Glifosato en jugo de naranja
En agosto, se supo la noticia de que Cheerios, Quaker Oats y otros cereales para el desayuno. estaban contaminados con herbicidas glifosato. Solo esta semana, más noticias de glifosato en barras de merienda. Los padres de todo el país se preocuparon por los desayunos y meriendas de sus familias. Ahora sabemos que también debemos mirar la bebida de desayuno más popular, el jugo de naranja.
Over one year after initial tests, Moms Across America sent America's most popular orange juice brands to be tested again for the carcinogenic chemical glyphosate. The new test results, ranging from 2.99 ppb to 17.16 ppb, are not promising. Although the different brands, Tropicana, Minute Maid, Costco’s Kirkland Signature, and Stater Bros. had slightly lower levels of glyphosate weed killer than the first tests conducted a year ago, all still had detectable levels of glyphosate. In addition, Moms Across America added another sample, Florida’s Natural, and the results were not only among the highest of all the brands tested for glyphosate residues, the sample from the brand showed results almost 3 times higher than the previous year’s test results provided to another organization, showing an increase, rather than a decrease of the use of glyphosate herbicides.
Las pruebas de glifosato natural de Florida en 2017 mostraron los siguientes resultados: cantidad de glifosato detectada: 2.14 ppb; Cantidad de AMPA detectada: 1.98 ppb, el nivel efectivo de glifosato fue 5.11 ppb. En 2018 los resultados de la prueba mostraron un nivel efectivo de glifosato en 14.42.
Recently plaintiff Alexandra Axon, represented by Richman Law Group, sued Florida’s Natural for misleading the public by claiming their product is natural when in fact it contains glyphosate. The lawsuit is still pending.
The use of glyphosate in orange production and in Florida is controversial for many reasons. Mamás en toda América founding executive director states, "Orange growers have known for over 3 years now that the World Health Organization branch of the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate a definite animal carcinogen and a probable human carcinogen, and yet they continue to use this harmful herbicide in the growing of oranges. We do not want harmful chemicals in the beverages we give our children and families every day. We have asked these brands to make changes and received no favorable response. We are releasing these test results and we are publicly asking again. Please, stop sourcing oranges from farmers who use glyphosate, and be a part of reducing the exposure of glyphosate to children."
Glifosato, enverdecimiento de los cítricos y mala salud de los cultivos
Muchos productores de naranjas insisten en que necesitan herbicidas de glifosato para evitar el crecimiento de malezas. También se quejan del enverdecimiento de los cítricos, una situación que afecta su sustento. ASegún Frank Dean, consultor de cultivos con una licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas y Físicas de la Universidad de Houston, que trabaja con productores de naranjas en Florida, comentó para este artículo,” Puedo decir que todos los síntomas visuales del enverdecimiento de los cítricos se pueden inducir con una aplicación de glifosato; que incluye clorosis asimétrica, entrenudos cortos, hojas diminutas, flores anormales y eventos de floración. Cuando una arboleda reduce, o elimina el uso de glifosato y se aplican las sustancias orgánicas y minerales bloqueadas por el glifosato, los árboles enfermos comienzan a recuperarse. Con el tiempo, el suelo tiene la dosis subletal de glifosato reducida con enmiendas orgánicas y el indicador de la enfermedad no se puede encontrar con tomografías computarizadas para 16S rDNA.”
In other words, the use of glyphosate contributes to citrus greening and reduction of soil quality. Dr. Don Huber, 50 year plant pathologist has pointed out that lower soil quality also mean lower water retention, resulting in higher water usage, less nutrients in the produce, and decreased quality of the crop. Discontinuing the use of glyphosate herbicides in orange groves, and all farming in Florida, would not only reduce exposure to children, but improve the health, productivity and profits of the crop.
A major denier of this assessment would be the University of Florida, which is funded by Monsanto, and who puts out the majority of the information about citrus greening. They claim it is an insect, and therefore call for more pesticides, likely produced by Monsanto.
Glifosato y Linfoma no Hodgkin
The use of glyphosate herbicides is also a hot topic due to the recent Johnson v Monsanto Trial verdict, in which a California jury awarded millions to a school groundskeeper stricken with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in connection to using Roundup®️ and Ranger Pro - both glyphosate herbicides. Monsanto was found responsible for its role in producing and selling the carcinogenic substance when the Judge upheld the jury’s ruling of guilty on all counts.
