Mensaje de los Fundadores - Moms Across America

Mensaje de los fundadores

I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the  fantastic, historic, awe inspiring and thrilling turn out of the 436 March Against Monsanto events in 50 countries. What Tami Canal Monroe and her very small team of committed volunteers accomplished is nothing short of phenomenal. We are grateful for them and their support with the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs! 

Despite the huge leap in unity this past week, we have had some bad news.

GMO wheat found in an Oregon field, China burning 4 tankers of GMO soy (good thing) but making a deal with Brazil to get the bulk of the world's non GMO soy ( umm...not so good for the rest of us), the EU bowing to pressure and allowing GMO crops to be planted, Moms unable to get their own blood tested due to Monsanto's patents on toxic chemicals...this  news can be overwhelming.
The good news is that Moms are used to being overwhelmed and that has never stopped us before and won't stop us now. 

The good news is that over 75 Moms Across America groups are joining into 4th of July parades nationally so far, more every hour! The Netherlands and Canada are marching in solidarity! Whooo hooo!

¡Invita a tus amigos a unirse a nosotros, publícalo en Facebook y envíalo por correo electrónico en boletines!
¡Moms Across America te invita a unirte a nosotros el 4 de julio y dejar que el mundo sepa sobre los OGM! ¡Zen y Kathleen y el equipo de MAAM le agradecen por su amor y compromiso con la salud y la libertad!

We are thrilled with the partnerships we are honored to be creating with the CA State Grange, Label GMOs, NYR Organic, Dr. Bronner's, Robyn O'Brien and Allergy Kids Foundation, Organic Valley, Nature's Path, Nutivia, Institute for Responsible Technology, Holistic Moms Network, Green America, Moms for Safe Food, and more.
If you would like to support our volunteer organization to give out GMO info at every parade and empower and educate millions, there is still a week or two to be included.
Please contact Zen with connections to people who can support us and future generations.
Thank you!
Zen, Kathleen and the MAAM Team

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