Moms Across America blog


New Media for Health and Freedom

wave.jpgNow is the time! Do you feel the wave? People all across the country are showing up at Senate hearings. SHOUT OUT TO CT, NY, NJ, OR, WA, CA, TX and AZ especially right now! People are sharing, speaking up, and shifting the thinking around vaccines, toxins, and medical freedom. This is important to us. So important that we will risk the trolls and negative press. So what. Being silent simply is not a consideration when it comes to the health and well being of our families!

Today I am thrilled to share several ways you can show light on the truth- please share these wonderful videos, movies and even a Deck of Cards to raise awareness about health, our food supply, and the impact of the current vaccine schedule and ingredients in vaccines.

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Bayer's $2 Billion Dollar Headache Affects Us All


You must have heard about the $2 billion dollar win for our cause via the Pilliod v Monsanto trial by now. It's everywhere. It's glorious. We celebrate this tremendous win! And we wish to remind the public of what is really going on here. Some things are simply not being mentioned in the media.

Moms Across America asked nicely. We went to the Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) shareholders' meeting and asked 1,000 shareholders and the entire board of directors to "change direction, away from this toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails." I asked for them to consider the job security of their employees, pointing out that a business plan which includes poison is not a viable long-term plan, and that many could lose their jobs. Other moms like Anne Temple also asked them to "mitigate the inevitable litigation," to protect their own shareholder value, and to stop selling Roundup and glyphosate herbicides now.


They ignored us.


They belittled us.


And they funded movies and shills to discredit us.


Even though we were "just moms," the attacks were vicious.

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GMO Impossible Burger Positive for Carcinogenic Glyphosate

GMO Impossible Burger Tests 11X Higher for Glyphosate Weed Killer Residue than Beyond Meat Burger

Updated July 8, 2019

A Monsanto trial jury awarded the plaintiffs over $2 billion dollars, for the connection between the glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup, and their cancer. Today, Moms Across America announces that the Impossible Burger* tested positive for glyphosate. The levels of glyphosate detected in the Impossible burger by Health Research Institute Laboratories were 11 X higher than the Beyond Meat Burger. The total result (glyphosate and its break down AMPA) was 11.3 ppb. Moms Across America also tested the Beyond Meat Burger and the results were 1 ppb.

“We are shocked to find that the Impossible Burger can have up to 11X higher levels of glyphosate residues than the Beyond Meat Burger according to these samples tested. This new product is being marketed as a solution for “healthy” eating, when in fact 11 ppb of glyphosate herbicide consumption can be highly dangerous. Only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate has been shown to alter the gene function of over 4000 genes in the livers, kidneys and cause severe organ damage in rats.**** I am gravely concerned that consumers are being misled to believe the Impossible Burger is healthy.” stated Zen Honeycutt, Executive Director of Moms Across America.

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The Power of Mom

The Power of Mom

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone! To you and yours! Before we face a long, hopefully fun-filled summer with kids out of school and vacation days looming, I wanted to take a moment to remind us all of the power of mom. To not only thank her -- but to acknowledge all she does not only for the family, but for the community and the world. How she embodies both the strength and gentleness to form the future generations. How moms everywhere are creating the future of the world one child at a time.

It was my son Ben’s first day of life at our home and I held him in in my arms. He was tiny, pink, and delicate, wrapped in a blanket and still weighing almost nothing. Yet suddenly he was everything to me. As I gazed in awe at his sleeping face I said to my mother, “Isn’t he amazing? Aren’t all babies amazing?”

She touched my shoulder, looked at me with a smile in her eyes and said, “We all still are.”


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School Nurses/Teacher Appreciation Day

May 7th and 8th are National Teacher Appreciation Day and National School Nurse Day, respectively. We may not always stop to think about how many hours each week our children spend in the classroom but the fact is teachers and school nurses in particular, and school employees in general, are the people we trust our children to for the majority of their weekday waking hours. With public health becoming the number one focus of many of our elected officials determined to put the health care of our children into the hands of the government, the role of the teacher and our school nurses is increasingly important.

