Cómo llegó Estados Unidos aquí - Mamás en todo Estados Unidos

Cómo llegó América aquí

No es raro que visitemos a nuestros padres o suegros y veamos más medicamentos recetados de los que podemos contar como parte de su rutina diaria. Y, sin embargo, la mayoría de los miembros de nuestra familia insistirán en que están "bien". Piensan que las píldoras arreglarán lo que sea que les esté sucediendo y que su médico sabe mejor.

Over 50% of our nation’s people have chronic health issues. Fertility is plummeting. 42% of us are obese. Thirty million have liver disease. $35 billion is spent on kidney dialysis. Diabetes increasing rate could bankrupt our country in a few years. We have a skyrocketing number of mental health issues. No, we are not okay. And what most of our doctors are doing is not working. They are simply prescribing more drugs.

Podríamos proporcionar volúmenes de páginas de ciencia complicada sobre por qué está sucediendo esto. Aún así, sabemos que la mayoría de nosotros tenemos la capacidad de atención de un niño pequeño en estos días, gracias a las redes sociales y los químicos neurotóxicos en nuestra comida y en el mundo, así que vamos a mantenerlo simple. ¿Y si todo el mundo dijera la verdad?

Chemical Company in the 1950s to the EPA: Bummer. We can’t sell our chemicals for warfare anymore, so can we kill bugs and weeds and spray them on food crops? And don’t worry,  if the crops die, we will genetically engineer them (GMOs) to withstand the chemicals.

Government: Sure. Let’s make it easy. We won’t regulate GMOs. We trust you. And we will only require you to send us testing on one ingredient in the pesticide. Just make sure that that one ingredient you pick isn’t immediately toxic, so we don’t get in trouble right away.

Empresa química: ¡Excelente! Donaremos mucho dinero para sus campañas, proporcionaremos el 30% de los ingresos de la EPA, elaboraremos la ciencia y publicaremos relaciones públicas positivas para que usted se vea bien.

Media: New! Try this delicious, easy “food” that makes your family love you. Never mind that the animal products were from livestock-fed GMO grains instead of eating grass and the wheat in the bread was sprayed with glyphosate. We won’t mention that glyphosate can increase the chances of cancer, illness, brain inflammation, autism, mental health issues, and, oh yeah, nasty urinary tract infections.

Family Member: Wow. That is cool-looking packaging. I am going to eat that. If it is on the grocery store shelf or in a restaurant, the government must have regulated it to ensure it is safe.

Media: Eat more cheap GMO food sprayed with poison. We serve it in restaurants too, without any labeling, so you don’t have to think about what you are eating!  

Family Member: I don’t feel so good. My stomach hurts, and I am getting colds, flu, bacterial infections, and weird viral illnesses. I also have this chronic urinary tract infection that has me crying on the toilet at 2 am and wishing I would die. I have to go to a doctor even though it will cost me a ton of money.

Doctor: Aquí, tome este antibiótico de fluoroquina para matar las bacterias intestinales beneficiosas y debilitar su sistema inmunológico. No importa que pueda causar desgarros en los tendones que lo mantendrn con un dolor insoportable durante 1-2 años.

Family Member: Ok. I trust you.

Media: Bad news. Bad news. Bad news. Even worse, scary end-of-the-world news. Because we need our ratings to go up so we can get more money from our sponsors.

Empresa química: Thank you, mainstream Media!  Here is more money from us and our sister company Big Pharma. We will buy up 70% of your ad time. In exchange, we would thank you very much for only saying good things about our food and drugs. And oh, continue with the bad news that helps our anti-anxiety and depression drug sales.

Family Member: Man, I have this tightness in my chest and scary circular thoughts. I must not be normal. 

Media: Are you feeling anxious and not playing with your kids? Take this little pill, and your anxiety will go away! Butterflies and puppies will show up and make your kids smile too! Feeling depressed? Take this other pill!

Family Member: Fear and anxiety are bad. I feel depressed too. I gotta do something about this.

Doctor: Acabo de tener un gran almuerzo con un representante de Pharma (el cangrejo y el champán fueron increíbles), y me hablaron de esta píldora, Buspirona, para la ansiedad. Y Lexapro para la depresión. Tómalos.

Family Member: Could I get addicted to them?

Doctor: Well.. Busiprone can cause depression and Lexapro can cause anxiety so.. maybe? Also I am not going to read the insert and tell you the other side effects like confusion, liver dysfunction, anxiety, dizziness, weakness, constipation, erectile dysfunction, infections...and incoordination that may make you fall and have to get a hip replacement.

Family Member: Okay, I still trust you. After all, I am not a doctor.

Media: Eat more of this cheap food. Have a stiff drink. Come on, you know you want to. Just a little won’t hurt. You deserve it. You had a tough day. Never mind the neurotoxic chemicals that alter your brain; it’s fine combined with the drugs you take and the side effects.

Family Member: I’m feeling fat, rashy, tired, and kinda depressed, but ok, I deserve it.

