New Studies EPA Must Consider in Glyphosate Review - Moms Across America

New Studies EPA Must Consider in Glyphosate Review

The EPA still has yet to deliver their decision on whether to renew glyphosate for another 15 years or revoke its license. They have been "reviewing" glyphosate for over 10 years.

We continue to remind the EPA of their responsibility to include real science and to protect people and animals, not the profits of the corporations. Here is a recent letter to the EPA. Feel free to use the links to tell your local officials that they need to discontinue the use of glyphosate herbicides.

Dear EPA Pesticide Review Board,

In light of recent studies, we are looking forward to your review of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) resulting in the refusal of the license of glyphosate.


It is not justifiable for any reason to allow a chemical to be used in the market, which is never used alone, but only with formulations that are shown to be lethal to bees, cause second generation impairment (miscarriages, birth defects, death) to the second generation of rats, to cause a shortened gestation of human births (which includes deaths) and to CAUSE liver disease and more. We need you to have the courage to protect your family, USA residents, pets, pollinators, and the soil and water for generations to come.


Zen Honeycutt y Moms Across America


Screen_Shot_2018- 08-04 _at_9. 14.30 _AM.png

Some of the recent studies:

Glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) Kills Bees

Glyphosate Rat Study and Infertility

GBH Shortened Gestation in Humans

Screen_Shot_2018-08-04_a las_10.44.02_AM.pngBlood Vessel Inflammation after GBH exposure

Clostridia Dificile and GBH exposure

Glyphosate herbicide destroys soil microbes

Behavioral Impairment after GBH exposure

GBH CAUSES non-alcoholic liver disease at ultra-low levels

Screen_Shot_2018- 07-30 _at_6. 32.21 _PM.png2014 GBH and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma


More studies:

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