Earth Day Movement to Get Toxic Pesticides Out of Towns - Moms Across America

Earth Day Movement for Toxin Free Towns

Spraying_Rodeo.jpgHave you seen the trucks spraying Roundup or Rodeo (glyphosate-based herbicides) on your street yet?
If not, they are coming! In Orange County, CA in previous years, they have sprayed 65,000 pounds of glyphosate alone, 265,000 pounds of herbicides and pesticides. All those chemicals dissipate into the air and come down as pesticide rain or drain into the ocean. Either way, we are poisoning the planet with these chemicals. This is happening in your town too. But we can stop this.

It is obvious that our federal government is not going to protect your family from toxic chemicals.  The current budget proposal will fire 25% of the workforce at the EPA, cut back 31% of their budget, cut 9 staffers focused on endocrine disruptors, and yet hire 10 security detail for new EPA head Scott Pruitt.

Why are they protecting Scott Pruitt but not our babies from sex hormone disrupting chemicals? This is INSANITY!!!!

Some people feel the situation is hopeless.
But that is not true.
YOU are the hope.
WE are the hope.

Cities, school districts, water districts and homeowners associations across the country are discontinuing the use of Roundup and toxic chemicals.

Marin County lead the way when their water district stopped spraying Roundup around their reservoir (Yes! That's a thing!) Irvine, CA did it and towns in CT, VA, OR and more have done it. Burbank and Glendale CA are the two latest school districts to stop using toxins. My hometown Mission Viejo just stopped spraying on neighborhood streets last week! You can do it too!

How? First, it's better to have a group of concerned citizens who can talk to your city council, school board, or Parks and Rec together. It does not need to be a big group, but it is better if you don't do it alone.

So this Earth Day, there are thousands of events happening across the country where you can meet like-minded people and form a team! Everything from small ocean clean-up events, tree plantings, and large festivals with thousands of people are waiting for you.
We urge you to take a few hours this Earth Day and BE THE ONE to say to others,"Would you like to help me get our city to stop spraying carcinogens on our streets and parks? We can do it!" 
Pass them a flyer (we can send them to you for free thanks to our sponsors)  and ask them to sign up on a sign-up sheet you bring on clipboard.
It's that easy. Once you have a group, just follow the steps on our website under ACTION.

Here are two flyers that are not in the boxes that you can download and print now to get started.


Want to be able to show them a solution on the spot? Besides FREE mulch from your city's green waste (the number one landfill substance), you can offer your city a safe, 100% non-toxic steam weed solution! This has been used in Australia for 14 years! It's OUR time!
Download and print this flyer for your city Ag Commissioner, School Board, Parks and Rec or Landscapers. 


We CAN have Toxin Free Towns! If you are interested in the free box of flyers, please go to now and post your local Earth day event details.
All event hosts will get a free box as long as you email us (or fill in your private profile on the website) your address.

Please do this today so you can get your box in time! 

Thank you for your partnership in creating healthy communities!!

Zen and MAA Team

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