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Win! Win! Win!

We are really excited about a new collaboration that will benefit everyone involved, our families, and the planet! Moms Across America knows when it talks about the innumerable benefits of eating organic that we are talking about not only making lifestyle changes in terms of eating -- but also in terms of the family budget. We are aware that regardless of what your family spends on food -- making the change to organic can increase the bottom line, and we are always on the lookout for ways we can share to minimize that impact. We were delighted when Frontier Coop offered us the opportunity to partner with them to create MAA Buying Clubs where you can have hundreds of top organic brands delivered to your door at wholesale prices. That’s an average of 40% or more off of retail prices! And -- full disclosure -- as a member of the Frontier Coop Moms Across America could receive on an annual basis “patronage” from Frontier Coop amounting to as much as 10% of our buying clubs annual purchases. It’s a win-win situation! We couldn’t be happier.

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14 Ways that GMOs Have Ruined America’s Way of Life

OpEd by Zen Honeycutt

I intended to write this article and title it ”How Monsanto Has Ruined Our Lives.” But then I realized it is not just Monsanto who has done these things. They led the way by developing GMOs that can tolerate herbicides and have pesticides built in, but they should not get all the credit. US companies Dow/Dupont, and EU companies Syngenta/ChemChina, BASF, and Bayer/Monsanto have had numerous lawsuits against them as well for egregious crimes against humanity. For now however, because I am not European, I am going to focus on what’s happening in the Good Ol’ US of A.

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Happy Earth Day!

At Moms Across America we have always known that the health of people is directly related to the health of the planet. This is no surprise. However, every day there is some new fact or figure or reality that comes to light about how our unhealthy actions create disharmony and ill health for the planet -- and for mankind. The two go hand in hand. In fact as early as the 5th century BC, the ancient Greeks believed that the human body was a miniature universe animated by its own soul. And that theory has been carried forward in time to the present in both philosophy and science -- but it is not always taken into account with our actions.  

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National Doctors Day

CheckupMarch 30th is officially National Doctor’s Day. It was created in 1933 by Eudora Brown Almond of Winder, Georgia, the wife of a local doctor. Eudora chose that day because, on March 30, 1842, Dr. Crawford W. Long used an ether anesthetic for the first time during surgery. In 1991 Congress passed Proclamation 6253 making this unofficial holiday an actual national holiday.

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Second Roundup Cancer Plaintiff Wins Case Against Monsanto


Six years ago, in July of 2013, when I learned about the fact that glyphosate was not only sprayed on GMOs, but on many grains and food crops as a drying agent, I knew we must not only raise awareness about the risks of GMOs, but glyphosate as well. I was told not to go after Roundup. That is was "too big." That it was the most widely used herbicide in the world and we would never stop the chemical companies. Many saw me and our mom's group as irrational and perhaps even naive. But we were determined and we initiated glyphosate testing in water, urine, and our breast milk. The results were shocking and the public realized that their families were being contaminated by this dangerous weedkiller. Many other groups began to test for glyphosate in foods, beer, snacks, sanitary products (all positive) and eventually the media picked up the results. New scientific studies were conducted and lawyers began to take interest.

Today for the second time over the past eight months a jury has unanimously found Monsanto guilty of hiding the fact that they knew their glyphosate-based herbicide product, Roundup, could cause cancer. This time, the plaintiff, Edwin Hardeman, in a federal trial, was awarded $80 million dollars. $5 million was in compensatory and $75 million in punitive damages. In the first trial, Johnson v. Monsanto the jury awarded the plaintiff $289 million dollars and the judge reduces the award to $79 million. At this rate, with thousands of other cases filed against Monsanto, Bayer may be facing payments of $880 billion dollars. Bayer purchased Monsanto for $63 billion just last year.

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