Blog de las mamás en toda América


Deje que el premio del jurado de $ 289 M se coloque en el caso de Monsanto

Lee johnson

El demandante Dewayne "Lee" Johnson reacciona en un Tribunal Superior de San Francisco el 10 de agosto después de escuchar el veredicto del jurado que otorga $ 289 millones en su demanda contra el fabricante de Roundup Monsanto.

Foto: Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty Images

Por Neil Young y Daryl Hannah

Actualizado: octubre 14, 2018 11:12 am

As originally posted in the San Francisco Chronicle

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Actualizaciones de noticias octubre 2018

Wow! What a week! More evidence presented itself this week,  that GMO chemical farming is not safe, not wanted and not doing what the manufacturers say it will do.

While we do not have any news on whether Judge Balonos will accept Bayer/Monsanto's appeal to overturn the $289.2 jury awarded, guilty-on-all-counts-judgment, we promise we will let you know as soon as we find out. It could be any hour or day now. Stay up to date specifically on our Facebook page.

We also hope you will join us on our Monday night Moms Connect call to discuss these and many important issues. Sign up for our email alerts here for the invitation to join us. Watch or listen to last night's Moms Connect Call here.

 Screen_Shot_2018-10-16_at_9.51.35_AM.png¿Desea compartir la información y las soluciones de Moms Across America? Comparta esta nueva entrevista de Josh Trent de Wellness Force con Zen Honeycutt de Moms Across America.

en Fuerza de bienestar Radio episode 237, Founder and Director of Mamás en toda América as well as the Author of, Unstoppable, Zen honeycutt, uncovers with host, Josh Trent, how you can take leadership in your own family to make real changes happen at the dinner table, how we can heal and feed the world with organic food, and why exporting monocrops to third world countries actually hurts rather than helps them.

haga clic aquí.


The Creator of GMO Potatoes revela la peligrosa verdad - Entrevista exclusiva


The Ex-Director of J.R. Simplot and team leader at Monsanto, Caius Rommens, has revealed the hidden dangers of the GMO potatoes he created, in a wide-ranging interview for Sustainable Pulse, on the same day that his book ‘Pandora’s Potatoes: The Worst GMOs’ was released on Amazon.

For full article haga clic aquí.


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¡Todo está contaminado con glifosato! ¿Qué debo hacer?

En Moms Across America a menudo recibimos preguntas como "¿Qué puedo comer?" o "Todo está contaminado, ¿qué hago?"


Here is a recent question that we think everyone could benefit from considering and our answer.


Screen_Shot_2018- 09-16 _at_11. 29.22 _AM.pngHi, I'm a new mom who has eaten Quaker Oats throughout my pregnancy. After learning about arsenic levels in the oats I made the switch to Bob's Red Mill organic steel-cut oats. Now I discover that I have been unknowingly eating small doses of glyphosate every morning for breakfast, as well as feeding it to my daughter through breast milk. I'm infuriated and wondering what actions I'm able to take? ”- michelle v.

Nuestra respuesta:

Querida Michelle

We totally understand your frustration. We are angry too that so much of our food is contaminated.

Hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer.

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¡SÍ! ¡Tira tus Cheerios y Quaker Oats!

Por Zen Honeycutt
Director Ejecutivo Fundador Moms Across America

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_5.13.34_PM.pngEl agosto 27, 2018, el Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental (EWG) publicó un artículo llamado "¿Debería tirar mis Cheerios?" El artículo aborda las recientes pruebas de EWG de 45 muestras de cereales y productos de avena para el glifosato, el ingrediente químico activo declarado en el herbicida Roundup, fabricado por Monsanto. 95% de los productos convencionales dieron positivo para el carcinógeno conocido. Solo el 3% de los productos orgánicos fueron positivos. Los niveles encontrados fueron 30 -1300+ ppb de glifosato en las muestras analizadas. Aunque estamos encantados de que el EWG haya analizado los alimentos en busca de glifosato, nos horroriza que en realidad digan: “¿Entonces debo tirar mis Cheerios? En una palabra, no. ”Aunque algunos de los productos contenían 8 x niveles más altos que sus propias evaluaciones de seguridad y miles de veces más * que lo que se muestra en estudios científicos para causar daño ... todavía no aconsejaron a los consumidores que dejen de comer alimentos que se han encontrado altamente contaminados con glifosato.

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Hummus "saludable" contaminado con el resumen de Monsanto

Glyphosate in Hummus Test Results Report
Moms Across America
agosto 31, 2018

Screen_Shot_2018- 08-28 _at_2. 00.47 _PM.png
agosto 31, 2018 - Hummus es la merienda favorita para la mayoría de las personas que se consideran saludables. Aparentemente, la marca de hummus ahora se ha vuelto mucho más importante. Hoy, Moms Across America lanzó el resultados de pruebas de 10 muestras de hummus de 8 marcas mostrando niveles preocupantes de residuos de glifosato. Todas menos 1 de las muestras dieron positivo para niveles cuantificables. El glifosato se encuentra en Roundup, un herbicida popular de Monsanto, y se rocía comúnmente sobre garbanzos como agente de secado antes de la cosecha. El glifosato químico ha aparecido en numerosos titulares en las últimas dos semanas debido al veredicto en el juicio de Johnson v Monsanto. Johnson era un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela y el jurado del gigante químico Monsanto le otorgó 289.2 millones de dólares por "malicia y opresión" u ocultar el hecho de que sabían que su herbicida de glifosato podría causar cáncer. Las marcas de hummus que dieron positivo para residuos de glifosato fueron Kirkland Signature, Sabra, Cedar's, Simply Balanced, Trader Joe's, Sadaf y Hope. El hummus orgánico de Lilly fue la única marca que tuvo un resultado no cuantificable para el glifosato.

Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America stated, “Glyphosate residues in hummus are not surprising, due to the farming practice of spraying garbanzo beans preharvest with glyphosate as a drying agent, but these results are terribly disturbing. The agriculture industry has known since 2015 that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. They had ample time to discontinue the practice of spraying this herbicide on their crops. We hope now, with these results and the verdict of the Johnson v Monsanto lawsuit, that the EPA will revoke the license of glyphosate and farmers will stop using harmful chemicals.”

Lilly’s Hummus representative stated that they source their garbanzo beans from organic farmers in California. When asked about the absence of glyphosate in their products they stated, regarding their suppliers, “They perform random field pre-checks on crops, and recognize glyphosate as one of the worst herbicides. We’re very gratified to produce a nourishing product safe for individuals and families free of this substance.”

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La revisión de la Prop. 65 de la EPA de CA hace que las empresas se vuelvan específicas sobre los químicos cancerígenos

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_3.18.47_PM.pngagosto 30 , 2018 - Misión Viejo. Moms Across America aplaude la decisión de la Oficina de Evaluación de Riesgos para la Salud Ambiental (OEHHA) de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de California (CA EPA). Hoy es el día en que los cambios tan esperados entran en vigencia para las empresas, los fabricantes y las partes responsables en la cadena de suministro de exponer al público a productos químicos nocivos. A partir de este día, cualquier persona que exponga al público a sustancias químicas que se sabe que causan cáncer o daños reproductivos en California debe tener las advertencias establecidas de la siguiente manera o enfrentar una multa de $ 2,500 por día, por violación.

Zen Honeycutt, de Mom Across America, declaró: “Estamos encantados de que las empresas ahora tengan que indicar específicamente, por nombre, a qué producto químico están expuestas. El público tiene derecho a saber. Sin embargo, estamos indignados de que el glifosato, que está en la lista de Prop 65 y se rocía en nuestros alimentos y alrededor de nuestras escuelas y parques, no se incluirá porque Monsanto demandó a la EPA de California para detener El etiquetado. Esto es una injusticia para el público estadounidense que debe corregirse de inmediato ”. Los herbicidas de glifosato fueron objeto de una demanda reciente en la que el demandante Dwayne Lee Johnson recibió 289.2 millones de dólares de Monsanto por la causa de su linfoma no Hodgkin, a la que estuvo expuesto mientras usaba equipo de protección como aplicador de pesticidas en la escuela

According to 30 years of EPA policy, normally glyphosate, which was placed on the Prop 65 list in 2017, would be included in this regulation. All products, such as Roundup sold in Home Depot,  would need to carry this warning today. All pesticide applicators would need to be informed that they were using products which cause cancer, and all farmers would see warning labels on their bulk purchases of glyphosate herbicides which they spray on our food crops.  However, Monsanto sued the CA EPA and the judge granted them a temporary injunction which stopped the labeling of glyphosate herbicides. Their reasoning was that Monsanto had the right to “free speech” meaning they and the other clients in the lawsuit, such as the Wheat Growers Association, had the right to NO speak about whether their products or food ingredients contained a probable carcinogen. Nevermind that they also have the free will to make or use a chemical which exposes the public unknowingly to a carcinogen.

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Grupos de consumidores anuncian un acuerdo de acción legal en relación con las etiquetas '100% natural'

Asentamiento del Valle de la Naturaleza

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Three nonprofit groups today jointly announced that they have resolved a consumer-protection action filed by the groups against General Mills on agosto 24, 2016, concerning General Mills’ labeling of its Nature Valley Granola Bars as “Made with 100% Natural Whole Grain Oats.” A copy of the Complaint is available at:

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Is Monsanto's Glyphosate Connected to Red Tide and Marine Life Losses?

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Monsanto Rep Says Roundup is Safer than Vinegar or Vitamin D3

Mom and daughter team reveals Monsanto's lies! 

agosto 16, 2018 - Today Mckenzie Feldman sent me this video, which she filmed at the Hawaii State Farm Fair in 2015. Her mother, the woman speaking in the film, fearlessly asks the Monsanto employee about his perspective on the use of Roundup. We applaud the courage it took to make this film and we acknowledge this dynamic mother-daughter team! Way to go!

We would like to add that this employee, not to excuse his choices but to put it into perspective, simply believed what his employer told him. We know there are thousands of people who work at Monsanto, many of them good people who want to provide for their families, that have been just as hoodwinked as the rest of us. This does not excuse the behavior of misleading the public, however. We ask that anyone who works at any company be responsible for having a job which contributes to the safety of our planet instead of polluting it. If your company is poisoning people, find another job! Be creative and do what inspires you!

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Oxford Connecticut Retires Roundup Goes Organic

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Oxford Connecticut Retires Roundup and Goes Organic
Northeast Horticultural Services Chosen to Manage Organic Vegetation Control

Monsanto TrialSTRATFORD, CT, agosto 11, 2018 – Oxford, CT residents can breathe a sigh of relief. Glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup, Rodeo and Ranger Pro will no longer be sprayed in their park and on their sidewalks. These carcinogenic herbicides are currently the hot topic in legal circles- the Johnson v Monsanto trial verdict was just announced yesterday and glyphosate herbicide manufacturer Monsanto was found guilty and fined 289.2 million dollars for failing to label their product as a carcinogen and for malice- intentionally covering up that they knew their product was carcinogenic. The plaintiff, Dwayne “Lee” Johnson a school pesticide applicator, used Roundup and Rodeo, had a few accidents, and despite wearing protective gear, he was exposed to the chemicals. He now has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and tumors on 80% of his body. Lee has a wife and two children and is not expected, by his doctors, to live longer than two years.

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