Daño del glifosato a través de la conexión intestino-cerebro
One of the most important interviews I have ever conducted for understanding the root cause of the health crisis in America was with Dr.matt buckley on enero 12, 2015.
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
The most widely used herbicide in the word is Roundup which contains glyphosate. Glyphosate is now considered a generic chemical and is used in over 1600 products world wide and hundreds of million of pounds are used in the USA. There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2) Agriculture journals are recommending farmers spray Roundup ( glyphosate) as a drying agent at harvest, to speed up the harvesting process. They spray non GMO, non organic crops such as wheat, legumes, peas, beans, tea, sugar and more. Glyphosate is also sprayed pre harvest and many crops such as beries and potatoes absorb glyphosate. You can see the complete list of allowable levels of glyphosate on our food and feed crops at EPA List of Allowed Levels of Glyphosate on 160 Food Crops
For more information on glyphosate, which a a patented antibiotic (weakens immune system), chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency) and endocrine disruptor (infertility, sterility, micarriages and birth defects), go to our Data page.
Mira la entrevista aquí:
Una sinopsis escrita está abajo.
Alrededor de 19:00 Dr. Buckley explica:
Recent studies showed that glyphosate destroys the beneficial gut bacteria and allows the pathogenic bacteria to thrive. Glyphosate in our food and gut equals and increase of bad bacteria, especially clostridium botulinum infections.
The pathogenic bacteria overgrowth...and die off..releases waste products (what makes you feel sick) and the lipopolysaccarides released by pathogenic bacteria is a known agent to break down intestines. When the lining of intestine is broken down this allows the lippopolysaccarides to enter the blood stream which alarms the immune system. The immune system then releases interlucken 1B a Cytocon. When this occurs on periperphary of body, that signal is transmitted through the vegus nerve from the gut to the brain.
This signals the immune cells of the brain, the microglia, to also secrete their own interleukin 1 B and glutamate in the brain and spinal cord. Glutamate is an excitotoxin and destroys neurons. This type of damage in the brain and immune system is being shown to be a major factor in all neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's, Autism, anxiety, depression, Parkison's, MS; and if it happens in the spinal cord this appears to be a major factor in ALS. Read more in his blog here.
Dr. Buckely recommends an organic Paleolithic diet,which is primarily vegetables,seeds, meat, fish, and small amounts of fruit, while excluding grains, dairy, starchy carbs or sugar, which feed the pathogenic bacteria. He agrees that adding raw organic sauerkraut (good bacteria) will offset the bad bacteria and help heal the gut, provided fungal overgrowth isn't excessive. My family eats 1-2 tablespoons of raw organic sauerkraut every day. Probiotic supplements also restore gut health but I reminded the audience in the video that many probiotic companies buy their probiotics from Dianesco which was bought out by Dupont (Dupont also makes the pesticides/herbicides sprayed on our crops, so they have a perfect profit circle). So make sure to ask before you buy.
Al eliminar la toxina / antibiótico glifosato de los alimentos que ingresan al intestino (al comer orgánicos) que destruye las bacterias buenas, agregando vegetales fermentados y probióticos (bacterias buenas) y al matar de hambre a las bacterias malas del azúcar, podemos restaurar nuestro intestino bacterias y por lo tanto recuperar nuestra salud.
Los médicos y expertos en salud coinciden en que la clave para la salud y la supervivencia de la raza humana es nuestra flora intestinal. Sin una flora intestinal saludable, estamos seguros de enfermarnos y probablemente morir mucho antes de lo necesario. También es clave para nuestro bienestar mental ... decisiones saludables, relaciones y el cumplimiento de nuestro potencial en la vida y como país. Moms Across America solicita que todos MIREN SU ALIMENTACIÓN.
Are you eating as organic as possible? Good budgeting can result less expensive, more healthy meals by eating organic at home! (One source of support is a book called " 15 minute Healthy, Organic Meals for Less than $10 a Day")
Are you adding in good bacteria via feremented (cultured) foods with every meal? Raw organic saurkraut, organic yogurt or keifer, organic miso, organic kimchi or keifer water soda are the best sources of probiotics.
Are you diminishing the overgrowth of bad bacteria? Eliminating sugar and carbs upon which bad bacteria thrive restores your gut flora and improves your health.
Si todos se responsabilizan de su propia salud y la de sus hijos de esta manera, podemos reducir colectivamente el impacto en nuestras familias, comunidades y nación. Podemos cambiar esta crisis de salud y restaurar el futuro de Estados Unidos.
Para ser un líder para la salud de SU comunidad, organice un evento con Moms Across America. ¡Comparta esta información y marque la diferencia para las generaciones venideras! Algunas ideas para eventos son:
1) Host a GMO Movie night or Cultured Food Party and empower your friends and neighbors.
2) Ten una mesa / stand en tu Festival del Día de la Tierra local en abril y llega a mil.
3) Host a Moms Meetup mayo 2, 2015 and help cause a billion dollar shift to organic.
4) Conviértete en el líder de un grupo para unirse en los desfiles del 4 de julio y llega a decenas de miles en tu ciudad.
Vea nuestra página de Eventos para más información sobre todos estos eventos.
¡Asegúrese de PUBLICAR su evento en MAA con su dirección como anfitrión para que podamos enviarle materiales gratis si / cuando recibamos suficiente apoyo de patrocinio!
Gracias por difundir la palabra!
Zen honeycutt
Mamás en toda América