One of the Law Firms That Defeated Monsanto Now Leads Toxic Baby Food Litigation - Moms Across America

Uno de los bufetes de abogados que derrotó a Monsanto ahora lidera un litigio sobre alimentos tóxicos para bebés

El reciente informe del Congreso que detalla los altos niveles de metales pesados tóxicos en los alimentos para bebés fue un shock para los padres de todo el país. Ciertos alimentos para bebés, incluidos purés, bocadillos, cereal de arroz y otros productos, contienen niveles peligrosamente altos de arsénico, cadmio, mercurio y plomo. Los estudios demuestran que la exposición a estos metales pesados puede desempeñar un papel en la causa del trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH).

Recently, in our blog, we detailed some of the baby food report's key findings and provided some helpful tips for parents on ways to avoid heavy metals. We also encouraged readers to contact their representatives to ask for the urgent passing of the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021, which you can still do by clicking here

Today, we wanted to give parents another way to fight back against baby food manufacturers for knowingly selling products tainted with heavy metals. You may remember the law firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman’s role in the Monsanto Roundup litigation. Baum Hedlund attorneys earned more than $2.4 billion in jury verdicts in two Roundup trials. These court victories paved the way for one of the largest mass tort settlements in history: $10.9 billion for tens of thousands of cases.

With the Roundup settlement secured, Baum Hedlund attorneys have now turned their attention to representing parents with children who consumed baby foods tainted with toxic heavy metals and developed autism or ADHD. Hundreds of people from across the country have already retained the firm to hold baby food manufacturers accountable for their childrens’ disorders. The companies responsible for the toxic baby foods include:

  • Happy Family Organics y HappyBABY (Nutrir)
  • Hayuco
  • Lo mejor orgánico de la Tierra (Grupo Celestial Hain)
  • Plum Organics (Sopa Campbell)
  • Elección de los padres (Walmart)
  • Germinar Alimentos Orgánicos
  • Gerber

“These companies deliberately crafted their labeling, marketing, and promotion to mislead consumers,” says baby food attorney Pedram Esfandiary. “Some went so far as to claim they adhere to ‘the strictest standards in the world,’ and provide ‘baby’s food full of nutrition while meeting standards strict enough for tiny tummies. Make no mistake: these companies knew that full disclosure of the true risks associated with their products would limit the amount of money they could make. They’ve chosen profit over children’s health.”

Metales tóxicos relacionados con el autismo y el TDAH

El arsénico, el cadmio, el plomo y el mercurio son metales pesados tóxicos capaces de dañar el desarrollo neurológico de bebés, bebés y niños pequeños, incluso en niveles bajos. Los niños, y los bebés en particular, tienen una mayor exposición a los metales pesados que los adultos porque consumen más alimentos en relación con su peso corporal, absorben metales más fácilmente que los adultos en un 40 a 90% y aún no han desarrollado los mecanismos necesario para metabolizar y eliminar los metales pesados.

Numerous studies strongly support a causal relationship between exposure to heavy metals and the development of autism in children:

  • A 2019 study found consistent evidence supporting a positive association between early life inorganic arsenic exposure and diagnosis of ASD. The authors concluded that “it is in the best interest of policymakers and the public to reduce exposures to [arsenic] among pregnant women and children.”
  • A 2020 review and meta-analysis found that mercury levels in blood, hair, and urine were all positively associated with autism. The study authors concluded, “these findings support policies that advocate limiting exposure to neurotoxic metals, particularly for pregnant women and young children, in order to help reduce the rising incidence of ASD.”
  • A 2015 study concluded that mean levels of lead and other heavy metals in the hair of children diagnosed with autism were significantly higher than controls. According to the study authors, “[e]nvironmental exposure to these toxic heavy metals, at key times in development, may play a causal role in autism.”
  • A 2018 study concluded that children with autism had significantly higher levels of mercury and arsenic in their blood compared with controls. “The results of this study are consistent with numerous previous studies, supporting an important role for heavy exposure, particularly mercury, in the etiology of ASD,” the authors wrote.

Likewise, studies have repeatedly associated toxic metals exposure with ADHD in children:

  • In 2020, scientists observed a more than doubling of the risk for ADHD in children��with blood lead concentrations ≥5 μg/dl, and a similar doubling of the risk of ADHD in children exposed to arsenic. The study “provides additional evidence to existing literature regarding the potential role of toxic metals such as lead and arsenic in children’s behavior.”
  • A 2019 meta-analysis reviewed 17 studies on lead exposure and diagnosis of ADHD. Twelve of the studies identified positive associations between lead exposure and ADHD. According to the study authors, “the evidence from the studies allowed us to establish that there is an association between lead and ADHD and that even low levels of lead raise the risk”
  • A 2014 meta-analysis observed a doubling of the risk for the association between mercury exposure and ADHD development.
  • A 2014 study concluded that exposure to even low levels of lead “correlates with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, lead-contaminated environments are often contaminated with other heavy metals that could exacerbate lead-induced ADHD.”

¿Puedo unirme a la demanda por alimentos para bebés?

The best way to find out if you can pursue a baby food lawsuit is to fill out this contact form for a free and fast case evaluation by leading lawyers handling the baby food litigation. Your case will be reviewed immediately and a member of the baby food legal team will respond in a matter of days if you are eligible. Should you have any questions about pursuing a claim, feel free to call Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman at 800-827-0087.

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