Blog de las mamás en toda América


Carlo Mondavi: Leading the Transition to Regenerative Agriculture in Legacy Wineries

The legacy of the Mondavi family in the wine industry is renowned for producing some of California's finest wines for generations. Carlo Mondavi, the grandson of the legendary winemaker, Robert Mondavi, has stepped forward as a pioneer in transitioning their legacy family winery to regenerative agriculture. Carlo’s journey towards sustainable practices was triggered by a concern for the environment, particularly the plight of monarch butterflies, and the realization of the dangers of glyphosate to both wildlife and human health.

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CHD 2nd Annual Conference: Cutting-Edge Topics Presented by World-Renowned Speakers

Reposted from Children’s Health Defense

The 2023 Children's Health Defense Conference offers the opportunity for health freedom advocates to gain knowledge and empowerment while joining forces with like-minded individuals from around the world.

In addition to taking advantage of the packed line-up of powerful presentations, attendees can also take some time to relax and unwind or explore Savannah’s myriad attractions, including its famed riverfront, expansive bridges, unique historical sites, eateries, and art galleries.

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Turning Down the Dial on Wireless Radiation in Schools: The Science, Symptoms, Solutions & the Legal Imperative to Protect our Children – Free Webinar

Join the Movement to Protect Children from Wireless Harms in Schools! This event is not limited to North Carolina residents; we encourage concerned citizens from all states to participate and be inspired to raise awareness of wireless harms in schools nationwide.

Free, Live Webinar on Tuesday, septiembre 26
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm Eastern Time
Followed by Q & A from 12:30 – 1:00pm

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Agrochemical Landscapes on Display: Upcoming Screenings on the Biggest Threats to the Food Supply

We want you to join the regenerative agriculture movement! One exciting way to do that is voting at the box office by coming out to one of these extraordinary films in your area (the dates below are for Asheville, North Carolina screenings, but check the respective links for theaters near you).

Join Moms Across America for a series of thought-provoking screenings that delve into the threats to the food supply, sustainability, and protecting our families from toxic agrichemicals.

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Moms Across America’s Zen Honeycutt Featured in “Common Ground” — Sequel to the Hit Documentary, ��Kiss the Ground”

The Film “Common Ground” features the pioneers of the “Regenerative Agriculture Movement” who are avoiding Big Ag’s toxic and highly profitable seeds and sprays in order to produce nutritionally dense, nontoxic food that protects human health and the ecosystem of our planet.

Kiss the Ground,” the prequel to “Common Ground,” reached over 1 billion people and inspired the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to put $20 billion toward soil health. Moms Across America’s Executive Director is interviewed in the hard-hitting sequel as a trailblazer with a deeply personal drive for the sustainable food movement.

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Kids Intentionally Poisoned by Artificial School Lunches

Reposted from

The quality of school lunches has been declining for decades, yet this is a new low.

Moms Across America Editor’s Note: Testing school lunches for glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metals, hormones, and nutrients is something our federal government agencies should be doing. These test results should be made publicly available. Moms Across America is clear that the federal government is primarily in the pockets of Big Ag and Big Chem, so these actions are unlikely ever to be taken. So we took it upon ourselves to conduct these critical tests. We thank all those in our Moms Across America network and Children’s Health Defense for donating to support this testing! Now, we implore anyone able to donate to our current fast food testing project to Contáctenos o donate online today! We will be presenting our results in a congressional briefing. Be part of the solution with us!

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Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults

Reposted from Sustainable Pulse

A new peer-reviewed study released by a group of scientists in Taiwan has revealed an astonishingly strong link between severe depression, cognitive decline and exposure to the world’s most used herbicide, glyphosate.

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The Global Agriculture Battle: Time to Support Independent Farms & Grow Your Own Food

What’s behind the global war on independent farmers? It’s becoming clear that, at least in part, it’s a land grab by big corporations. What does this mean for agriculture and your family’s access to healthy food?

In early June, the Dutch government announced its intention to reduce livestock herds by 30% in order to comply with European Union regulations around nitrogen and ammonia pollution. The Country plans to seize 3000 farms and limit the number of cows to only 2 per field in order to meet new climate goals. “These reductions are so severe that those rural communities will be totally devastated economically,” said Sander van Diepen, a spokesperson for LTO Nederland—not to mention the extreme shortage of hamburgers for dinner.

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1 in 8 Bird Species at Risk of Extinction — Here’s Why Scientists Are Concerned

Reposted from Children’s Health Defense
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Birds are a crucial element of our ecosystem, controlling pests, spreading seeds and pollinating about 5% of plants that humans use for food and medicine, but industrial agriculture, with its rapid expansion and use of toxic chemicals, is driving critical bird populations to extinction.

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA

Reposted from The Epoch Times

The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1)

Moms Across America Editor's Note: There were so many COVID lies: Here’s one that skirted the fact that the shots reprogram your body’s cells. The COVID “vaccine” technically contains modRNA (not MRNA as we were told) of a viral gene sequence. ModRNA takes control of human cells and reprograms them to produce a viral protein—in this case, spike protein—the very part of the virus that causes harm to tissues and organs in natural infection. Klaus Steger, Ph.D. reveals why this made the widely-mandated shots not only dangerous, but poorly-designed “vaccines” in terms of efficacy.

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