A new French study showed an 86% lower incidence of non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma when participants ate organic food, which does not allow the use of glyphosate.
Pérdidas de glifosato y vida marina
Además, los ecologistas han sido durante mucho tiempo vinculando el glifosato con las algas verdes tóxicas, que ha plagado a Florida durante meses. Los científicos de muchos estudios están encontrando que las llamadas 'algas' verde-azules en realidad no son algas sino un tipo de bacteria primitiva llamada 'cianobacterias'. Tienen una habilidad especial que es rara entre todas las especies para poder metabolizar completamente el glifosato y utilizar su átomo de fósforo como fuente de fósforo. Por lo que obtienen una ventaja competitiva frente a otras especies en presencia de exposición crónica al glifosato. Los niveles de fósforo son un problema grave, como se documenta en las floraciones de cianobacterias del lago Erie en 2017- "Resulta que muchas cianobacterias presentes en el lago Erie tienen los genes que permiten la absorción de fosfonatos, y estas cianobacterias pueden crecer usando glifosato y otros fosfonatos como única fuente de fósforo". declaró George Bullerjahn de la Universidad Estatal de Bowling Green en Ohio.
As shown in this Mercola article, scientists and environmental leaders have long been linking the chemicals (the most widely used chemical is glyphosate herbicide) used in factory farm runoffs in Florida to Red Tide which has devastated millions of marine life. Glyphosate residues are found at very high levels in animal feed and presumably then the animal feces, creating pollution which runs off into the waterways. These same chemicals are used in sugar and orange groves. The blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are able to convert free nitrogen from the air into nitrates. Thus, they cause an excess of nitrates in the water, in addition to those nitrates that come from excess run-off from nitrate-based fertilizers. The excess nitrates provide essential nutrients for the red algae (Karenia brevis), that then grow to large numbers offshore, which can cause Red Tide.
En otras palabras, el glifosato ALIMENTA a las cianobacterias... o... otra perspectiva es que la forma en que la madre naturaleza limpia el glifosato es con las floraciones de cianobacterias. Estas floraciones pueden alentar el crecimiento de la Marea Roja... que ha devastado la vida marina, el turismo, los restaurantes locales y los negocios a lo largo de miles de millas de la costa de Florida.
Uso excesivo de glifosato en Florida
The amount of glyphosate that is used in Florida on orange groves, sugar cane fields, and on city streets is enormous. Over 3.5 million lbs per square mile of glyphosate was sprayed in Florida according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) between 2000-2012.
Además, se permitió rociar el herbicida de glifosato AquaMaster directamente en cursos de agua como Lago Okeechobee y el Everglades, una reserva natural. Los ambientalistas locales están indignados por la falta de acción de su gobernador y las autoridades locales para suspender el uso de herbicidas de glifosato y proteger la vida marina.
Los herbicidas de glifosato se rocían para evitar el crecimiento de malezas en los Everglades de Florida. El glifosato alimenta el crecimiento de cianobacterias o "algas verdes", y luego se rocía cobre para combatir las algas verdes. El cobre es un espermicida conocido.
Resultados de la prueba de glifosato en el agua de Florida
Resultado de la prueba de agua del lago Okeechobee
Moms Across America commissioned the testing of water in Lake Okeechobee and off the coast of Cape Coral. Lake O results, where cyanobacteria was present, showed levels between half the amount and 2 times higher than is allowed in European drinking water. Because cyanobacteria digests glyphosate it would be expected that where cyanobacteria is present the water would sometimes test for lower levels of glyphosate.
Resultado de la prueba de agua en Cape Coral, FL
The test results off the coast of Cape Coral, at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River where cyanobacteria was present* showed levels of glyphosate 5 -12 times higher than is allowed in European drinking water.
Runoff from orange grove spraying and weed management with glyphosate in the Everglades contributes to the presence of glyphosate in Florida waterways. A 2013 study shows that glyphosate can remain viable in salt water for 315 days. Another 2016 study by Roy et al. has shown that glyphosate induces cardiac toxicity in fish. Harm from glyphosate upon marine life, pets, and humans living in Florida is a scientifically sound concern. Residents, an notable environmental proponents such as Erin Brockovich are increasingly justified in calling for action.
Glifosato y Cáncer
WFTX Fox 4 Noticias reportadas en 2016 sobre el sur de la Florida, “El resultado de un estudio explica que "en comparación con el estado, existe un aumento estadísticamente significativo del 36% en el riesgo de cáncer infantil".
