Moms Across America blog


Gardasil Lawsuit Claims HPV Vaccine Caused Teen Severe Injuries

UPDATED on June 14, 2022

The national law firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman has filed a Gardasil lawsuit against Merck on behalf of a 19-year-old woman, alleging the company misled the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), legislators, doctors and moms about the safety and efficacy of its Gardasil HPV vaccine.

The lawsuit asserts Merck purposely downplayed the risk of Gardasil’s ingredients, including a proprietary aluminum compound (a potent neurotoxin) and secret and potentially hazardous DNA particles.

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Monsanto's Assault on Motherhood Must Stop!

Today we launch a new campaign to Women of Authority, our elected female officials in Congress and the Senate, from Moms Across America.

Dear Female Representatives and Senators, 

A new study from Argentina on glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides shows that “exposure to low doses could alter the development of the female reproductive tract, with consequences on fertility.”

This finding is significant considering that glyphosate proponents argue that low dose exposure to this chemical through food consumption is not of concern to human health. This means the conventional food you, your sister, daughter or female constituents eat such as wheat, dairy, beans, eggs, orange juice, breast milk, wine, beer and more, that has been shown to contain low levels of glyphosate, could be responsible for your/their miscarriages and reproductive harm. The low doses a pregnant woman is exposed to when she walks by her neighbor who is spraying Roundup on their driveway could cause her to miscarry. Monsanto/Bayer could be responsible for countless miscarriages over the past four decades that their flagship product Roundup has been used in our agriculture and landscaping industries. Over 300 million pounds of glyphosate is used each year in the United States. Roundup continues to be sprayed on food crops and be sold at Home Depot and Lowes despite recent lawsuits in which juries awarded 4 plaintiffs a total of over 2.5 billion dollars for the “malice and oppression” concerning the knowledge that Monsanto’s product could contribute to non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

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Letter to a CEO

Recently I got an email from the CEO of a chemical company, a friend of a farmer friend, who is also very active in “helping” farmers. The difference is that he works to support farmers to use less glyphosate on their crops. He believes that farmers can use other products on their crops in conjunction with glyphosate and still produce quality crops. Needless to say, I disagree with him. I don’t believe that any amount of glyphosate is safe for consumers, farm workers or the earth.

In a very earnest and sincere letter he explained that he believes that the research into “the unintended consequences of glyphosate use is very compelling and should give any open-minded grower reason to change practices.” He goes on to state that the “current Growers versus Concerned Parents and Consumers is counter-productive.”

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5G Fiasco at Mission Viejo Commissioners Hearing

National 5G “Smart” City Grid Roll-Out Meets Resistance from Residents

Press Release
Contact press@momsacrossamerica

Trump’s recent funding of Secure 5G and Beyond Act funded a massive nationwide roll-out of 5G. Across the nation, residents are reporting 4/5G cell towers being erected on school property and in their neighborhoods. On Monday July 13, 2020, residents of Mission Viejo, CA, including Moms Across America director Zen Honeycutt, described the proceedings of the Planning Commissioner hearing portion of 4/5G discussion as “shocking” and “outrageous”.

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In Reconsidering ‘Normalcy’ Genetically Engineered Trees Do Not Belong

By Theresa Church

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has challenged the notion of business as usual and exposed a systemic crisis rooted in capitalism and the neoliberal economic model. The pandemic has proliferated in unpredictable numbers, killing thousands in a flash and spreading unhesitatingly beyond borders and boundaries. Millions of people are unemployed and in need of food, medicine and other basic necessities as a result of the collapse of an economic system already stacked against them. On all fronts we are in a physical, mental and spiritual crisis.

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5 Steps to Reduce EMF Exposure

Moms Across America has attended numerous conferences and webinars and researched dozens of sources with decades of experience who have reviewed thousands of studies. We are clear that EMF exposure is a major contributing factor to our children's and family health issues. This is likely why many of our supporters say that their children's allergy or behavioral issues improved when they went organic but didn't completely recover.

These children are likely still playing on their iPod, DSI, on video game consoles, or watching a "Smart" TV for several hours a day, exposing themselves to EMF. Even standing in front of a microwave for a minute exposes your child to a huge amount of EMFs and affect their health.


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Easton CT is Saying NO THANKS to 5G, and We Can Too!

Did you know that Telecom is rolling out 4/5G cell towers to create "Smart" City Grids, all across the country, right now?

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Letter to Lawyers Who Stood Up to Monsanto

Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America

June 30, 2020

Dear Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, & Goldman, Miller Law Firm, Kennedy & Madonna LLP and supporting law firms: 

I am writing to you on behalf of millions of mothers and our families to thank you for the extraordinary service you have provided to the American people and people, pets and wildlife around the world.

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Food Producers Respond to Moms Across America

On June 8, 2020, Moms Across America and supporters sent 6,434 requests to the top 50 food producers to do a better job than the FDA. On May 18, the USDA announced that they would be allowing GMO food producers to self-determine if their products needed regulation. The USDA also decided they would not be regulating gene editing at all. Then, on May 22, the FDA announced that during the COVID 19 shutdown food producers could, reportedly because of supply chain difficulties, switch out ingredients and not update their labels. The FDA stated that this policy would pertain to ingredients that are less than 2% of the total food product weight but exclude allergens. Similar ingredients such as sunflower oil and canola oil would be acceptable items to be switched. 

Watch this eye-opening discussion with dedicated food insider Colleen Kavanagh of Zego's Foods, an allergy friendly food company who is passionate about a safe food supply.

In this discussion we discuss the FDA Failures and What You Can Do. 


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Transforming Health and our Relationship with the Food Supply

Beyond Labels -- By Farmer Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCullough

Do you want to be healthy, happy and free? But find yourself stuck in your healing journey and want some guidance and encouragement? Perhaps you are overwhelmed by all of the conflicting diet advice. Maybe you don’t know where to start or who to trust. Or, maybe you just need a little motivation.

You’re not alone. We’re constantly bombarded with ever-changing diet recommendations and the latest diet crazes: Paleo, Keto, Whole 30, Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and the list goes on. Eggs are bad one day and good the next. Kale is good for you today. Tomorrow it contains high levels of thallium and is toxic to your thyroid gland. How do you know what to put on your plate that will bring you toward greater health and wellness?

Buy it here.

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