Big Ag presiona a Canadá para aumentar los niveles permitidos de glifosato en los alimentos durante la crisis de salud - Moms Across America

Big Ag presiona a Canadá para aumentar los niveles permitidos de glifosato en los alimentos durante una crisis de salud

Despite an estimated 125,000 plaintiffs who have sued Monsanto/Bayer for their glyphosate-based herbicide products’( GBH’s) connection to non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and 40 countries around the world banning or restricting the use of glyphosate, Bayer continues to push the increased use of this agrochemical on food and feed crops.

Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has recently posted a proposed increase of glyphosate maximum residue levels (MRLs) on food crops to be 100 - 650% higher than previous levels. Glyphosate-based herbicides are used on many crops as a drying agent before harvest, weedkiller in agriculture or landscaping leads to glyphosate contamination of our water, food, beverages, rain, air, and even some childhood vaccines.

The risk of higher glyphosate residues on the global food supply and products, including America’s, resulting in decreased health, is not probable if this proposal is approved. It is definite. Much of Canada and the northern midwest of America are considered the “breadbasket” of America.  In 2018/19, Canada's total cereal (grain) exports amounted to around 28.39 million metric tons, exported to 95 different countries worldwide.

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A few examples of Canada’s proposed glyphosate MRLs: dry peas glyphosate residues would increase from 2 ppm to 15 ppm - 650% higher, from 4 ppm on lentils to 10 ppm - 150%, and from 5 ppm on wheat flour to 15 ppm - 200% higher. The increase is alarming because recent science shows that low levels of glyphosate exposure can and do cause harm to animal and human health. The residue increase from 15 ppm on oats and bran to 35 ppm, (which is 35,000 ppb) is 35,000 times higher than the 1 ppb shown to cause cell death in a study by Mesnage, Bernay, and Séralini, “Ethoxylated Adjuvants of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides.”  It is 350,000 times higher than the  .1 ppb that was shown in Lozano et al’s study to cause disruption of the gut microbiota, which is the stronghold of the immune system. In Seralini et al’s study when rats were given a very low dose of .1 ppb in their water, all treated groups, both male and female rats in the study died 2-3 times more often and faster, developed kidney damage, massive tumors, and the males had 2.5-5.5 TIMES higher rates of liver necrosis. 

In addition to being carcinogenic, studies show glyphosate herbicides have been shown to contribute to the following health issues in animal studies: congenital deformities, miscarriage, infertility, sperm damage, reproductive organ disruption, liver and kidney disease, autism symptoms, and disrupted gut health which can contribute to dozens of autoimmune disorders and mental health issues.

El daño de las dosis bajas de herbicidas de glifosato es innegable. Según la Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos Hoja de datos de glifosato, “Los investigadores de un estudio publicado en la revista Toxicology estudiaron cuatro formulaciones comerciales diferentes de glifosato y observaron roturas en el 50 por ciento de las cadenas de ADN en las células hepáticas humanas en dosis tan bajas como cinco partes por millón (ppm). Este daño afecta la forma en que el ADN envía mensajes a varios sistemas fisiológicos, incluido el sistema endocrino. Los investigadores afirmaron que esto es importante porque el hígado es el primer órgano de desintoxicación y es sensible a los contaminantes de la dieta ". Un hígado sano es fundamental para que nuestros órganos corporales funcionen correctamente y mantengan nuestra salud. Los pediatras, especialmente en las comunidades agrícolas, están notificando un aumento preocupante de la enfermedad hepática no alcohólica en niños de hasta 8 años de edad.

Ninety-eight percent of the wheat that is imported each year by the United States is grown in Canada.

Canada exported 3.31 million tonnes of grain a year to the U.S. between mid-2012 and mid-2015. In that same period, the U.S. exported about 53,000 tonnes of wheat to Canada per year. 

Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus at Purdue University, comments about the proposed MRLs, “Canada already has some of the most highly glyphosate contaminated crops in the world. In his ebook on Poison Foods of North America, Tony Mitra shows the high to extreme levels identified by the quarter plus million Canadian Food Inspection Authority analyses. The reason for increasing the MRL is probably the same as the EPA raising ours – Those are the levels they are finding in the commodity, and to sell them they have to increase the amount permitted!”

La teoría de Huber no es probable. Es un hecho.

