Fast Food Petitions - Moms Across America

Peticiones de comida rápida

As consumers we can do more than simply consume - we can CREATE the marketplace we want with our purchasing power.

Do you think millions of America should be regularly poisoned with glyphosate, heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals every day simply because they want a fast and affordable meal? Join us in asking Panera Bread, Sonic, In-N-Out, Subway and more to source food ingredients that are not dried with the toxic, neurological-damaging, carcinogenic agent, glyphosate and are free of toxic heavy metals and veterinary drugs. - as our testing reveals they currently are! Signing our petitions below makes your voice heard on this critical issue! Together, we can change the food supply in a big way.

Moms Across America will collect all signatures and present them in an open letter to each fast food board of Directors and CEO, so add your name today to make a difference in the health of our nation!

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Showing 297 reactions

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  • Ann Cockerham
    commented 2023-11-14 07:32:04 -0500
    Why are companies poising our kids? Why is food so much more unhealthy in America compared to other countries? Why do the CEOs hate us and our children so badly? I stopped going to fast food along time ago. I won’t be back, unless they change their ways. Hope they all close unless they step up and commit to removing this crap from our food. As well as the lab grown crap they are pushing that’s nothing but cancer causing!
  • Vicky Pascual
    commented 2023-11-14 07:29:07 -0500
    Vicky Pascual please sign save our people!
  • Marissa Enfantino
    commented 2023-11-14 07:24:54 -0500
    The fast food industry needs to be the first to take a stand and move the needle in the direction of not accepting their food to contain pesticides and heavy metals, etc in their foods. Enough is enough! They need to rise above the standards of these sub-par agencies and do better and want better for the customers that they serve!
  • Bonnie Burk
    commented 2023-11-14 06:59:37 -0500
    It’s the entire food industry. Even organic is able to not actually be organic. Profit and wealth are what the focus is, not safety and health. Bottom dollar focused
  • Annette Heller
    commented 2023-11-14 04:39:27 -0500
    These results are not a surprise, a reason why I urge my clients to rethink fast food.
  • Isidro Rojas
    commented 2023-11-13 22:16:36 -0500
    Our food should be healthy, clean. And Nutritious
  • Beth Skinner
    commented 2023-11-13 21:17:09 -0500
    I want food to be nutritious and free of poisons!
  • Brenda Jones
    commented 2023-11-13 20:29:10 -0500
    Thank you for posting the TikTok. I hope this is going to be a thing of the future. I support you all the way.
  • Selena Campos
    commented 2023-11-13 20:00:08 -0500
    Stop poisoning us and our little children!! It’s time for the 3 big letter corporations to be held accountable! They want us sick and distracted from everything!
  • Christa Holtz
    commented 2023-11-13 17:31:45 -0500
    I personally have not had fast food in a decade ++ but, I do realize that so many don’t have time to pay attention, let alone cook 7 days a week and therefore depend on fast food at times. As representatives of the PEOPLE, the Government’s JOB is to protect the health of the citizens to the best of its ability. The Government has FAILED. MISERABLY.
    It is past time that they be held accountable and that the food industry be held accountable. That means CLEAN IT UP.
  • Dawn Wagner
    commented 2023-11-13 17:22:17 -0500
    Our children should not be consuming harmful chemicals and unnecessary ingredients in take out foods. If you wouldn’t want your own children eating it, you shouldn’t be selling it.
  • Alex McCrae
    commented 2023-11-13 15:16:38 -0500
    The problem can be easily solved. Stop buying their products. Fast food companies are not responsible for the choices we make. We must take responsibility for our actions. Enough complaining about something we have no control over. Stop buying their products. Stop buying their sick food.
  • Daisy Vargas
    commented 2023-11-13 13:20:23 -0500
    Daisy Vargas
  • Joe Servin
    commented 2023-11-13 12:03:33 -0500
    About time somebody stands up to these food industries. They’re poisoning us.
  • Jessica Bell
    commented 2023-11-12 22:28:33 -0500
    Fast food has long been untouchable for me and my family due to the nutrient depletion and toxins. The lack of concern for health and the singular focus on profit above all else is abundantly clear. Slowly poisoning your customers will bring an end to profit eventually. High quality, clean, nutrient dense food only please.
  • Lisa Walters
    commented 2023-11-12 21:26:15 -0500
    STOP poisoning us. Do something good and stop.
  • Cristin Solomon
    commented 2023-11-12 14:24:05 -0500
    It’s time both the FDA and fast food stop poisoning us!
  • Helen Boman
    commented 2023-11-11 22:54:37 -0500
    Stop poisoning us!
  • John LeBlanc
    commented 2023-11-11 19:03:59 -0500
    Literally sick of them poisoning us. Thank you
  • Emily Truesdell
    commented 2023-11-11 17:36:07 -0500
    This is nothing less than disgusting! Disappointed is an understatement! My friend gets Panera’s bread donations for needy families & we’re feeding them loads of toxins!
  • Sami Gardner
    commented 2023-11-11 10:09:57 -0500
    It needs to stop! Stop letting the Government and big corporations from poisoning us and our children….
  • Tammra Mccord
    commented 2023-11-11 07:41:16 -0500
    I have not in years and will purchase fast food until this is cleaned up.
  • Cheryl Muno
    commented 2023-11-11 07:38:33 -0500
    Not purchasing any fast food until chemicals are removed. ALL chemicals.
  • Beata Sacha
    commented 2023-11-10 23:54:03 -0500
    We can’t let this continue!!!
    No changes!!! No business!!!
    Better food for better health and better future.
  • Lorene Ahmetoglu
    commented 2023-11-10 22:46:27 -0500
    As mothers we should all demand that our food suppliers guarantee their products be free of these harmful substances. If Europe and the rest of the world can do it so can we! EPA, FDA, and our government should be held accountable! Enough is enough, we have allowed these agencies and corporations way too much power and not enough accountability!
  • Elizabeth Bischel
    commented 2023-11-10 22:29:16 -0500
    They are killing us with foods. Enough is enough.
  • Dawn Parmer
    commented 2023-11-10 21:40:40 -0500
    We deserve better than this! Never eating these again. Keep up the great work with exposing them!!!
  • Kathleen Moore
    commented 2023-11-10 21:37:54 -0500
    We deserve to enjoy great and healthy, safe foods with our families. Out with the poison!!
  • Crystal Guidry
    commented 2023-11-10 19:41:48 -0500
    My family has chosen to eat better and will not visit these establishments
  • Lorene Ahmetoglu
    commented 2023-11-10 19:12:55 -0500
    I won’t be returning to any of these establishments until they guarantee their foods are nontoxic. Period.

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