Las mamás de Estados Unidos se enfrentan a los transgénicos - Moms Across America

Las mamás estadounidenses se enfrentan a los transgénicos

Mamás en todo Estados Unidos marzo 2013

Del mar al mar brillante


Kathleen en Huntington Beach, California Zen y MAAM en Madison, CT

Vea un video complementario de los desfiles:

From junio 29th to julio 7th, all across America Moms and supporters are joined into 172 parades to letting an estimated 1 million of  their neighbors know about GMOs directly and millions more via media and word of mouth. This was an act of generosity and courage on a grand scale, an example of what makes America great! What awesome and generous people!

 Lo que hace grande a Estados Unidos no es el partido en la Casa Blanca o el auge de nuestra economía, no es la cantidad de guerras que hemos ganado o la popularidad de nuestro presidente. Lo que hace grande a Estados Unidos son las acciones individuales de las personas, y todas las personas tienen mamás. Las mamás en Estados Unidos hacen la gran mayoría de todas las compras, por lo tanto, impulsamos la economía. Somos los planificadores sociales de las comunidades de la iglesia y las actividades escolares, por lo tanto, dirigimos nuestras comunidades. Las mamás tienen la palabra en el hogar acerca de las comidas, la salud, las tareas del hogar y la escuela, guiando a nuestras generaciones futuras para crear la prosperidad y el éxito de Estados Unidos. En cierto sentido, se podría decir que el estado de América es responsabilidad de nuestras mamás. Si hay algo que no le gusta de Estados Unidos, los ciudadanos, incluidas las mamás, debemos analizar de cerca nuestro papel en eso.

¿Nos hemos adueñado de él?

¿Qué podemos hacer que no hayamos hecho antes?

¿Qué es algo nuevo que podríamos crear en esa área?

The power in being a Mom is taking on our role in America. That is why our Calcomanías de coches say ”Bring it ON! I’m a MOM!” and "Label GMOS!"

On julio 4th, we took on GMOs and did something new. For most of us, we had not marched in a parade since Girl Scouts and we never even considered being an activist. The majority of us are not radicals, we are not political, we are not doing this for certain religious reasons, we are simply Moms who care about the future of our children. We know that 64 other countries have banned or label GMOs and we march for that freedom here in the USA. We are angry about GMOs but we Moms know that other Mom’s are most likely to consider information when it’s delivered in  non threatening way. Moms know that love works. So we marched with patriotism and pride to be in America’s biggest traditional community event. We marched with love, a friendly attitude and joyous smiles. We were supported by wonderful husbands, partners, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and kids. People who care about health and freedom marched for no personal gain. We took on GMOs, were mostly received with cheers and wonder, ( when have most Moms been CHEERED at for talking about GMOs before??? Never! This was so empowering!!!) and we have never been prouder of our great nation.


Sierra Madre, CA Boise Idaho


Riverton, Nueva Jersey Savoy, IL Carnation, WA

El amor fue toda la motivación que necesitamos para marchar por nuestra calle principal, valientemente solo bajo la lluvia, como Mom Samantha en Frankfurt, Kentucky o en 107 grados de calor como Jessica Denning y más 70 seguidores, en Carmichael CA Cantamos, cantaron, saludaron, sonreían y vitoreaban junto con los sorprendidos y encantados seguidores. También miramos a nuestros vecinos a los ojos y les dimos volantes de información sobre transgénicos o sostuvimos una pancarta y letreros que llevaron un nuevo mensaje a miles de personas en las calles que no sabían sobre los transgénicos. Podíamos verlos preguntándose, volviéndose hacia sus vecinos y preguntando "¿Qué es un OMG?". Nuestros corazones saltaron de alegría cuando un vecino dijo: "Organismo modificado genéticamente". Misión de mamá cumplida.


Huntington Beach, CA El desfile más grande de la costa oeste Papá dedicado en monociclo


Lake Forest, CA Bee Car Alameda, CA SF Bay area El desfile más largo

El amor por nuestros hijos es nuestro combustible. Tenemos una fuente interminable de ese amor. Este es solo el comienzo. Moms Across America no se detendrá hasta que los alimentos transgénicos estén etiquetados y fuera de nuestras mesas. Continuaremos defendiendo, marchando, cantando y cantando por “Mamás empoderadas, niños sanos”.


