WHO Seeking ‘Way Forward’ on IHR Amendments, but a Vote Would Be Illegal, Critics Say - Moms Across America

WHO Seeking ��Way Forward’ on IHR Amendments, but a Vote Would Be Illegal, Critics Say

Reposted from Children's Health Defense

WHO member states on Tuesday agreed “to continue to work during the World Health Assembly … to finalize the package of amendments to the IHR (2005),” but critics argued any vote at this point would violate international law.

MAA’s Editor’s Note:

Our Executive Director of Moms Across America, Zen Honeycutt, is in Geneva to rally support for health freedom and report on the Inspired Global Leadership Summit which forms the resistance to the World Health Organization’s “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005).

WHO leaders still have multiple strategies to push through these illegal international laws, as Children’s Health Defense reports here.

We don’t know what will happen with these critical votes. The votes on this treaty and the IHR won’t be the end of an attempt at global health dominance; they are just the beginning. To support Zen’s advocacy and the critical work of Moms Across America, please become a monthly supporter. You make our efforts possible. Thank you for standing for health freedom.

World Health Organization (WHO) negotiators failed to achieve consensus on the “pandemic agreement” — also known as the “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) in time for this week’s World Health Assembly, but WHO leaders are still pushing a “way forward” for both.

According to the WHO, member states on Tuesday agreed “to continue to work during the World Health Assembly … with the aim to finalize the package of amendments to the IHR (2005) [and] agree on the timing, format and process to conclude the pandemic agreement.”

However, there is confusion concerning the legal authority under which the WHO is attempting to accomplish these objectives.

The New York Times reported that negotiators failed to submit final texts of the two documents before the mayo 24 deadline for consideration and a vote at this year’s assembly, taking place this week in Geneva, Switzerland.

Read full article AQUÍ.

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    publicó esta página en Blog 2024-06-05 17:22:21 -0400

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