A new movie, People Protecting Food, newly released in Japan, featuring the former Minister of Agriculture of Japan, Yamada Mashiko, reveals proof that the chemical companies influence food policy to their benefit. A Japanese molecular biologist Masaharu Kawata states in the film, “this document (from Monsanto to regulators) states that for genetically modified crops, the residual value of glyphosate will inevitably exceed Japan's safety standards, so Japan needs to raise its safety standards.” 

A nivel internacional, nuestros sistemas alimentarios están inextricablemente conectados. Japón posee el centro de distribución de granos más grande del mundo, con sede en Luisiana, EE. UU. Los centros de recolección de granos 85 que poseen los japoneses a lo largo del Mississippi transfieren la mayoría de los productos de los agricultores del medio oeste estadounidense a Asia. Si el gobierno japonés continúa comprando granos rociados con glifosato, el impacto dañino de los agroquímicos ocurrirá no solo en el pueblo japonés, sino también en los agricultores estadounidenses y canadienses, en nuestro suelo, agua y población humana. Lo mismo podría decirse de las importaciones a EE. UU. Desde Canadá y viceversa.

According to the Secretary-General of the OK Seed project -  an alternative labeling project against GMOs including gene-editing, Inyaku Tomoya, Japan is highly dependent on Canada and the USA for food and animal feed.  "About 85% of the wheat consumed in Japan is imported, and raising glyphosate residue levels is disastrous for the people of Japan.”  

En Japón, se importa el 99.8% de la colza (canola). Importaciones de Japón semillas de colza de Canadá (92.3%) y Australia (7.7%). En 2016, las importaciones de trigo de Japón procedían de EE. UU. (46.3%), Canadá (33.3%) y Australia (15.5%). Todos se rocían comúnmente con glifosato como agente de secado o el glifosato se usa como herbicida durante la temporada de crecimiento. 

On Thursday, abril 13, 2017, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) of the Government of Japan (GOJ) announced changes to the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for the pesticides Isoxathion, Glyphosate, Clethodim, and Flutolanil.

El MRL de glifosato de Japón cambió, y se espera que los niveles de residuos de glifosato en los alimentos importados sean actualmente los niveles más altos en la historia registrada, durante una crisis de salud.

  • Trigo: 30 ppm (en comparación con 5 ppm, seis veces más)
  • Maíz: 20 ppm (en comparación con 1 ppm, 20 veces)
  • Soja: 20 ppm (en lugar de 20 ppm, sin cambios)
  • Remolacha azucarera: 15 ppm (en comparación con 0.2 ppm, 75 veces)
  • Girasol: 40 ppm (en comparación con 0.1 ppm, 400 veces) 

In comparison, China’s glyphosate MRL for imports are:

  • Trigo: 5 ppm (83% menos que en Japón)
  • Harina de trigo. 5 ppm (96% más bajo que el 15 ppm de Canadá)
  • Maíz: 1 ppm (95% menos que en Japón)
  • Soja - NA
  • Remolacha azucarera - NA
  • Girasol: 7 ppm (82% menos que en Japón)

Los científicos independientes de todo el mundo están profundamente preocupados por el aumento de los LMR de glifosato. 

Former US EPA employee of twenty-five years and author of Poison Spring E. G. Valliantos commented on the MRLs, “Canada's decision to increase the Maximum Residue Limits for glyphosate/Roundup in the food Canadians eat is irresponsible. Glyphosate causes cancer, neurological diseases and, in many ways, devastates the natural world. Canada has the moral responsibility to ban glyphosate. Such a harmful substance has no place in a civilized society. At a time of a pandemic and drastic climate change, agriculture needs to return to sanity and ecology.” 

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and author of the newly released book Toxic Legacy, also stated, "It's sad to see that levels of glyphosate allowed by regulatory agents in core foods are being adjusted upward to accommodate higher levels that are now being found in these foods, with no regard to safety testing to see if these levels are safe."

En su libro, Seneff señala que los herbicidas a base de glifosato están patentados como antimicrobianos y funcionan como antibióticos. El consumo de un antibiótico en nuestro suministro de alimentos, con casi todas las comidas que contienen granos, guisantes, frijoles, soja o maíz, y muchos otros cultivos, tiene un efecto nefasto a largo plazo para la población humana.

