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Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste!

toxic-plastic-waste-floating-underwater-in-the-J9R782G.jpgPlastic Free July is a campaign led by the Plastic Free Foundation. Each year, millions of people around the globe take the challenge and choose to refuse single-use plastics. Their vision is to see a world without plastic waste. In July 2018 alone, 120 million people across the globe took part in the challenge across 177 countries.

Whether you want to reduce your consumption at work or at home, whether you already are aware of things you can do to cut back on plastic use - or need fresh ideas - Plastic Free July and the Green Education Foundation have many creative options.

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Happy Independence Day!

Our liberty can never be safe but in the hands of the people themselves.
Thomas Jefferson

As we all celebrate this 4th of July - whether it’s in your backyard or marching down your main street - I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the meaning of the holiday. It was on July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were united, free, and independent states, no longer subject to the rule of Britain. And for over 240 years that day has been celebrated as a time to honor the courage of the men and women who gave us that freedom and fight to maintain that freedom, as well as a time to reflect on and appreciate our freedom.

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Why We Need to Understand the Science

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. This is a clear prescription for disaster.
Carl Sagan from Parade Magazine, September 10, 1989

Nearly 30 years ago Carl Sagan, American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science popularizer and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences wrote an essay for Parade Magazine entitled “Why We Need to Understand Science.” It was a balanced look at the good and bad, the ups and downs of science and technology from his perspective.

I know that science and technology are not just cornucopias pouring good deeds out into the world...Our technology has produced thalidomide, CFCs, Agent Orange, nerve gas, and industries so powerful they can ruin the climate of the planet. There's a reason people are nervous about science and technology.

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Changes to CA SB 276 Target Doctors

California and the nation face a historic vote on Thursday, June 20th, in Sacramento.

California’s SB 276, a bill which proposes limiting vaccine medical exemptions (VMEs), sponsored by Senator Pan, has undergone major changes.The new text doubles down on doctors and proposes such strict restrictions on the practice of issuing medical exemptions to California children that it is unlikely that any doctors will administer medical exemptions at all. This would put children whose genetic dispositions and auto immune systems react to the toxins in vaccines at risk from grave harm.

To the Health Committee and Assembly members it may appear that by making so many changes to the bill Pan graciously listened to our Governor. The bill states however, “The bill would specify the information to be included in the medical exemption form, including a certification under penalty of perjury* that the statements and information contained in the form are true, accurate, and complete.

Adding criminal penalties for the doctors and limiting their Medical Exemptions to 5 per year does not protect the doctor-patient relationship as Governor Newsom had intended, it practically eliminates it.

*Perjury of Law definition: A person convicted of perjury under federal law may face up to five years in prison and fines. The punishment for perjury under state law varies from state to state, but perjury is a felony and carries a possible prison sentence of at least one year, plus fines and probation.

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Letters to the Editors About Glyphosate Herbicides

Dear Editor,

I am a mother concerned about health issues and I am writing to ask you to report on one of the most pressing issues of our community. Exposure to a very insidious herbicide called glyphosate herbicides, also known as Roundup and 700 + other brand names. You may have heard about it in the news recently - a historic verdict was announced a few weeks ago - 2 plaintiffs won $2 billion dollars when they sued the manufacturer of Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide, for not properly labeling their product a carcinogen. The jury found the company guilty on all counts, including "malice and oppression" which means that the executives at Monsanto knew that the product could cause cancer and hid this information from the public.

Glyphosate herbicides are not just responsible for cancer. They have been proven to be neurotoxic, hormone disrupting, cause birth defects, miscarriages, and liver and kidney disease at very low levels of exposure. Monsanto and many chemical companies, retailers, landscapers, and food manufacturers have been hiding this information from the public for years. 

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Is Talcum Powder Hiding Asbestos?

In March of this year a California jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $24.4 million to a dying woman who says she developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos in the company’s talcum powder. The jury awarded an additional $5 million to her spouse.

Baby powder’s leading manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, is facing quite a few high-profile court cases surrounding the link between their talc-based products and cancer. The company is under fire after thousands of loyal customers came forward with both ovarian cancer and mesothelioma, suggested to be a direct result of long-term use.

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Non-Toxic Nextdoor Outreach

Do you want your pet and family to live a long time, free of cancer?

Did you know that vets report that 50% of dogs over the age of 10 now die of or die with cancer?

1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer in America today!


You can do something about this TODAY. In just a few minutes you can save lives.


I just posted on Nextdoor, a very useful app that connects neighbors to neighbors.


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Moms Across America Asks Impossible Foods and Funder Temasek to Drop GMOs


Recently, Moms Across America learned that Impossible Foods is using GMO soy in their Impossible Burger and are getting their burger into hundreds of restaurant chains like Burger King without labeling or a warning to consumers. Celebs such as Katy Perry, Serena Williams, Jay-Z and Trevor Noah funded the vegan burger. Then consumers began posting that they were having allergic reactions, and yet no recall was conducted, and no warnings were issued. As a mother of a child who has nearly died before my eyes from food I gave him, and also saw him get better when we avoided GMOs and glyphosate, I did what any mother in my position would do: I initiated Moms Across America to commission the testing of the GMO Impossible Burger for glyphosate, a chemical found in Roundup. Glyphosate has been scientifically proven to cause liver disease (which weakens the immune system), destroy gut bacteria (which can lead to inflammation and allergies), and contribute to hormone disruption, birth defects, miscarriages, and cancer.

The test results were disturbing. The levels of glyphosate in the Impossible Burger, although below the levels irresponsibly considered “safe” by the EPA and others misled to believe in the EPA’s science, have been proven to cause harm in a myriad of ways. We understand the argument some are using: compared to other foods, with thousands of parts per billion of glyphosate, the Impossible Burger levels are not as high and therefore not as worrisome. We assert that the Impossible Foods company has an opportunity to change the levels of glyphosate in their foods and that every part per billion of glyphosate is harmful to human and animal life and should be avoided to reduce the total body burden of toxins.

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The First Parade

It was a clear, sunny day in Connecticut. It was hot but not scorching and there was a slight breeze now and then—just enough to bring a sigh of relief. We gathered in the Stop & Shop parking lot in the charming and affluent town of Madison. Groups of cheerleaders, firefighters, men driving tiny cars, floats, and trucks gathered in colorful groups around us. I was beaming with excitement and felt more alive than I had felt in months. Leafy, green trees lined the streets, which were packed with parade spectators in their beach chairs.

My family was with me, all decked out in their GMO? We’re NOT Buying It! and LABEL GMOs NOW! Because We Said So! T-shirts, holding signs we had made.

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Your Backyard REGENERATIVE Garden!

We are once again in the position where we, as everyday citizens, have the opportunity to use our gardens as a force for change. Shifting garden practices towards principles of regenerative agriculture can be a meaningful part of reversing climate change, sequestering carbon, and growing healthy, organic foods for our friends and families.

Your small home garden can integrate regenerative farming practices like keeping the soil covered, supporting strong soil structure, encouraging biodiversity, using compost, avoiding the use of chemicals, and creating onsite fertility (including compost!)—reducing your environmental footprint and and producing amazing fruits, vegetables, and herbs just two steps from your kitchen door.

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