Blog de las mamás en toda América


Kids Intentionally Poisoned by Artificial School Lunches

Reposted from

The quality of school lunches has been declining for decades, yet this is a new low.

Moms Across America Editor’s Note: Testing school lunches for glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metals, hormones, and nutrients is something our federal government agencies should be doing. These test results should be made publicly available. Moms Across America is clear that the federal government is primarily in the pockets of Big Ag and Big Chem, so these actions are unlikely ever to be taken. So we took it upon ourselves to conduct these critical tests. We thank all those in our Moms Across America network and Children’s Health Defense for donating to support this testing! Now, we implore anyone able to donate to our current fast food testing project to Contáctenos o donate online today! We will be presenting our results in a congressional briefing. Be part of the solution with us!

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Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults

Reposted from Sustainable Pulse

A new peer-reviewed study released by a group of scientists in Taiwan has revealed an astonishingly strong link between severe depression, cognitive decline and exposure to the world’s most used herbicide, glyphosate.

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The Global Agriculture Battle: Time to Support Independent Farms & Grow Your Own Food

What’s behind the global war on independent farmers? It’s becoming clear that, at least in part, it’s a land grab by big corporations. What does this mean for agriculture and your family’s access to healthy food?

In early June, the Dutch government announced its intention to reduce livestock herds by 30% in order to comply with European Union regulations around nitrogen and ammonia pollution. The Country plans to seize 3000 farms and limit the number of cows to only 2 per field in order to meet new climate goals. “These reductions are so severe that those rural communities will be totally devastated economically,” said Sander van Diepen, a spokesperson for LTO Nederland—not to mention the extreme shortage of hamburgers for dinner.

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1 in 8 Bird Species at Risk of Extinction — Here’s Why Scientists Are Concerned

Reposted from Children’s Health Defense
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Birds are a crucial element of our ecosystem, controlling pests, spreading seeds and pollinating about 5% of plants that humans use for food and medicine, but industrial agriculture, with its rapid expansion and use of toxic chemicals, is driving critical bird populations to extinction.

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA

Reposted from The Epoch Times

The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1)

Moms Across America Editor's Note: There were so many COVID lies: Here’s one that skirted the fact that the shots reprogram your body’s cells. The COVID “vaccine” technically contains modRNA (not MRNA as we were told) of a viral gene sequence. ModRNA takes control of human cells and reprograms them to produce a viral protein—in this case, spike protein—the very part of the virus that causes harm to tissues and organs in natural infection. Klaus Steger, Ph.D. reveals why this made the widely-mandated shots not only dangerous, but poorly-designed “vaccines” in terms of efficacy.

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Compras gratuitas de glifosato

We at Moms Across America know it’s discouraging to learn about high levels of toxins in conventional foods and organic too. The enormity of contamination in much of the food supply feels daunting. Much of our rain, air, irrigation systems, and soil are indeed polluted.  However, organic selections are still the best path to managing exposure. 

We have reviewed thousands of test results, and we can state with confidence that across the board, except for highly processed foods like protein powders (where fraudulently labeled lentils and peas were clearly the culprit), organic foods, even if contaminated with glyphosate for instance, had levels thousands of times lower than their conventional counterparts.

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Unveiling Lab-Created Meat

With its approval for sale in the US last November, lab-grown meat is being hailed in the mainstream media as a solution to global hunger while reducing the environmental impact of traditional animal farming. (Lab-grown chicken was later approved in March). But what if it isn’t safe, and what if its carbon footprint exceeds that of grass-fed animals?

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Glyphosate in Food: Avoid These Contaminated Products

Reposted from

Glyphosate is a chemical found in some weed killers used by farmers. It is estimated that more than 80% of Americans are exposed to glyphosate. Find out which food products are contaminated with this chemical and how to limit your exposure.

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Letter from our Founder and Director

As spring blooms into summer, we relish in the explosion of life all around us on the farm. In the heat of the day the bees are buzzing around the Calendula, Borage, and Sweet William flowers, fireflies bespeckle the pastures in the evening, and golden finch bird calls wake us at the cool hours of dawn. We are reminded every day that life goes on no matter what. Animals need to be cared for, weeds need to be tended, and our children need to grow and thrive.

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HEART HEALTH: New Awareness, Diagnostics and Prevention

All too often, heart disease goes unseen. But while symptoms are widely unrecognized, heart disease kills more people than any other disease in the developed world. It is the number one cause of death in America and the number one killer of women. Heart disease claims the lives of more women than breast and lung cancer combined.

Many early symptoms of heart disease are identical to anxiety and indeed they often go together. Because of this, women are too often dismissed when it comes to these warning signs. Doctors frequently tell them their symptoms are psychosomatic; they’re given anti-anxiety medication and sent on their way.

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