Percepción pública del cambio de las grandes empresas agrícolas y farmacéuticas - Moms Across America

Percepción pública del cambio de las grandes empresas agrícolas y farmacéuticas

Están sucediendo tantas cosas que a veces no nos tomamos el tiempo para dar un paso atrás y ver el panorama general. Tomemos un momento para ver las noticias de las últimas semanas. Podemos ver un cambio significativo en la perspectiva: Big Ag y Big Pharma están siendo expuestos por comportamiento corrupto, y personas en todo el mundo, incluidos cada vez más medios, los están denunciando.

La gente ha tenido suficiente. La exposición a esta corrupción está marcando la diferencia.

Resumen de noticias de mediados de marzo:

Moms Across America recently released test results showing that Canadian wheat had levels of 3,162 ppb of glyphosate. This residue was detected on store-bought wheat bran, exposing the Canadian wheat product as unsafe (although allowed by Health Canada and the EPA) for human or animal consumption. This contamination could impact exports and compel farming practice changes for the better. 

Bayer/Monsanto, manufacturers of glyphosate and the target of over 100,000 lawsuits from glyphosate harms, has just announced that they have had to sell off their pest control division for 2.6 billion dollars. This amount does not nearly compensate for the 63 billion dollar loss due to the Monsanto acquisition or the shareholders' 2.5 billion dollar pending lawsuit. Clearly, in the long run, poison practices do not pay. It is not a big surprise (but very welcome) that organic food sales have gone up by 31% in the three years before COVID and 18.9% during COVID.

However, most corporations are not willing to take proactive measures to produce safe products. On The Empower Hour, we shared that over 1000 plaintiffs have come forward to sue seven major baby food makers for knowingly allowing high heavy metals residues in their baby food products and their connection to autism and ADHD. Legislation has been put forth, and the FDA has begun to take steps to get “Closer to Zero” as far as heavy metals levels in baby food are concerned, but their guidelines take far too long. Hence the lawsuits are likely to be a more effective avenue for effecting change, and we encourage you to contact Baum Hedlund, Aristei, and Goldman if you have a child with ADHD or Autism that consumed food from the brands being sued:

  • Happy Family Organics y HappyBABY (Nutrir)
  • Hayuco
  • Lo mejor orgánico de la Tierra (Grupo Celestial Hain)
  • Plum Organics (Sopa Campbell)
  • Elección de los padres (Walmart)
  • Germinar Alimentos Orgánicos
  • Gerber

Olemos el olor de más juicios. Abbott inició recientemente una retiro voluntario de 3 marcas, Fórmulas en polvo Similac, Alimentum y EleCare, conectado a cinco hospitalizaciones y dos muertes. La FDA solo ha emitido una advertencia con respecto a estos productos, no un retiro. Sentimos que esto no es suficiente. Los fabricantes deben ser responsables de producir productos seguros y no tóxicos.*

Major news: Pfizer has not taken the route of precaution of a voluntary recall for their COVID vaccines. Despite a significant exposure from a FOIA from Public Health and Medical Professionals for Medical Transparency, now found on ICAN, showing 65 people were removed from the study due to adverse reactions. The previous release of Pfizer data also showed over 42,000 adverse events and 1,200 deaths. These were reported to the manufacturer (this does not include Moderna or Johnson and Johnson adverse events) during the first three months of their COVID vaccine administration. Big Pharma continues to promote the use of their COVID vaccine for adults and children 5-12.

Parents are getting wise to the risks. As of marzo 7, 2022, the CDC reports that only 33% of parents have vaccinated their children 5-11. In February, the Washington State Health Advisory board advised against the COVID vaccine for five and 11-year-olds. This week, Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, broke from CDC recommendations and advised all healthy children not to get the COVID 19 shot. 

This number of only 33% of children getting vaccinated is statistically significant. Before COVID and Trump Warp Speed rollout of the vaccine, and Biden’s push to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people without complete FDA trials and approval, most children, up to 97.3% in California, for instance, were vaccinated for CDC recommended vaccines such as the MMR. The DTap, Chicken Pox, and the Flu shot also had vaccination rates in kindergarten at 95%. The vast majority of parents believed that vaccines were safe and effective and got their children vaccinated with 16 vaccines, 49 doses by age 12, and 79 doses by age 18, as is required in California.

What happened to have the vaccination rate of children drop from 97.3% for other vaccines to 33% for COVID? What happened to have organic food sales rise 31% two years before COVID and 18.9% during the shutdowns despite an economic crisis?

We assert that you, our supporters, and many others who are speaking out about corporate corruption, poisons in food, the risks,  toxins in vaccines, and the alternatives are what happened.

Debido a que comparte, publica y habla con sus amigos y familiares, el público está aprendiendo sobre los riesgos de esta vacuna contra el COVID y la influencia que las compañías farmacéuticas tienen sobre los funcionarios electos, los medios de comunicación y los legisladores. El comportamiento impactante de nuestro gobierno de continuar permitiendo toxinas en nuestras vacunas y pesticidas venenosos en nuestra comida. 

La protesta de las madres y otras personas con familiares con enfermedades crónicas debido a la exposición a sustancias químicas tóxicas es la razón por la que ha habido un cambio drástico en la percepción pública sobre las vacunas, las toxinas y los alimentos orgánicos.

Cambiar la percepción pública es bienvenido y se necesita con urgencia y merece unos momentos de reconocimiento y gratitud. 


*Moms Across America requests that all able supporters consider donating to support our work to test these baby formulas and other foods for toxins to hold manufacturers accountable.

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  • Tom Braun
    comentado 2022-03-14 14:38:06 -0400
    Hasta que nuestro congresista en Washington rechace el dinero de las campañas políticas de Big Pharma y Big Agra que mantiene el statu quo, no se pueden lograr cambios importantes. Temen perder su escaño en el Congreso y ser reemplazados por alguien que proteja a estas instituciones. Su lealtad a sus electores ha sido corrompida por el todopoderoso dólar. Podemos lograr grandes cosas en un corto período de tiempo si todos los candidatos a cargos se comprometen a rechazar $ de estas mega instituciones.
  • Todd Honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Blog 2022-03-14 10:42:03 -0400

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