Un extracto de El libro de Seneff dice: “La exposición crónica al glifosato, un antibiótico, puede hacer que los humanos sean más susceptibles a la gripe y otras infecciones respiratorias, incluido COVID- 19. 

En 2019, un equipo internacional de científicos descubrió que los antibióticos interfieren con un mecanismo de señalización en los pulmones que lanza la primera respuesta inmune a la infección por influenza. Los ratones que reciben antibióticos tienen un peor pronóstico cuando se infectan con el virus de la influenza. Sin embargo, y esto es significativo, un trasplante fecal de un ratón que no ha estado expuesto a antibióticos restaura la salud intestinal y aumenta la resistencia pulmonar contra la gripe en un ratón que ha sido infectado con el virus de la influenza ".

En un momento en el que es crucial retomar el rumbo y apoyar a nuestra economía para que funcione previniendo los cierres, tomar cualquier acción que aumente los riesgos para la salud va en contra de la viabilidad de nuestros sistemas globales.

The CDC has reported that people with pre-existing conditions such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and obesity (predominately preventable conditions through healthy food) are at higher risk of severe symptoms from COVID. Glyphosate herbicides have been proven to alter human gut microbiota and therefore impair the immune system and increases antibiotic resistance. Higher numbers of people with severe symptoms mean a higher risk of another shutdown THAT CAUSES societal and economic disaster. The US Government spent over $3 trillion during shutdowns directly caused by largely preventable symptoms to a virus closely related to the flu virus, of our taxpayer dollars. This massive use of resources will go to waste and continue to be a black hole for funding if international governments continue to allow glyphosate in our food. Glyphosate was a contributing factor to the current pandemic shutdowns and will be a larger factor in future ones if governments don’t stop allowing the use of this chronically highly harmful agrochemical now. 

Moms Across America urges people from countries all around the world to object to the Canadian, Japanese, and US governments for allowing such high levels of glyphosate residues in our food. If China can support its citizen’s health, so can we. Please take action today and specifically tell the Canadian government to NOT raise their glyphosate MRLs before the comment period closes.

There are safe alternatives, namely regenerative organic agriculture, which produces non-toxic, non-GMO, more nutrient-dense food as it improves soil quality and sequesters carbon. Regenerative organic food systems support our immune systems and can reduce climate change.  A new paper by the Heartland Health Research Alliance shows that the surest way to minimize pesticide dietary exposure and health risks is to consume organically grown food. 

The paper concludes that by converting the 1.2% of US cropland used to grow fruits and vegetables to organic production, the nation’s farmers could cut total pesticides dietary risk by a remarkable 98%.

Ésta es la solución que el mundo necesita ahora.

Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)  has an open comment period until julio 20, 2021, regarding the raising of glyphosate levels by 100-650%. Comments can be made directly to the PMRA before julio 20  at this link (Canadians and people of all countries)  or if you are America, you may send a pre-written email and call with our one-click campaign.

HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para tomar medidas rápidas ahora.

Gente de todos los paises

Por correo:

Sección de Publicaciones de la Agencia Reguladora de Manejo de Plagas

Agencia Reguladora de Manejo de Plagas (PMRA)

Salud Canadá

2720 paseo por la ribera

Ottawa, ontario

Localizador de direcciones: 6607 D

K1A 0K9


E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 613-736-3799

Toll-free: 1-800-267-6315

Facsimile: 613-736-3758

Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada)

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  • Lloyd macklem
    comentado 2021-07-20 11:11:29 -0400
    This post would not accept my postal code , I even did add the complete code . Something fishy here .Why would Canada want their grain( for export) to contain ..more poison on their grain than is already on the grain in the USA ?Something stinks here . Someone is trying to start a riff between our countries ,
  • roland shafer
    comentado 2021-07-09 14:08:05 -0400
    Los 10 sentidos comunes

    1 Agua pura, limpia y saludable
    2 Aire limpio
    3 Suelo fértil (rico en minerales)
    4 Alimentos vivos densos en nutrientes
    5 Sol (entra en la vida dando luz)
    6 Conexión a tierra (obtenga su cuerpo natural creado por Dios en la madre tierra).
    7 Silencio
    8 No hacer daño
    9 Amor
    1 Sea el cambio

    La intención despierta la atención.
    Donde va la atención, fluye la energía.
    Donde fluye la energía todo crece.
  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2021-07-09 12:10:24 -0400

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