Barbra fishers website. Children’s health defense as well as Del Bigtree the high wire are all informational places on childhood vaccinations. Dr shiva As well truth freedom and health. Freedom keepers United which is in every state has groups of families connected to each other on a local level.
  • Christy Schweiss
    commented 2021-05-02 14:00:30 -0400
    Looking for childhood vaccination infor . Can someone direct me to some infor about this.? Christy
  • Leslie Preston
    commented 2021-02-16 08:01:50 -0500
    Why I joined Moms Across America
    Okay, so I’m not a Mom. Nope, I had a complete hysterectomy in my twenties for end stage endometriosis. (There’s plenty of evidence that toxic chemicals may have a hand in the development of endometriosis, but enough about that.)
    I’ve always been interested in the relationship between what we eat and our mental and physical wellbeing ever since I read Adele Davis’ books in high school.
    In my fifties I started to realize that health care in this country wasn’t really healthy. The emphasis wasn’t on wellness. Our healthcare system is based on waiting until you develop disease before you treat it not on prevention of disease. It is based on treating the symptoms of an illness to help give relief of those symptoms but not necessarily looking for and treating the causes of the illness. At that time I joined a healthcare group that was trying to make changes to our healthcare system. Sadly I learned that they weren’t about advocating for wellness. They were about creating a single payer healthcare system. Well okay I was for that too. Healthcare should be for those people who need it and not just for those who can afford it. The group dissolved when Obamacare came into being.
    I still follow groups advocating for single payer healthcare, but now I’ve been advocating for wellness again. What good is having a system in place that covers the cost of your healthcare yet doesn’t have wellness as its main goal. You’re just throwing good money after bad. The system will go broke. The good thing about wellness is that you don’t have to wait for government approval like single payer healthcare. You can start getting well right now. It’s good to see the growing interest in functional medicine. Functional medicine doctors are often doctors who had been frustrated with conventional medicine and found their patients did better by switching to treatments that center on whole body wellness.
    So who could I bring my message to about the importance of healthy eating, cleaning up our toxic environment and getting rid of toxins in our food. The average person has 700 toxins in their body. A newborn baby is said to have 200 to 250 toxins in their body. Why, why why? Many of these chemicals didn’t even exist one hundred years ago. I’ve written letters to my governor, senators and congress people. As I was writing one letter I thought about an old saying: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I changed it to : Hell hath no fury like a mother whose children are being poisoned. Yes, Mothers! So where are these mothers? A congress person might be swayed by corporate money, but not an angry mother who loves her child.
    So here I am.
  • Michigan Timber
    commented 2020-08-19 14:51:51 -0400
    How can I start a petition to prevent my county from spraying toxic herbicides? What steps can I take? I am appauled at the spraying in our county! ) :
  • Chloe purcell
    commented 2020-06-28 04:24:53 -0400
    Love you ZEN my family to yours woman! We thank you for all you are doing to keep our children safe and away from glyphosate !!!!!!!!
  • Pamelia Cassie
    commented 2017-09-07 15:47:23 -0400
    HELP!,My Name Is Pamela, I Worked In Health & Social Care /Ex-Nurse,I Am On A Mission To Raise AWARENESS About Toxic Exposure,To Glyphosate aka {Roundup} Scotland,& rest uk SIGN THIS*PETITION* For Yourself &*Children’s*Health* https://www.change.org/p/stop-spraying-our-childrens-food-playparks-with-cancergenic-chemicals-glyphosate
  • Susan Hopp
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-07-27 16:25:37 -0400
    Moms Across America is a leader in uncovering the devastating health impact of glyphosate, herbicides, GMOs in food.
  • Susan Hopp
    @hlpearth tweeted link to this page. 2017-07-27 16:25:32 -0400
    Moms Across America is a leader in uncovering the devastating health impact of glyphosate, herbicides, GMOs in food. http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/about_us?recruiter_id=149552
  • Ruth
    followed this page 2016-08-16 14:59:32 -0400
  • Irma Berry
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-04-16 17:19:00 -0400
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