Best for the World - Moms Across America

Best for the World

iroquoisvalley-logo-500-6cd8df0a.pngYes, you read that title correctly. It’s not best in the world - it’s best for the world. There is a big difference.

At Moms Across America we are constantly looking forward... like the Native American tradition of making decisions based on what is best for the next seven when we learned about what Iroquois Valley Farmland Trust was doing, we got excited. If you are looking to invest your well deserved earnings in a way that will make a difference for the next several generations, we invite you to consider this trust. Rather than stocks or mutual funds investing in Big Pharma, Big Ag or Big Oil….we understand that you want better options.

Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) was named as one of only 1,000 Certified B Corporations from 44 countries that were named to the 2019 Best for the World list. They are in some amazing company including Patagonia, Dr. Bronner’s, TOMS, and Seventh Generation.

So, what are they doing to be in such good company? They’re creating a healthy future. Iroquois Valley is an organic farmland finance company that provides farmer-friendly leases and mortgages to the next generation of organic farmers. Since the company was founded in 2007, they have directed $50 million in investments into organic agriculture. Their goal is to make organic, regenerative agriculture the norm in America, not the exception.

As a B Corp their commitment to the future isn’t a real surprise. Certified B Corps are businesses that choose to balance purpose and profit. They are legally required to make decisions that consider the impact on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. They are businesses with the vision of using their work as a force for good in the world. They are companies that are committed to what is referred to as a “triple bottom line” - social responsibility, environmental soundness, and economic viability.

We know we’re preaching to the choir when we talk about what organic farming means to the future of this country. But in case you would like a refresher, organic and regenerative agriculture means:

  • A safe, nontoxic, nutritious food supply
  • Clean air and water
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Climate change solution
  • Ecological biodiversity
  • Symbiotic relationship with pollinators
  • Safe environment for farmers
  • Humane treatment of animals
  • Economic opportunity for independent farmers
  • Prosperity for rural communities

And how do we get these things? How do we ensure our children’s future and the future of the planet? By investing in that future.

We want to mobilize the public to invest directly in small farmers and participate in building a healthier agricultural system. The DPO is about investors of all kinds coming together to support a healthy farm economy from soils, to food, to farmers.

CEO & Co-Founder, David Miller:

The Iroquois Valley Direct Public Offering is an opportunity to make a long-term investment targeting market rate returns while supporting healthy food production, environmental stewardship, and prosperity for independent farmers and their communities.

Director of Business Development & Investor Relations, Alex Mackay says, “we have been waiting many years to include investors who have shown passion for what we’re doing but couldn’t participate because of the minimums or the net worth threshold. It’s very exciting that we can offer our REIT Equity Shares to folks who want to directly support organic farmers while investing in a real asset for the long-term.”

If you would truly like to create a secure future for your family in every sense, and say that you played a role in converting conventional farmland to USDA Certified Organic, then take a moment to learn more about Iroquois Valley. Please read the Offering Circular before considering investing. 

Zen Honeycutt and the MAA Team

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  • Dominic Angarano
    commented 5 years ago
    when I look what has happen in this country I have lost faith in anyone.Because when I see people they seem to have no compassion.They seem to have anger they don’t want to teach they all what to attack .When selling something then they just want to make money.When someone calls to rase money for the firemen when ask how much goes to the firemen they say we need 98% and then why .So I will look into what you do and then I make up my mind

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