Datos compilados por miembros del Equipo del Tribunal de Monsanto, Navdanya, Moms Across America y ciudadanos preocupados de los EE. UU.
Sostenemos que Monsanto, ante todo una empresa química, se equivoca al pensar que es su trabajo "Alimentar al mundo". El trabajo de Monsanto es asegurarse de que los productos químicos que venden sean seguros y efectivos. O, para redirigir sus recursos al negocio, lo que no incluye el uso de productos químicos tóxicos que pueden dañar a los humanos, la vida silvestre, el ganado, el suelo y el suministro de agua. Monsanto tiene la responsabilidad de mantener su compromiso con la seguridad e integridad de los productos formando un comité para investigar si se han producido violaciones de derechos humanos debido a sus productos y prácticas comerciales.
Millones de personas en todo el mundo están trabajando para reclamar su derecho básico de libertad de semillas, para proteger la salud y los derechos humanos y para promover la agricultura orgánica y la agroecología libres de veneno. Hacemos un llamado a Monsanto Company para garantizar que sus violaciones de derechos humanos reconocidas mundialmente cesen y desistan.
Monsanto’s Crimes Against Humanity
Crimes against plant biodiversity, integrity and intrinsic worth of species by defining seeds and plants as their novel invention. Crimes against animal species and biodiversity.
Crimes against biodiversity of pollinators – 75 % bees gone because of industrial agriculture and have become endangered species.
Crimes against the Soil – Destruction and sterilization of soil fertility, bioavailability and desertification.
Crimes against farmers – Over 300,000 farmers from India alone have committed suicide because of the failure of Monsanto’s products which led to disastrous debt.
Propaganda and Lies: Monsanto has spread intentionally faulty science and lies to attempt to misguide the public and cover up their crimes.
Attack on Scientists – They have aggressively attacked independent scientist like Dr. Eric Seralini and Dr. Arpad Pusztai et al who have stood for real science and independent research.
Attack on Democracy – Monsanto has repeatedly attacked antitrust bodies, legislatures, judiciary and entire governments and government welfare institutions where their products are rejected or restricted, with lawsuits and political pressure.
Right to Know: They have lobbied to deny Americans the right to know what goes into our food, while other countries are fully informed.
Attack on biosafety and Convention on Biological Diversity - Monsanto products have caused irreversible genetic contamination and pollution which blatantly thwarts the CBD's standards of biosafety regulation.
Crimes against the Earth – Monsanto and chemical companies are some of the biggest contributors to climate change. Their chemicals lead to loss of carbon sequestration in the soil and water retention. Polluted oceans leads to algal blooms, temperature changes in the water, and changes to climate.
Crimes against Humanity- Humans are being forced to consume Monsanto’s harmful products through contaminated food, breastmilk and beverages and are exposed by drift, rain, vaccines, and tap water. Health issues now impact 1 out of 2 of our most vulnerable babies, and children. Scientific studies on glyphosate herbicides and Monsanto’s products on animals, bacteria and cells explain the harm that is skyrocketing in our children and families.
To see or download the entire document with all Exhibits for each of the 11 crimes against humanity, Click here.
Please note: the document is not exhaustive, there are many more violations, these are just a few of the examples.
This document was given to the Board of Monsanto and Executive Director team on enero 31, 2018.
The shareholders did not approve to form a Human Rights committee.
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