Glyphosate is the "active" chemical ingredient in Roundup. Roundup is sprayed on GMO foods, non organic foods as a drying agent, on the soil of non organic fields before planting and on back yard gardens, waterways, school, public roads, sidewalks and parks by the hundreds of millions of pounds per year. In 2013 alone, the use of Roundup increase 73%.
Mothers have been seeing skyrocketing health issues. Despite our testimonies that our children get better when they avoid GMOs and glyphosate (Roundup) sprayed foods, our officials will only consider scientific studies, if anything.
Although it is unacceptable and infuriating that our leaders no longer listen to their mothers, we are glad for the scientists who are asking the right questions.
The new studies that have come out this week are groundbreaking and will have everyone listening not only to mothers, but to their own conscience, heart and soul...and they will know what needs to be done.
New studies:
El glifosato causa resistencia a los antibióticos.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud de la ONU declara al glifosato "probable carcinógeno"
Glyphosate kills human placental cells which can lead to endocrine disruption ( fetal death and deformity)
Glyphosate linked to neurological disease due to manganese chelation
And recently:
Glyphosate Persistence in Sea Water
What does all this mean to mothers? Let's see...
If glyphosate remains viable in dark salty water for 315 days,
causes antibiotic resistance in gut bacteria, is a probable carcinogen,
causes neurological disorders due to the chelation of manganese, causes placental cell death which can lead to endocrine disruption (fetal deformity and death), and
white shrimp die at levels above 5.2ppm glyphosate exposure in water after 4 days
We must ask ourselves:
What is in our womb? Dark salty water!
What is the size of a six week old fetus? The size of a shrimp!
How much glyphosate are we allowed to consume in our food?
25 ppm on sugar!
40ppm in vegetable oils!
160 food/feed crops are allowed by the EPA to have levels far above what has been shown to destroy gut bacteria!
Could it be the glyphosate/Roundup sprayed on 80% of GMOs which make up 85-100% of our food/feed crop varieties and is in 85% of America's processed foods?
What could a chemical which is linked to antibiotic resistance, cancer and placental cell death doing to our fetuses, babies and children for generations to come?
Why do we have the highest rate of infertility, sterility , miscarriage and birth defects in recorded history?
Why is the USA #1 for infant deaths on day one?
Why do we have 50% more babies that die on the first day of life in the USA than all of the industrialized nations combined?
Quote regarding Monsanto's denial that glyphosate is unsafe from a world renowned scientist:
"Monsanto "doesn't know" how the IARC could reach such a "dramatic departure" from the conclusion previously determined by regulatory agencies. I do! It's been obvious to me for some time now that glyphosate causes non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and kidney cancer, and probably also cancer of the thyroid and the pancreas. It's long past time for the world to wake up about the toxicity of this pervasive chemical!"
Stephanie Seneff
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Moms Across America asks you to share these new studies, talk to your friends and neighbors and ask them to grow, buy and eat organic.
Organic means Non GMO and NO toxic pesticides/herbicides such as Roundup/glyphosate are permitted.
Contamination of organic is happening however, and we MUST speak up and protect organic standards.
One of the best ways to do that is to attend the National Organic Standards Board meeting abril 27-30 in San Diego and speak up.
Buy only organic food to reduce the demand for GMO and chemical farming and to speak to your representatives weekly to protect our people.
Cal the EPA and tell them to revoke the license of glyphosate NOW
Neil Andersen Director of Pesticide Review Phone: 703-308-8187
Join us on mayo 2 to share, support and inspire action with mothers across the nation and around the world. Go to and click on events. Jin us on an international call to action with global leader Vandana Shiva, International speaker Jeffrey Smith of Genetic Roulette and Evangellos Valliantos; author of "Poison Spring", EPA whistle blower and their notable moms who have taken action in their neighborhoods. Host a Moms Meetup on mayo 2 and be a part of a global multibillion dollar shift to organic.
Together with many organizations and supporters all working together in this movement, we can create health and freedom.
Thank you!
Zen Honeycutt and MAA TEAM
P.S. Look out for more calls to action soon!
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Not to dispute what you’ve experienced, but I would love to have you test your telomeres (the duplicate caps of your chromosomes). The results tell you what your true, biological age is, not just your chronological one.
Telomeres are your biological clock, and with normal wear and tear, the clock runs down. When you reach a certain point, things begin to expire or wear out. This can end up in different parts of the body, depending on the stresses exerted on them over time (e.g. accident, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, stress, etc.). All this to say, you may be a ticking time bomb! ; )
We’re so glad that you and your family have not experienced health issues, but there are those that are more susceptible to these issues because of DNA vulnerabilities. Just like there are long-living genes that allow people to live beyond 100, even when they smoke that cigar or drink that strong shot of liquor, there are those that have a predisposition to cancer.
The positive signals you are receiving from big farm and pharma are a ruse to sell their product. Honest researchers are muzzled, while compliant ones are rewarded.
I began to suffer from arthritis and began taking glucosomine, etc., which kept it barely in check. My family had a susceptibility to it and so I was inclined to accept it. Then I stopped cereal intake for a month and the inflammation subsided almost to nothing. When friends of mine returned to their overseas, home countries, their gluten sensitivities went away, even when they ate their home strains of wheat!
You see, it was not only gluten sensitivity that I had (as everybody has to this strain of American, hybrid wheat), but corporate farmers have begun spraying wheat fields to “kill them & dry them out faster.” Propaganda from Monsanto’s minions. So, now, there is a one-two punch for gluten sufferers, gluten inflammation and gut bacteria loss.
So, anyway, thank you for bringing your story to the light. We can appreciate your integrity and honesty, but PLEASE DON’T BECOME A MONSANTO et al POSTER CHILD FOR THEIR PROPAGANDA!
Thankfully, I can sense your sincerity and discern that you are not the trolls that these corporate bullies send out to confuse and deceive.