Mendocino, CA Springfield, Misuri


Blaine, WA                   ��                                                    Madison, CT


Denver, CO Lancaster, PA


Con amor, de Moms Across America

Gracias a nuestros socios CA State Grage, y patrocinadores Dr. Bronner's, NYR Organic, Nature's Path, Organic Valley, OMG y Nutivia y todos los que donaron.

Mostrando 6 reacciones

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  • Piedad
    seguido esta página 2016-09-29 11:46:13 -0400
  • Cyndy overgaag
    comentado 2013-07-09 16:20:38 -0400
    Once again I predict that the scary facts about Monsanto and GMO’s will be just like the link between cigarettes and cancer. When the public knows they will demand to have labeling and get GMO’s out. Like Phillip Morris and Monsanto, money means power. We can’t back down though. Chemical free Grass Roots shall prevail!!
    I bought a copy of Genetic Roulette and am about to circulate it in my neighborhood with a flyer asking folks to watch and pass on. Hopefully most will.
    I have a sign on my front yard against GMOs. I hope that all that pass by are curious enough to check it out.
    If all the moms and other concerned Free Our Food activists email just one company per week and ask them to be ahead of the curve and take GMOs out of their food, we can make an impact. Tell them you are not buying their product. They all know about it. They just don’t want to spend the money to change until the public demands it. We probably wouldn’t have gluten free menus and food sections in our supermarkets if the facts about GMOs had been taken seriously years ago.
    Sad but true,
    GMO Free Nation…just like Smoke Free, it can be done.
  • donna mills
    comentado 2013-07-08 00:59:05 -0400
    I tried to organize some moms online, and I was told to promptly “cease and desist”; that, I had the wording all wrong in asking for marchers to contact me! Luckily, after conducting a google search, I found someone locally who had followed the proper, “protocol” required to organize a spot in a parade and make the announcement, so I took it from there, but I felt so bad, I didn’t dare try and make anymore attempts to talk about it to anyone else, at least not online. I admire my organizer who got it right the first time. You know, there’s this fine line that separates an activist from a protestor with an issue like this, since it is political as much as it is pragmatic in nature. My group was small, but I still got to march with my daughter and granddaughter and hand out a lot of flyers, pamphlets, buttons and announce the existence of MAA and the right to know before i got heat exhaustion from running around so much in it—and for that I am gratified Now that the march is over, does the “Evening of Empowerment” have any required MAA protocol?
    Donna Mills, Sierra Madre, Ca
  • Zen honeycutt
    comentado 2013-07-07 21:52:10 -0400
    Carly we are very sorry there were breakdowns in communication and we take full responsibility for that. We posted a full description of what you can do to start groups, gain support and start a group to march in a parade on “About” and “Events”. This was definitely a self starter deal locally. All there is, is to see what you/we/I can do next time. FYI There were some days when I got a couple hundreds requests and I also have cub scouts, homeworks, doctor appointments and interns that sometimes don’t show. We are very aware we need consistent help and that is part of what we will put in as soon as possible. Thank you for your feedback.
  • Jeannie andrada
    comentado 2013-07-07 21:25:29 -0400
    ¡Comparte, comparte, comparte! Hice una hoja de información que ofrecía enlaces como, 100 e información para llamar la atención y desmayarme. Facebook me y puedes ver un ejemplo de uno de mis folletos.
  • Carly logan
    comentado 2013-07-07 20:34:25 -0400
    Super sad. Saw there were 4 others in Knoxville. I reached out. I volunteered. I asked what I could do, where I could get signs, etc. I volunteered to be the point of contact. Nothing. Nada. No contact, no communication, nothing. I believe in what you are doing. PASSIONATELY.

    But ladies, we have to get more organized and get it together or you are going to lose support. I am halfway out the door because I feel like I’m not in the “in” crowd or whatever.

    I am not political and have never done anything like this before. I believe in it THAT much. I wonder how many others were kind of left wondering what to do this past week?

    Sorry for the negativity. I just wanted to step up and instead stepped aside. :-(

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