Blog de las mamás en toda América


Moms Across America Asks Impossible Foods and Funder Temasek to Drop GMOs


Recently, Moms Across America learned that Impossible Foods is using GMO soy in their Impossible Burger and are getting their burger into hundreds of restaurant chains like Burger King without labeling or a warning to consumers. Celebs such as Katy Perry, Serena Williams, Jay-Z and Trevor Noah funded the vegan burger. Then consumers began posting that they were having allergic reactions, and yet no recall was conducted, and no warnings were issued. As a mother of a child who has nearly died before my eyes from food I gave him, and also saw him get better when we avoided GMOs and glyphosate, I did what any mother in my position would do: I initiated Moms Across America to commission the testing of the GMO Impossible Burger for glyphosate, a chemical found in Roundup. Glyphosate has been scientifically proven to cause liver disease (which weakens the immune system), destroy gut bacteria (which can lead to inflammation and allergies), and contribute to hormone disruption, birth defects, miscarriages, and cancer.

el resultados de la prueba were disturbing. The levels of glyphosate in the Impossible Burger, although below the levels irresponsibly considered “safe” by the EPA and others misled to believe in the EPA’s science, have been proven to cause harm in a myriad of ways. We understand the argument some are using: compared to other foods, with thousands of parts per billion of glyphosate, the Impossible Burger levels are not as high and therefore not as worrisome. We assert that the Impossible Foods company has an opportunity to change the levels of glyphosate in their foods and that every part per billion of glyphosate is harmful to human and animal life and should be avoided to reduce the total body burden of toxins.

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The First Parade

It was a clear, sunny day in Connecticut. It was hot but not scorching and there was a slight breeze now and then—just enough to bring a sigh of relief. We gathered in the Stop & Shop parking lot in the charming and affluent town of Madison. Groups of cheerleaders, firefighters, men driving tiny cars, floats, and trucks gathered in colorful groups around us. I was beaming with excitement and felt more alive than I had felt in months. Leafy, green trees lined the streets, which were packed with parade spectators in their beach chairs.

My family was with me, all decked out in their GMO? We’re NOT Buying It! and LABEL GMOs NOW! Because We Said So! T-shirts, holding signs we had made.

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Your Backyard REGENERATIVE Garden!

We are once again in the position where we, as everyday citizens, have the opportunity to use our gardens as a force for change. Shifting garden practices towards principles of regenerative agriculture can be a meaningful part of reversing climate change, sequestering carbon, and growing healthy, organic foods for our friends and families.

Your small home garden can integrate regenerative farming practices like keeping the soil covered, supporting strong soil structure, encouraging biodiversity, using compost, avoiding the use of chemicals, and creating onsite fertility (including compost!)—reducing your environmental footprint and and producing amazing fruits, vegetables, and herbs just two steps from your kitchen door.

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New Media for Health and Freedom

wave.jpgNow is the time! Do you feel the wave? People all across the country are showing up at Senate hearings. SHOUT OUT TO CT, NY, NJ, OR, WA, CA, TX and AZ especially right now! People are sharing, speaking up, and shifting the thinking around vaccines, toxins, and medical freedom. This is important to us. So important that we will risk the trolls and negative press. So what. Being silent simply is not a consideration when it comes to the health and well being of our families!

Today I am thrilled to share several ways you can show light on the truth- please share these wonderful videos, movies and even a Deck of Cards to raise awareness about health, our food supply, and the impact of the current vaccine schedule and ingredients in vaccines.

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Bayer's $2 Billion Dollar Headache Affects Us All


You must have heard about the $2 billion dollar win for our cause via the Pilliod v Monsanto trial by now. It's everywhere. It's glorious. We celebrate this tremendous win! And we wish to remind the public of what is really going on here. Some things are simply not being mentioned in the media.

Moms Across America asked nicely. We went to the Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) shareholders' meeting and asked 1,000 shareholders and the entire board of directors to "change direction, away from this toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails." I asked for them to consider the job security of their employees, pointing out that a business plan which includes poison is not a viable long-term plan, and that many could lose their jobs. Other moms like Anne Temple also asked them to "mitigate the inevitable litigation," to protect their own shareholder value, and to stop selling Roundup and glyphosate herbicides now.


They ignored us.


They belittled us.


And they funded movies and shills to discredit us.


Even though we were "just moms," the attacks were vicious.

