El comienzo del fin de la era química
Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, un aplicador de pesticidas de la escuela con linfoma no Hodgkin, ¡GANA su demanda contra Monsanto! ¡El jurado (Dios los bendiga) otorgó a Johnson 289.2 millones de dólares! 4000 otros demandantes esperan demandar a Monsanto y 10,0000 se espera para fin de año. Seguramente esta decisión tiene a Bayer, quien ahora es dueño de Monsanto, reconsiderando si continuará vendiendo o no productos a base de glifosato.
¡Esta es una gran victoria para la humanidad! ¡Las corporaciones de todo el mundo ahora entienden que deben asumir la responsabilidad del impacto de sus productos!
Mira el veredicto aquí:
US Court demands that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos in 60 days! Chlorpyrifos, a chemical sprayed on food crops, is a known neurotoxin, especially to children, and was supposed to be banned last year. But the ban was revoked by the current administration. Coincidentally, the ban dismissal was enacted after Trump held a meeting with the CEO of Dow, the manufacturers of the chemical, who gave a 1.2 million dollar donation to his campaign. At Moms Across America, we believe that no matter who we vote for, what our political inclinations are, that every public figure has a responsibility to protect our children. This behavior is reprehensible, and we are glad that the courts have the power to reverse that decision and reinstate the ban. We simply cannot allow big business to harm our little kids.
Transcripts of the closing arguments here.
Johnson's lawyer's slides here.
Also, in the news is Monsanto on trial and Robert F. Kennedy Jr - one of the lawyers suing Monsanto for the link to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Watch his stellar interview here.
¡Estamos muy contentos de que haya abordado todos los problemas de salud de los que las madres hemos estado hablando durante años, y que los medios de comunicación están cubriendo este tema!
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