Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults

Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults

Reposted from Sustainable Pulse

A new peer-reviewed study released by a group of scientists in Taiwan has revealed an astonishingly strong link between severe depression, cognitive decline and exposure to the world’s most used herbicide, glyphosate.

The study was fully published last Tuesday in the highly respected Elsevier Journal, Environmental Research, and was met with silence by the manufacturers of glyphosate-based herbicides such as Bayer/Monsanto, who produce the infamous weedkiller Roundup.

The study authors stated that they: “conducted analyses on existing data collected from 1532 adults of the 2013–2014 U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to explore the possible relationship between glyphosate exposure and cognitive function, depressive symptoms, disability, and neurological medical conditions.”

“Our study used a cohort representative of the U.S. adult general population and found a significant negative correlation between urinary glyphosate levels and cognitive function test scores. Additionally, our findings suggest that the odds of having severe depressive symptoms were significantly higher than having no symptoms in individuals with higher glyphosate levels, as measured by the PHQ-9,” the scientists continued.

The NHANES is a biennial nationwide survey that recruits a representative sample of the population. The study population had a mean age (SD) of 48.15 (18.32) years and a mean BMI (SD) of 29.15 (7.25) kg/m2. The majority of participants were women (51.5%), while the most common ethnicity was non-Hispanic white (47.1%). Regarding socioeconomic status, 53.7% of participants reported a household income of ≥ $4500 per year. Additionally, 37.2% of participants had a body mass index of ≥30 kg/m2. The proportion of individuals with detectable levels of glyphosate was 80.4%.

“Because many of the key neurological system questionnaires used to assess neurological function in NHANES are only available to adults, we restricted our study population to those 18 years of age or older,” the scientists added.

“In conclusion, our study provides important evidence of an association between urinary glyphosate levels and adverse neurological outcomes in a representative cohort of U.S. adult population. Specifically, we observed lower cognitive function scores, greater odds of severe depressive symptoms, and increased risk of serious hearing difficulty in individuals with higher glyphosate exposure,” the scientists added.

Glyphosate Residue Free Certification for Food Brands – Click Here

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Industry has not conducted any long-term neurotoxicity studies on Roundup, the substance that people and animals are actually exposed to. Some other recent independent studies however suggest that both glyphosate alone and glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup are neurotoxins.

A toxicological study on rats found that glyphosate depleted the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in our bodies that transmit signals from one brain cell to another.

An epidemiological study carried out in Minnesota, USA found that the children of pesticide applicators exposed to glyphosate herbicides had an increased incidence of neurobehavioral disorders, including ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). The finding suggested that glyphosate herbicide impacts neurological development.

In a study by Argentine researchers, glyphosate was found to injure rat brain and liver cells. Glyphosate was more toxic in combination with the fungicide zineb and the systemic insecticide dimethoate than on its own. These three chemicals are often used in combination in Argentina. The researchers commented that their results were consistent with the possibility that these chemicals play a role in the development of the neurological disorder Parkinson’s disease.

Moms Across America Editor’s Note: Moms Across America has been reporting on Glyphosate since its inception. Keep in mind it is sprayed not just on crops genetically modified to withstand it (to act as a weedkiller) but also as a drying agent before harvest on legumes, beans, chickpeas, soy, oats, barley, hops, wheat and many grains. Please remember, even if you eat organic (We hope so!), Glyphosate can contaminate all crops due to residues in the rain and irrigation water, so glyphosate exposure is still everyone’s business. It’s going to take real activism—all of us standing together to truly protect ourselves and our communities.

Glyphosate is likely sprayed on your weeds, or your neighbors. Your children's school definitely uses it. Your city sprays it on your sidewalks and parks and the farmers who grow your food have been told it's the best thing since sliced bread to spray on the grounds surrounding almond trees, fruit trees, grapes, oranges, strawberries and almost every non-organic vegetable grown in America. It’s the most widely used pesticide in the world. Not only is it sprayed on the soil, the chemical is drawn into its root system and into the plant. Glyphosate is also now being sprayed on GMO plants in ever increasing doses and it is absorbed into every cell of the plant. It's called "Roundup Ready”. The problem is, that means it is in our food, potentially for 14 years plus, it cannot be washed off, and the food is not labeled as such. Join us to fight toxic Big Ag and stand up for healthier communities.


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  • Jane Hammer
    comentado 1 year ago
    Thanks for keeping us informed of recent studies. In your italicized summary of why we should be concerned, even if we eat organic food, I think is missing one critical thing that, last time i was updated, was still true: glyphosate is used widely (on non-GMO grains even) to dessicate grains for even and timely harvest. This, to me, is one of the great sinister secrets of the food industry and a huge oral exposure for so many people!
  • Anne temple
    publicó esta página en Blog 1 year ago

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