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Hamburguesa imposible de OGM positiva para el glifosato cancerígeno

Pruebas de hamburguesas imposibles de OGM 11 X mayor para el residuo de herbicida glifosato que más allá de la hamburguesa de carne

Actualizado julio 8, 2019

A Monsanto trial jury awarded the plaintiffs over $2 billion dollars, for the connection between the glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup, and their cancer. Today, Moms Across America announces that the Impossible Burger* tested positive for glyphosate. The levels of glyphosate detected in the Impossible burger by Health Research Institute Laboratories were 11 X higher than the Beyond Meat Burger. The total result (glyphosate and its break down AMPA) was 11.3 ppb. Moms Across America also tested the Beyond Meat Burger and the results were 1 ppb.

“We are shocked to find that the Impossible Burger can have up to 11X higher levels of glyphosate residues than the Beyond Meat Burger according to these samples tested. This new product is being marketed as a solution for “healthy” eating, when in fact 11 ppb of glyphosate herbicide consumption can be highly dangerous. Only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate has been shown to alter the gene function of over 4000 genes in the livers, kidneys and cause severe organ damage in rats.**** I am gravely concerned that consumers are being misled to believe the Impossible Burger is healthy.” stated Zen Honeycutt, Executive Director of Moms Across America.

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El poder de mamá

El poder de mamá

¡Feliz Día de la Madre a todos! Para ti y los tuyos! Antes de enfrentarnos a un verano largo, lleno de diversión, con niños fuera de la escuela y días de vacaciones, quería tomarme un momento para recordarnos todo el poder de la madre. No solo agradecerle, sino reconocer todo lo que hace no solo por la familia, sino por la comunidad y el mundo. Cómo encarna tanto la fuerza como la gentileza para formar las generaciones futuras. Cómo las madres en todas partes están creando el futuro del mundo, un niño a la vez.

It was my son Ben’s first day of life at our home and I held him in in my arms. He was tiny, pink, and delicate, wrapped in a blanket and still weighing almost nothing. Yet suddenly he was everything to me. As I gazed in awe at his sleeping face I said to my mother, “Isn’t he amazing? Aren’t all babies amazing?”

She touched my shoulder, looked at me with a smile in her eyes and said, “We all still are.”


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Enfermeras escolares / Día de agradecimiento a los maestros

mayo 7 y 8 son el Día Nacional de Apreciación del Maestro y el Día Nacional de la Enfermera Escolar, respectivamente. Es posible que no siempre nos paremos a pensar cuántas horas cada semana pasan nuestros hijos en el aula, pero el hecho es que los maestros y las enfermeras escolares en particular, y los empleados escolares en general, son las personas en las que confiamos a nuestros hijos durante la mayoría de sus días laborables. horas para caminar. Con la salud pública convirtiéndose en el foco número uno de muchos de nuestros funcionarios electos decididos a poner la atención médica de nuestros niños en manos del gobierno, el papel del maestro y las enfermeras escolares es cada vez más importante.

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¡Ganar! ¡Ganar! ¡Ganar!

¡Estamos realmente entusiasmados con una nueva colaboración que beneficiará a todos los involucrados, a nuestras familias y al planeta! Moms Across America sabe que cuando hablamos de los innumerables beneficios de comer orgánicos, estamos hablando no solo de hacer cambios en el estilo de vida en términos de alimentación, sino también en términos del presupuesto familiar. Somos conscientes de que, independientemente de lo que su familia gaste en alimentos, hacer el cambio a orgánico puede aumentar el resultado final, y siempre estamos buscando formas de compartir para minimizar ese impacto. Estuvimos encantados cuando Frontier Coop nos ofreció la oportunidad de asociarnos con ellos para crear Clubes de Compra MAA donde puede tener cientos de las mejores marcas orgánicas entregadas en su puerta a precios mayoristas. ¡Eso es un promedio de 40% o más de los precios minoristas! Y, revelación completa, como miembro de Frontier Coop, las mamás de todo Estados Unidos podrían recibir anualmente un "patrocinio" de Frontier Coop que representa tanto como el 10% de las compras anuales de nuestros clubes de compras. ¡Es una situación de ganar-ganar! No podríamos estar más felices.

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14 Maneras en que los OGM han arruinado la forma de vida de Estados Unidos

Operado por Zen Honeycutt

Tenía la intención de escribir este artículo y ponerle el título "Cómo Monsanto ha arruinado nuestras vidas". Pero luego me di cuenta de que no solo Monsanto ha hecho estas cosas. Lideraron el camino desarrollando OGM que pueden tolerar los herbicidas y tienen pesticidas incorporados, pero no deberían obtener todo el crédito. Las compañías estadounidenses Dow / Dupont, y las compañías de la UE Syngenta / ChemChina, BASF y Bayer / Monsanto han tenido numerosas demandas contra ellos también por crímenes atroces contra la humanidad. Sin embargo, por ahora, como no soy europeo, me voy a centrar en lo que está sucediendo en los Estados Unidos de América.

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