Un nuevo estudio proporciona más evidencia de lo que a muchos de nosotros nos ha preocupado: los pesticidas que alteran el sistema endocrino afectan los órganos reproductivos de nuestros niños. Esto significa que comer alimentos orgánicos durante el embarazo y evitar el Roundup y otros herbicidas con glifosato (¡lea la etiqueta!) Está demostrando que vale aún más la pena el esfuerzo adicional.
Apreciamos a los niños de todos los géneros e identidades sexuales. Y que sus órganos reproductivos sean alterados por pesticidas innecesarios y dañinos en los alimentos o en nuestros vecindarios es simplemente inaceptable. Todos los niños merecen que sus cuerpos se formen y se desarrollen de forma natural, como Dios / Naturaleza pretendía.
Como se vio por primera vez en Pulso sostenible, Un nuevo estudio piloto revisado por pares de un grupo de científicos internacionales de los EE. UU. y la UE sugiere que la distancia anogenital de las niñas se está volviendo más típica de los varones debido a que sus madres están expuestas al glifosato cuando están en el útero.
The study published on Monday in the well-respected Elsevier peer-reviewed Journal ‘Environmental Pollution, is a breakthrough in our understanding of glyphosate as a hormone hacker (endocrine disruptor).
Prof. Shanna Swan and Prof. Jia Chen, who are two of the Study authors and are both Professors at the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, sent the statement below to Sustainable Pulse:
“In this pilot (N=100), we examined the concentration of glyphosate and its breakdown product (AMPA) in urine collected in mid-pregnancy in relation to the anogenital distance at birth. We found that higher exposure to these pesticide-derived chemicals was associated with a longer (more male-typical) anogenital distance in girls, an association we also observed in an earlier rodent study.
These preliminary findings suggest that glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor with androgenic effects in humans. Given the increasing glyphosate exposure worldwide, larger studies should evaluate glyphosate’s developmental effects on endocrine and reproductive systems.”
As highlighted by the Professors, this new human study follows on from a peer-reviewed paper released in 2019, during the pilot phase of the Global Glyphosate Study, which showed that exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides in rats was also associated with androgen-like effects, including a statistically significant increase of anogenital distance (AGD) in males and females, delay of first estrous and increased testosterone in females.
Anogenital distance, the distance between the anus and the genitals, is a sensitive marker of prenatal endocrine disruption affecting the genital tract development. Exposure to different chemicals, including pesticides, has been linked previously to altered AGDs and other endocrine effects.
There have also been several other studies that have recently revealed the damage being caused by glyphosate on reproductive health.
The evidence is clear, banning glyphosate NOW is imperative for the safety of current and future generations.
Please continue to contact your governors, landscapers, family members, and policymakers and tell them we cannot afford to continue to allow glyphosate in our neighborhoods or on our food.
Put down the Roundup! Use mulch, pull by hand, or use natural weedkillers instead!
Grow, buy, and eat organic!!!!
¡Gracias por su colaboración en la creación de comunidades saludables!
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