Gobernador Newsom: ¡No implemente 5 instalaciones G / Wireless en nuestras escuelas durante la cuarentena!
Estimados californianos y amigos de los californianos:
On Thursday, marzo 19, El gobernador Newsom anunció his intention to expand the deployment of wireless infrastructure in schools during the COVID-19 quarantine. We understand this is during a time when there will be the least resistance to this harmful technology. While we all appreciate Governor Newsom’s leadership regarding COVID-19, deploying further wireless infrastructure in our schools and neighborhoods, especially at this time, is taking the wrong path.
Children's Health Defense, junto con Moms Across America y 5 G Free California, está lanzando una campaña para que el gobernador Newsom reconsidere su decisión y lo anime a asumir el liderazgo en la protección de la salud de nuestros niños de los daños comprobados de la radiación inalámbrica y para liderar el camino con tecnología de cableado más segura y rápida.
Como informado por el LA Times:
“Con las escuelas cerradas en todo el estado y los maestros luchando para implementar programas de aprendizaje alternativo y en línea, el gobernador también solicitó una expansión de inversiones en tecnología para escuelas, un aumento en los fondos del Título I para las escuelas con una alta concentración de pobreza, actualizaciones de internet de banda ancha, subvenciones para que los profesores se adapten a la enseñanza de la era digital ... "
Carta completa de Newsom al presidente aquí.
To clarify, “broadband” includes wireless and wired infrastructure. Unfortunately, CA schools have been using wireless rather than safe wired networks and therefore in this case, the announcement refers to wireless systems.
Children's Health Defense, Moms Across America, and 5G Free California ask for your partnership to protect our children’s health!
Please Do Not Deploy 5G / Intensify Wireless Installations in Our Schools During Quarantine.
Governor Newsom’s Email: stateinformation@state.ca.gov
Please cc on the email: CA.Safe.Children@childrenshealthdefense.org
Dear Governor Newsom,
Please Do Not Deploy 5G / Intensify Wireless Installations in Our Schools During Quarantine and at any time thereafter.
While I appreciate your leadership regarding COVID-19, I am writing to express my objection to your intention to intensify the wireless infrastructure in schools using the COVID-19 quarantine as the basis for your request, as was announced last week by your office. Further deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure in our schools is taking the wrong leadership path and will cause further and even irreparable harm to our children.
As Mayor of San Francisco, you showed rare leadership when you called out the telecom companies’ fraud. Since then, the evidence of harm has become clearer. Most recently, the recent Federal government’s National Toxicology Program study found CLEAR EVIDENCE that this radiation causes cancer and breaks DNA. Thousands more studies proved profound harms from wireless technology radiation.
In 2018, the CA Dept of Public Health published guidelines admitting that peer reviewed scientific studies show evidence that this radiation may cause DNA damage, reproduction harms, cancer and learning disabilities among other effects. How come you deploy more wireless in school to improve learning when the evidence is sowing it is harming learning?
In 2014, the CA Medical Association passed a resolution calling on the FCC to update its health guidelines as the scientific evidence showed profound harms. On febrero 2, 2020, the Children’s Health Defense submitted a lawsuit in the US Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit against the FCC challenging its decades obsolete health guidelines. Among the petitioners are parents of children from CA who have become sick from cell towers and wi-fi in their schools, and doctors attesting to the epidemic they see in their clinics including among children.
Government Code Sec. 659641.1(f) gave a special exemption from mandatory approval of wireless sitting applications for wireless telecommunications facilities on fire department facilities. This was passed out of concern regarding firefighters’ exposure to harmful radiation. Why are we protecting firefighters but harming our children?
Further, peer reviewed scientific studies have shown that the radiation emitted by wireless technology adversely affects the immune system. In a time when we try to prevent pandemics and need to strengthen our immune system we should encourage the population, and especially our children who are a vulnerable population, to reduce their exposure to this harmful radiation rather than force more of it.
We ask you not to allow any further deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure during the schools’ shutdowns or over Spring Break on school campuses across our state. Cell towers or "small" cell facilities, and 4/5G, do not belong on or near school property. We ask you to prevent telecom companies from deploying 5G “small cell” antennas or “Hot-Spots” under the false pretense of improving technology for learning. Any further upgrades should be with wired ethernet cables, which provide faster, safer, more secure and more reliable service.
Considering the clear evidence of potential harm to our children from this radiation, we do not consent to any further expansion of wireless emitting devices in our California schools. Education Code Sec. 51101(a)(7) grants the right for parents to ensure that the school environment for their child is safe. Exposing children to this radiation, especially over the objection of the parents and children, directly violates the schools’ duty to provide a safe environment and our right to ensure they do. We ask for you to cease and desist any further installations. The radiation batters the children and violates their civil rights and our parental rights.
Furthering the deployment of more wireless when the scientific and human evidence of harm are clear is being on the wrong side of history. We know that considering the power of the Telecom industry, leading on this issue takes courage. You have shown you have the courage - and there is no more important time to continue to show this courage than with protecting the health of our children, including your own.
California parents, and parents across the country, will remember that Governor Newsom stood up to the corporations and put the safety of our children before corporate profits.
Thank you for your time and dedication.
(Your name)
ACTION 2: TODAY: Find out if your school is installing 4/5G!
Please call and/or email your school district superintendent Monday, marzo 23, 2020, and ask them:
"Is our school district intending to do any wireless technology upgrades during this school shutdown? Specifically, will our school have any upgraded Wi-Fi systems and/or any new antennas, or ‘small’ cell facilities installed during the break? If so, which schools and which types of technology changes?"
Also tell them that you are interested in being kept informed should the school decide to introduce such installations.
Please also state the following:
Considering the clear evidence of potential harm to our children from this radiation, we do not consent to any further expansion of wireless emitting devices in our California schools. Education Code Sec. 51101(a)(7) grants the right for parents to ensure that the school environment for their child is safe. Exposing children to this radiation, especially over the objection of the parents and children, directly violates the schools’ duty to provide a safe environment and our right to ensure they do. We ask for you to cease and desist any further installations. The radiation batters the children and violates their civil rights and our parental rights.
Please cc your email to your school at CA.Safe.Children@childrenshealthdefense.org so we will be aware of your communication with them. If they do not cc us in their response, please forward us their response.
Please respond to us by email with California school responses, school name, city and state to: CA.Safe.Children@childrenshealthdefense.org within 48 hours, preferably, to have your school district be supported by our teams. The timing is urgent! Technology upgrades have been planned for Spring Break!
If you do not live in California, but have friends in California, please pass this email to them. Also please take action in your state and find out what their plans are! Now is the time!
Stay tuned for further updates, petitions and information on how you can protect your child and all school children!
With Unity,
Mamás en toda América
Defensa de la salud infantil
5G Free California
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