Hot Mess Express Spreads Across the Nation - Moms Across America

Hot Mess Express se extiende por todo el país

HME- 1 .jpgEn menos de cuatro meses, Lío caliente expreso, grupos de mujeres que van a la casa de otra madre y limpian lo que ha sido abrumador para ella, se han extendido a 180 ubicaciones en los Estados Unidos. Iniciado por la madre y la estrella de TikTok Jen Hamilton, este creciente movimiento de bondad y compasión es un soplo de aire fresco durante una época de tumultuosos conflictos. 

Jen dice: “Empecé este grupo porque a veces todos necesitamos un poco de ayuda. Hot Mess Express es un grupo de mujeres que están aquí para rescatarse unas a otras cuando parece que no podemos salir de nuestro funk. A través de nominaciones, nos enviamos a las casas de nuestras compaeras mamás que necesitan ayuda: lavandería, platos, aspiradoras, preparación de alimentos, higiene ... lo que te parezca abrumador ... ¡déjanos ayudarte! Este es un grupo de voluntarios. Nadie está aquí para pagar o recibir un pago. Únase a este asombroso grupo de mujeres mientras ofrecemos nuestras manos y nuestro corazón para sacar a nuestros amigos del funk en el que todos nos encontramos a veces ".

La respuesta ha sido enorme. Los casi doscientos grupos locales tienen decenas o cientos de seguidores, todas personas que buscan apoyo o necesitan apoyo durante estos tiempos difíciles. Miles de personas han respondido favorablemente en las redes sociales y comparten el concepto con sus amigos. Parece que limpiar las casas de otras personas, como voluntario, es más emocionante para nosotros que la mayoría de las noticias y otras cosas que suceden en el mundo. Muchas se han sentido frustradas por la falta de apoyo que las nuevas mamás, las mamás solteras y la mayoría de las mamás experimentan y quieren intervenir. La idea de hacer una diferencia en la vida de otra persona, aunque sea brevemente, está inspirando a las mujeres de todo el país, y es justo lo que que necesitamos ahora mismo.

HME- 2 .jpgMoms Across America applaud and supports this effort. When I started Moms Across America to raise awareness about GMOs and create healthy communities, part of the inspiration came from my frustration that the local Moms Club I was in, as fabulous as it was for supporting me and many local moms through teething and potty training, was restricting my ability to share petitions about GMO labeling. We could not be “political,” they said....even though the issue was about the food we all eat, regardless of our political party. I was dismayed. I felt that when moms come together in the spirit of wanting to connect and support each other, that naturally, the conversation would often turn to our kid’s health, allergies, food, and what we can do about it to make the situation better...not just how we should suffer through it. So I started Moms Across America in hopes that moms from all political parties and of different backgrounds and beliefs would come together to create healthy communities. Our goal was and is to transform the food supply and health of America and beyond. And how we go about doing that is by empowering community leaders to be global game-changers. And there is always more to be done. Being creative, coming up with different ways, supporting other people’s initiatives, and celebrating what works is crucial to success.

HME- 3 .jpgWe believe that part of being in a healthy community is connecting, supporting each other, being creative, generous, compassionate, and having healthy relationships. That’s why we love the Hot Mess Express idea - women teaming up, getting to know each other, going to a neighboring woman’s house that they probably have never met, and working wonders on her home. It’s not magic; it’s compassion. They are not fairies, they are fearless, loving people. It’s not for money or fame; it’s to make a difference. That desire to make a difference can be fulfilled easily in a few hours and inspire others to do the same.

If there is anything I have learned over the last nine years of being an activist and nonprofit director. It’s that there will always be more bad news, nefarious government actors, corporate corruption, and greed that could keep me up at night. But if I take just one action a day to create safety, health, community connection, and empowerment, then I sleep well at night. My health improves, my relationships benefit, and the world becomes a better place. That is what we all want right now, just a better place for our families and our future. 

HME- 4 .jpgIn going up against some of the most powerful corporations and forces around the world, I have also learned that my love for my children and commitment for all to have health and freedom is a limitless source of fuel. That power that comes from within me is unstoppable and incorruptible. That drive to make a difference for others is universal. We all have it. We all need it. We are all just looking for effective ways to express it. And when we express it, we are energized, renewed, re-invigorated, and we bring joy to the world. Some might even say we get back more than what we give.

HME- 5 .jpgIf you want to make a difference in your community, we invite you to team up with Lío caliente expreso or start a local group yourself. Be the one to connect with and support other moms in your area. No matter what your views on politics, vaccines, religion, or education....we all need and appreciate kindness. No matter what you do, just looking for how you can be kind, supportive, and compassionate, and taking one action a day, will make the world a better place, and we thank you for that.

We thank you for being our partners in creating healthy communities.

With Joy and Gratitude,
Zen Honeycutt, Founder, Moms Across America


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