Chemical company on Media: We understand that you are tired. We have the perfect solution for you. Don’t hand pull those nasty weeds in your backyard. Spray them with Roundup in your espadrilles with no gloves on! Sure! Never mind cancer, birth defects, liver and kidney disease and nerve damage like neuropathy. We make it easy for you. That’s what counts.

Family Member: Oooh... that sounds good. Let me get some of that Roundup.

Media: Hey! While watching TV (instead of pulling weeds in your yard and getting your hands in the dirt that boosts your immune system naturally), don’t forget to take this drug! In the mean time, look at the sexy, slim woman. You should have a body like this photoshopped twenty-year-old even though you are forty and have been sitting on your butt all day, eating fast food like a trucker and drinking like a fish. 

Family Member: Man, maybe I should try and work out. Let me reach for that tennis racket. Wait a second that hurts. Ouch, I think I tore a tendon.

Doctor: Yeah, you tore a tendon. You need physical therapy that you probably won’t do because you’ll be binging on Netflix and the news, so I can give you a pain killer for that. Take this opioid, as long as you don't take it for too long, you won’t get addicted, but it won��t do much for your pain. Sorry, I can’t do much about that. But I won’t tell you that it doesn’t work because you know I don’t want to scare you (First, do no harm!), and the bonuses I get are awesome. 

Family Member: I am really tired of feeling sick and being in pain. Is there anything else I can do? 

Doctor: Naw...like what? Diet? Changing your diet doesn’t matter. Eat what you want. In fact, make sure to get plenty of protein; red meat from factory-farmed animals with lots of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and heavy metals in their meat. Yeah, you can eat more fruits and veggies, too, but it doesn’t matter if they are organic because I wouldn’t want you to be mad at me for suggesting you spend a little more money upfront on reducing your dietary intake of pesticides by 98%. Plus, I wasn’t taught nutrition in med school, and I only have 15 minutes for this appointment because our healthcare system is only for profit.

Family Member: Huh. It’s been like, fifteen years and I am on twelve medications for anxiety, depression, autoimmune disease (arthritis and psoriasis), insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease ( so I am on dialysis). I also had my gall bladder removed because of all those fatty, fried foods I love so much. I have been to rehab twice for opioid drugs, divorced, and addicted to gambling/ice cream/porn/video games because I have nothing else to fill the void. I might not be OK. How could this be happening to me?

Y parece que todos los demás también están enfermos, y nuestras tasas de COVID informadas son mucho más altas que en otros países ... ¿cómo llegamos a esto? 



Cómo nos está sucediendo esto a todos es bastante claro cuando miramos la verdad.


Sabemos que tenemos que apagar la televisión, comer bien (dieta orgánica basada en plantas de alimentos integrales), hacer ejercicio y salir a la naturaleza. Sin embargo, a menudo no hacemos cosas buenas por nosotros mismos (ni hablamos con los miembros de nuestra familia sobre cómo hacer estas cosas), y sí, podríamos culpar al sistema que lo perpetúa y nos miente. 


But it’s really up to us to honor the truth of our health. The choice is still open for us to opt-out of the corrupt and sickening system. So the question for us is, what do we want our future to look like, and will we have the courage to make that future a reality?


¿Cómo recuperará su salud hoy? ¿Cómo detendrá el círculo vicioso de las corporaciones que se benefician de la enfermedad? ¿Cómo enseñará a la próxima generación? 


Puedes hacerlo. Algunos de ustedes ya lo están haciendo. ¡Queremos saber de todos ustedes!

Mostrando 2 reacciones

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  • Cantante Carolyn
    comentado 2021-08-27 20:14:48 -0400
    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Este es el horrible carrusel en el que muchos de nosotros estamos. Lo dejé hace unos años y no fue fácil, pero me siento mejor que nunca y no tomo nada más que suplementos a los 66 años. Se necesita trabajo, y la mayoría de las personas no están dispuestas a cocinar por sí mismas desde cero, dejar de comer basura, salir y deshacerse de la televisión y rechazar los productos químicos que creemos que necesitamos. También hemos sido programados (por nuestros dispositivos, entretenimiento, etc.) para pensar que la última píldora nos va a convertir en la gente guapa del velero. Y nuestro médico está ocupado intentando escribir una receta para poder pasar al siguiente paciente.
    Sufrí de migrañas y pasé años pasando de neurólogos a especialistas en hormonas, otorrinolaringólogos, alergólogos, etc. Cuando finalmente me di cuenta de que tenía que aprender a aceptar el dolor mientras dejé los triptanos y me volví más saludable, finalmente comencé a mejorar. Fue muy duro y pasé algunas noches sin dormir, ¡pero estoy mucho mejor! Nunca más comenzaré con un medicamento si puedo encontrar otra manera. Ahora mis migrañas se han ido, con la excepción del dolor de cabeza ocasional por el que no tomo ni una aspirina. Ahora veo el dolor como una señal de advertencia de mi cuerpo de que me esforcé demasiado, o no me hidraté lo suficiente o no dormí lo suficiente. El dolor no es algo que se deba desterrar a toda costa, es algo que hay que escuchar y prestar atención.
  • Anne temple
    publicó esta página en Blog 2021-08-26 10:48:39 -0400

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