Grandes noticias del otro lado del charco - Moms Across America

Grandes noticias desde el otro lado del estanque

Comunicado de prensa global de hoy desde Londres 

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A $25 million international study on GMO and pesticide safety was announced today. The ‘Factor GMO’ study will investigate the health effects of a genetically modified (GMO) crop that has been in our food and animal feed supplies for many years. It will answer the question: Is this GMO food and associated pesticide (Glyphosate / Roundup) safe for human health?
- See more at:

New Open Letter from America to UK regarding "Living with GMOs" announced Today

 Sobre la carta de América

 La Carta de Estados Unidos es una carta abierta única a los ciudadanos, políticos y reguladores del Reino Unido y el resto de la UE sobre los peligros de los cultivos genéticamente modificados.

Esto es relevante para todos nosotros en el Reino Unido y el resto de Europa porque nuestros políticos y reguladores actualmente deciden si plantar OGM y, bajo la presión de los cabilderos de la biotecnología y las negociaciones comerciales como el TAFTA / TTIP, si relajar las regulaciones en torno la importación y venta de OMG.

Europe has held out against GMOs for a very long time. If it gives in now, efforts in the US to successfully campaign against GMOs, to get GM foods labelled, and to try to get them out of the farming and food system are likely to collapse.

The letter is signed by thousands of notable citizens, health orgs, scientists and doctors.
Please sign!

Firme también la NUEVA Carta Internacional Abierta a China, el mayor comprador mundial de cultivos transgénicos, el mayor productor y exportador de glifosato.


This thorough letter lays out eight points proposed to China to be the leader in restoring health and safety to our food supply and citizens. It is an amazing compilation of solutions by the world's leading GMO researchers, scientists, veteranariens and farmers.
Sign and Share!

As the International community rises up in unity, so do we locally in America.


Moms and supporters from all across America took their precious time to make a sign and post their "Protest to Poison on Our Food and Near our Schools!" to Stop Enlist! Gina McCarthy from the EPA will recieve a large envelope of American citizens demanding that they protect us. Thank you to everyone who took the time!

Pictures can still be posted at
to be included in a video. Thank you!

If you want to get more involved, please join us on our new Moms Across America Chat every Monday at 12:30 pm. To join us, sign up for our newsletter or volunteer and request an invite from [email protected].


MAA Leaders can also sign up for "Empowered Leadership" Speaker Panel training and recieve the 30 minute power point to enable you to speak to doctors, moms clubs, city council members and more in your town.
Become a MAA leader by hosting an event and joining our MAAM Leaders Facebook page. Contact [email protected] for the training invite link on noviembre 18.

BE A PART of Creating the World You Want! 
Be a speaker and be a leader for health and freedom!

Thank you for your support!
Zen and the MAA Team

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