Tres formas en que nuestro gobierno nos está perjudicando durante la pandemia - Moms Across America

Tres formas en que nuestro gobierno nos está perjudicando durante la pandemia

En Moms Across America tenemos cuidado de centrarnos en los problemas y no en las personalidades o los políticos, sin importar el partido. Los recientes descubrimientos de cambios en las políticas nos han obligado a discutir ambos. Cuando cualquier político, agencia reguladora o fabricante toma medidas que afectan la salud de nuestras familias y comunidades, debemos hablar y hacerlos responsables.

Trump tuvo claro desde el principio que "drenaría el pantano". Muchos estadounidenses pensaron que eso significaba eliminar a los políticos que impulsan la corrupción y las restricciones gubernamentales de mano dura en su vida cotidiana. Esperaban recuperar muchas libertades personales que sentían restringidas. 



These times bring a new understanding. We have received documentation that the USDA program inspectors have been instructed to no longer regulate genetically modified foods, including meat, poultry, and egg products. The order reads, “IPP (Inspection Program Personnel at the USDA) are not to verify whether establishments meet labeling requirements related to the NBFDS (National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standards).” The order stands for a full year and states that enero 1, 2022, the Agricultural Marketing Service, instead of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS,) will enforce compliance with NBFDS. 

Until then, FSIS not regulating meat and eggs for genetically modified foods in any way. The document states that the FSIS will issue instructions of labels “in the future, if necessary.” Additionally the FDA has ceased food inspections which includes all other genetically modified foods.

Moms Across America trabajó durante años, con muchas otras organizaciones y millones de personas, para conseguir regulación y etiquetado para alimentos genéticamente modificados. La administración Obama nos dio meros fragmentos de una ley en la que las empresas sólo tendrían que identificar los alimentos genéticamente modificados en su sitio web o con un código QR o símbolo en sus envases. Se suponía que la administración actual haría cumplir la ley de etiquetado de OGM. En lugar de eso, simplemente lo ignoraron y lo retrasaron y actualmente, los fabricantes de alimentos ya no tienen que revelar nada sobre los OGM, en ninguna parte.

Genetically modified foods come with many health risks- animals that ate GMOs in a Russian study were shown to be sterile by the third generation. GMO corn has been proven to have higher levels of toxins such as Putrescine and Cadaverine. The pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate used in GMO farming have been found to increase the risk of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma up to 50%, increase growth of breast cancer, cause liver disease and kidney damage, female and male reproductive issues, and shortened gestation of human pregnancies, which can mean miscarriages and death. Clearly, deregulating GMOs is not in the best interest of  American public health and the future of our country.

Estamos de acuerdo en que no queremos que los inspectores de alimentos tosen CoVid 19 en nuestra carne y alimentos en este momento. Sin embargo, la seguridad alimentaria, especialmente la inspección de OGM y virus en la carne y las aves, es crucial para la salud pública. Según muchas fuentes, ¡la FALTA de seguridad alimentaria es la razón por la que esto comenzó en China en primer lugar!

Instamos a nuestros seguidores a comunicarse con los medios de comunicación, representantes y esta administración para encontrar el equipo de protección personal necesario para continuar con la inspección de alimentos.


In addition to GMO deregulation, Trump has essentially eliminated the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Staff has been instructed to cease regulation of industrial pollution, allowing companies to pollute as they wish. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! (12 minutes in) reported that companies have been informed that as long as they can attribute any breach of previously defined regulations to the pandemic virus, they will not be penalized. Industrial chemicals and pollution such as coal ash have been repeatedly identified as the source of cancer causing chemicals in our water and environment. There is no need for an environmental law degree, simply watch the movie Dark Waters or Erin Brockovich to understand the severity of the lack of industrial pollution regulation.

Ahora sabemos que cuando Trump dijo "drenar el pantano", en realidad se refería a "drenar las regulaciones que impiden que las corporaciones ganen dinero". Utilizando la pandemia, Trump esencialmente ha eliminado al USDA y a la EPA, impidiéndoles por completo hacer el trabajo que se les había confiado: proteger a la gente y el medio ambiente de Estados Unidos. Ahora, no sólo no pueden hacer su trabajo, sino que las corporaciones pueden hacer lo que quieran: envenenar nuestros alimentos, envenenar nuestra agua, envenenar nuestro aire y envenenar el planeta.


Furthermore, Trump has given carte blanche and billions of dollars to Big Tech and Big Data (under the guise of the CoVid 19 Stimulus Package) by championing the 5G roll-out plan to “Secure 5G and Beyond”. In partnership with strategic partners (specifically not Chinese) our government’s plan is to “reach and maintain US leadership in 5G and future generation wireless communication systems.” The bill S. 893 also specifically states that the administration cannot even propose a federalized, national 5G plan. No “5G for All....” as Trump had previously proposed. No. The private companies forced the hand of the government to keep all 5G and wireless communication in the hands of the private companies for them to profit from as they wish. The implementation of 5G impacts the privacy and health of every American. 5G rides on 4G and uses frequencies and modulations that have been proven to break DNA, cause cancer and reproductive issues, specifically sterility in men. Ten years ago, a fertility clinic source reported that they could get viable sperm from 1 out of 10 men. Today, 1 out of 100 donors have viable sperm. 

As mothers, we cannot sit idly by and watch our children’s future be destroyed. We cannot see our water poisoned and cheer on our President simply because at one point in time, we thought he would be different, and we hope he still will be. The reality is that our hope in this administration dies along with our regulatory agencies. We thought this administration would disrupt the status quo and bring Americans freedom from government corruption. Instead, they are restricting our freedom to live safely, limiting our freedom to eat safe food, removing our freedom to have clean water and live in our home safely without 4/5G radiation, cutting back on our freedom to feel safe when we order at a restaurant, county fair, or eat at a friends house, and even reducing the ability to procreate and have children....because the manufacturers are no longer accountable to anyone to produce safe food or products.

We are at a point in time when US citizens are experiencing such a massive toxic burden from chemicals and exposure to wireless radiation that we are facing the extinction of the human race and life on the planet. We face critical choices. Will we create a Children of Men situation by allowing the deregulation of corporations that are poisoning us?  Or will we demand leadership that protects our children’s futures? 

We see now that we may no longer only be able to consider the of choosing leadership based on issues such as protecting an unborn baby from abortion...but instead must consider voting based on protecting a man and woman's ability to create a child at all.

De cualquier manera, ahora mismo, hoy, lamentamos la pérdida de fe en nuestro gobierno. La traición duele. Pero el dolor aporta claridad a nuestra situación y a lo que es realmente importante para nosotros. Y que Dios ayude a cualquiera que se interponga en el camino de una madre que sabe lo que es correcto para su familia.

Moms Across America urges corporations to remember that women make 90% of household purchasing choices, and mothers buy 85% of the food. In the end, we decide what food to buy, which services our family will subscribe to, and which products to purchase based on their impact on the planet. We will contact our elected officials, let them know that we expect them to stand up for a democracy not a corporatocracy, and we will vote accordingly.


Please share the podcast UNSTOPPABLE with Zen Honeycutt which specifically addresses this article here.

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  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2020-03-30 11:58:19 -0400

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