Higher Levels of Glyphosate Detected in Wine and Beer - Moms Across America

Niveles más altos de glifosato detectados en vino y cerveza

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Perturbador la noticia fue lanzada hoy por US Pirg   mostrando niveles aún más altos de glifosato en vinos y cervezas populares que los resultados de la prueba    Moms Across America comisionó en 2017 . Estos resultados muestran claramente que los herbicidas a base de glifosato (GBH) deben ser prohibidos. A pesar del hecho de que los agricultores han sabido desde 2015 que los herbicidas con glifosato pueden causar cáncer y muchos otros efectos graves para la salud, continúan rociando GBH como agente de secado en sus cultivos de granos. Porque la EPA de EE. UU. Dice que es seguro hacerlo.    34 países tienen   prohibido   o   restringido   glifosato, pero no los Estados Unidos.

Firma la petición de   USPirg   al USDA para probar   glifosato aquí.

La contaminación de la cerveza y los vinos es otra gran razón para unirse al llamado a la acción de Amigos de la Tierra e ir a su tienda local de comestibles propiedad de Kroger hoy o mañana averiguar de su supermercado local es propiedad de Kroger's aquí) ¡y pídales que dejen de vender productos con pesticidas tóxicos! Descubre más sobre el Llamado a la acción aquí.

Leer el completo Informe de USPirg y tome medidas aquí.

¡Agradecemos al equipo de USPirg por su excelente trabajo!

The test results very sadly showed that some of the organic wine and beer brands tested were also positive for glyphosate. This is by no fault of their own. Organic wine and beer manufacturers are not allowed to and do not use glyphosate on their crops. Any amount of glyphosate showing up in any organic product is most likely by contamination through the soil, irrigation water, drift or rain. There is, of course, the chance that the organic manufacturers are being lied to by their suppliers that their ingredients are organic. Such fraud has been exposed in the past and has been heavily fined. However, the conventional farmers that continue to freely use these toxic chemicals and sell them to conventional beer and wine manufacturers are not fined. Ironic isn't it?

Call or email your representative today and tell them that glyphosate herbicides must be banned!

We hope you saw this news last week that is worth mentioning again.

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A new Friends of the Earth collaborative study shows that people who consumed organic food versus conventional had 60.5% less toxic pesticides in their bodies in just six days. This is great news! This means that it does make a difference to eat organic, even despite low levels of contamination in organic which can (but does not always) occur.  Watch their short video here.

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Considering that a new study also shows that exposure to glyphosate herbicides resulted in a 41% increase of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, I would say that it is worth it to buy organic, wouldn't you?

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