Monsanto's Assault on Motherhood Must Stop! - Moms Across America

¡El asalto de Monsanto a la maternidad debe terminar!

Hoy lanzamos una nueva campaña para Mujeres de Autoridad, nuestras funcionarias electas en el Congreso y el Senado, de Moms Across America.

Estimadas diputadas y senadoras: 

A new study from Argentina on glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides shows that “exposure to low doses could alter the development of the female reproductive tract, with consequences on fertility.”

Este hallazgo es significativo considerando que los defensores del glifosato argumentan que la exposición a bajas dosis de esta sustancia química a través del consumo de alimentos no es motivo de preocupación para la salud humana. Esto significa que los alimentos convencionales que usted, su hermana, hija o integrantes femeninas comen, como trigo, lácteos, frijoles, huevos, jugo de naranja, leche materna, vino, cerveza y más, que ha sido ha demostrado contener niveles bajos de glifosato, podría ser responsable de sus abortos espontáneos y daños reproductivos. Las bajas dosis a las que está expuesta una mujer embarazada cuando camina junto a su vecino que está rociando Roundup en la entrada de su casa podrían provocar un aborto espontáneo. Monsanto / Bayer podría ser responsable de innumerables abortos espontáneos en las últimas cuatro décadas que su producto estrella Roundup se ha utilizado en nuestras industrias de agricultura y paisajismo. Encima 300 millones de libras de glifosato se usa cada año en los Estados Unidos. Roundup se sigue rociando en cultivos alimentarios y se vende en Home Depot y Lowes a pesar de las recientes demandas en las que los jurados otorgaron a 4 demandantes un total de más de 2.5 mil millones de dólaress por la "malicia y la opresión" sobre el conocimiento de que el producto de Monsanto podría contribuir al linfoma no Hodgkin.

The five Argentinian scientists further revealed, “Studies have also demonstrated that the exposure to GBHs alters the development and differentiation of ovarian follicles and uterus, affecting fertility when animals are exposed before puberty.” Glyphosate herbicides do not wash, dry or cook off; our children are eating these residues in food thousands of times before puberty.

In landscaping use, 90% of runoff into our streams, oceans, swimming and drinking water is from city use of pesticides. Our city sprays glyphosate herbicides in order to have “clean” looking sidewalks and playgrounds which impact our daughters who are playing barefoot in their neighborhoods. These exposures could unknowingly be causing reproductive damage to girls long before they reach reproductive years. What our daughters are exposed to when they are two affects whether or not they will be able to have a child when they are twenty-two. 

Monsanto has known for decades that their glyphosate products could cause miscarriages.

In the Monsanto Trials the discovery process revealed that a study stated, “...although the results suggested, they failed to prove that glyphosate causes miscarriages.” Donna Farmer, Monsanto’s lead toxicologist, crossed out the words “although” and “suggested”, leaving the sentence to read, “The results failed to prove that glyphosate causes miscarriages.”

This is an assault on motherhood; a crime against humanity. Her action retracted vital information from the scientific community which could have led to further studies on the connection between glyphosate and miscarriages. How many mothers have lost their precious, sacred babies because of Donna Farmer and Monsanto?

What has America lost, as a whole, due to the human beings that are not here and will not contribute to our families and society because of the use of this herbicide? 

This silence must be broken. Mothers who have lost children must be heard, not threatened and denigrated. Females must be protected and afforded the right to procreate if they wish to someday. 

Bayer/Monsanto’s product, glyphosate herbicides, and all other endocrine disrupting toxic chemicals must NOT be allowed to be used in any capacity. High or low dose exposure, both can be life-threatening to our fetuses and future of America. This is a matter of preserving the future of the human race. No amount of profit, no amount of money, will be able to replace what we have lost or will lose in the future if this is allowed to continue.

We ask you, women of authority - our female elected officials- the women who speak for us- to end Monsanto’s Assault on Motherhood.

We ask you to co-sponsor the Protect Our Children From Toxic Pesticides Act and insist that glyphosate herbicides are included. #ForOur Babies - the ones we lost and the ones to come.


Moms Across America and the American People


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  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2020-08-17 18:48:24 -0400

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