Although there is no conclusive evidence this increased risk is due specifically to glyphosate, author Warren Wright continues, "these findings are suggestive of environmental risk factors in our area." Considering that glyphosate is widely and heavily used in this specific environment and has been deemed a definite animal carcinogen and a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization, residents are justifiably outraged that the spraying of glyphosate would continue on crops or waterways for any reason. Some local residents have taken action. Stuart and Miami, Florida have banned the use of glyphosate. Residents in Tampa are suing Monsanto. Florida residents want the entire state to be protected and are calling on Governor Scott to place a moratorium on glyphosate.
El grupo conservacionista Amigos de los Everglades está frustrado porque el Departamento de Salud del Estado de Florida (FDOH) aún no ha tomado ninguna medida. "Lo que puedo decir es que los científicos que temen por sus carreras y tienen dificultades para encontrar fondos, dirían que esta es un área que necesita una investigación y un seguimiento mucho más serios por parte del estado de Florida", dice el presidente Alan Farago. .
El glifosato y los impactos en la salud, especialmente en los niños
Los defensores de la agricultura química e incluso algunos individuos de movimiento de alimentos han afirmado que los niveles bajos de glifosato son seguros. Esta información no solo es confusa sino que es flagrantemente incorrecta. Los estudios científicos revisados por pares han demostrado que los niveles ultrabajos de herbicidas de glifosato causan, sí causa, enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico. Según Liver Foundation, 1 de 10 Americanos ahora tiene una enfermedad hepática. Algunos son niños de hasta 8 años. Estudios adicionales muestran que los niveles bajos de herbicidas de glifosato pueden ser disruptores endocrinos, cambiando las hormonas sexuales. Además, Andre Leu, presidente de IFOAM y autor de El mito de los plaguicidas seguros declaró en el Tribunal de Monsanto “Los niños no tienen las enzimas en sus hígados para descomponer las toxinas, especialmente los bebés y los niños por nacer. NO hay niveles seguros”. Claramente, ignorar la ciencia y alentar a las personas a continuar consumiendo glifosato, especialmente a los niños que son especialmente vulnerables a los pesticidas, un hecho reconocido por la Academia Americana de Pediatría, es peligroso.
Millions of children often start their day with a glass of orange juice and eat oatmeal or Cheerios with high residues of glyphosate. By doing so, they may be increasing their risk of liver disease, cancer, and many other health issues connected to glyphosate. Too many, however, want to feel comfortable in eating what they want to eat. Too many farmers want to continue to spray chemicals they have been told are safe. And too many food manufacturers want to continue profiting from cheap food grown with chemical farming. The question is, when will there be too many sick children? And when will the harms from chemical farming be deemed too much?
Tome medidas para prohibir el glifosato
Take action today. Tell your Governor you do not want glyphosate herbicides used anywhere in your state. Sign petition.
Support the Organic Consumer Association’s call to action- click here: TAKE ACTION: Tell Florida’s Natural: Orange Juice with Roundup®️ Weedkiller Isn’t ‘Natural’
Después de firmar nuestra carta a Florida's Natural, también haga lo siguiente:
- Llame a Natural de Florida: 1-888-657-6600
- PÍO @FloridasNatural #Glyphosate is #NotNatural. Please stop using glyphosate contaminated oranges in your orange juice!
- Or @FloridasNatural Orange Juice with #Roundup®️ Weedkiller Isn’t ‘Natural’
*Ubicación exacta corregida, había algas verdes o cianobacterias presentes.
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I heard Florida Gov Scott’s wife owned the pesticide company and got richer selling product during the
scam Zika Virus – Brain Scare.
These toxins were sprayed everywhere. Including The Florida Keys.
My butterfies are missing, my cherry tree is in bloom and I’m lucky to count two bees. I have fewer birds at my feeder. So, what is it doing to us? Glyphosate is in the air, the rain, the food, the soil, in vaccines and in us. Vote with your dollars. Just don’t buy it and don’t support manufacturers who do. Support Moms Across America and fight for toxin free communities.
I use Activated Charcoal to at least absorb some of the toxins.
Now the “educated they” are going to use more chemicals to “fight” a chemical problem.
No more toxins!!!!
We need to get back to the soil. Repair the damages where we can. Buy land and restore it. We need the herbs and healing weeds…think dandelions, purslaine, etc.
And are food for birds, butterflies and bees.
Support a BAN Glifosato in your community. SPEAK UP.