Pilot Speaks Out About On-Flight Vaccine Injury
Moms Across America is committed to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Every day our network is a part of educational outreach to millions across the nation and around the world to improve the health of our local and national communities.
The pilot community is directly responsible for the safety of over three million passengers a day in the United States. Their health is particularly important. Our loved ones are coming home for the holidays this week and next week. We expect them to arrive safely.
Read moreDr. William Davis: Reclaiming Lost Microbes and Youthfulness
Article by Carol Grieve',
Food Integrity Now
I spoke with Dr. William Davis today, bestselling author of the Wheat Belly books, Undoctored and Super Gut, about reclaiming lost microbes and youthfulness. What does this mean? Let’s dig in further.
As we learned from my last interview with Dr. Davis on his book Super Gut, there are beneficial bacteria that our grandparents and ancestors had in their microbiomes that most of us do not have! Why is that? It is mostly because of the overuse of antibiotics that kill off pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria, and due to the extensive amount of environmental toxins we encounter every day. The problem is that when certain stains are killed off, they’re gone. Herein lies the problem. These strains were highly essential for having things like deep restful sleep, restoration of youthful muscle and strength, increased collagen and moisture in our skin, increased libido, preservation of bone density, and even creating deeper levels of empathy and love.
Read moreIncreasing Concerns About Flying
I was invited to travel recently and fly cross-country for two work events. I used to love to travel, but the idea of being stuck in a metal container with intense Wifi bouncing around for hours, with hundreds of people, many of them potentially sick, has me very selective regarding my agreements. An additional concern was then added from a conversation at a dinner party. The subject of flying came up with the President of the US Freedom Flyers. An American Airlines pilot, 37-year-old Josh Yoder, informed me that the rates of disability in pilots at American Airlines increased 300% during the first six months of 2022.
The Virus and the Host
Article and interview by Carol Grieve of Food Integrity Now
We live in a time when it has never been more important to have a healthy immune system. Certainly, the last 2-1/2 years have taught us this. There will undoubtedly be more pandemics in the future. Did anyone notice that not one single major public health official took the step to tell us what we most needed to hear that robust good health is our best defense against infectious disease? Today, I spoke with Dr. Chris Chlebowski, author of The Virus and the Host, his new book which shows us how to take control of our health and decrease susceptibility to infectious viral disease before it strikes.
In The Virus and the Host, protect yourself from infectious disease by reducing toxicity, improving immunity, and minimizing chronic illness, Dr. Chlebowski offers practical and understandable information on viruses, protozoa, bacteria, parasites, and fungi and what each of those pathogens is and what they are not. He shares how viruses are different and what we are still learning about them. He also talks about some of the major toxins that wreak havoc on our immune system. He shares how chronic disease interacts and can predispose us to poor outcomes from acute viral infections, like Covid 19.
Read moreWhat Can We Do About Toxic School Lunches?
You have likely seen the National School Lunch Testing Program results, showing that 93.18% of the 43 school lunch samples tested were positive for glyphosate, 74% were positive for other harmful pesticides, 100% were positive for neurotoxic heavy metals, high levels of veterinary drugs and hormones were detected and low levels of nutrients. In short, the food we are feeding the future leaders of our country is abysmal.
30 million GMO meals are served each day to our children and for a large number of them, the breakfast and lunch they eat at school are the only food they eat each day. They are solely dependent on the quality and nutrient density of the federal school meal program for their nourishment which supports or diminishes their brain development, mental health, and bodily functions.
Read moreUS Premiere of Japanese Movie - People Protecting Food Safety
Moms Across America Premieres
People Protecting Food Safety
A Japanese Film with a Huge Impact on the American Food Supply
The Japanese government owns the largest grain distribution center in the world. It is based in Convent, Louisiana, USA.
The distribution center Zen Noh Agriculture purchases hundreds of millions of pounds, over four billion US dollars worth of GMO and non-GMO grains annually, from American farmers and ships them to China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and South East Asia.
In other words, the Japanese government owns an outsized stake in the American midwest agriculture system. This is why American Presidents and corporations put enormous pressure on the Japanese government to accept our GMO grains sprayed with glyphosate. The Japanese government, in response to the US and Monsanto’s demands, drastically deregulated glyphosate. Japan’s allowable levels of glyphosate residues are as much as 95% higher than China’s. As a result, Monsanto’s and US grain products have had not only devastating health effects on the people living in Japan but on America as well.
No other market, not even the American mothers, is as intricately connected to the American agriculture system as the Japanese.
The fact is that if the US government was responsible for safe food production, they would not produce toxic GMO crops and export them to any country. And if the Japanese government was responsible for the safety of their people, they would not allow them into their country. The political pressure from the USA is enormous, though. Will the people triumph in protecting their food supply?
Read moreThe New MDS: Moms, Doctors, and Scientists What's Making Our Children Sick?
In case you missed it, on octubre 16, 2022, World Food Day, Regeneration International hosted a series of extraordinary interviews.
One of them, The New MDS: Moms Doctors, and Scientists - What’s Making Our Children Sick?, according to Ronnie Cummings, director of the Organic Consumers Association, was one of the best interviews he has seen.
We hope you will watch and share this critical discussion hosted by Alexis Baden-Mayer that could alter America’s health and future and beyond. Click here to watch on Rokfin.
Read moreGlyphosate Study on Lower Birth Rates and Higher Intensive Care for US Mothers
As first seen on Sustainable Pulse:
Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are learning more about the effects of herbicide exposure during pregnancy, finding glyphosate in 99 percent of the pregnant women they observed in the Midwest. In the study, published recently in Environmental Health, higher glyphosate levels were associated with lower birth weight and may also lead to higher neonatal intensive care unit admission risk.

This is the second small-scale study the researchers have conducted with significant findings. The team’s previous study, published in 2018, was the first study to confirm glyphosate in 93 percent of pregnancies which found associations with shortened pregnancies. Other recent studies have also confirmed their findings.
“Pesticide exposure in pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy, can imprint DNA and alter gene expression,” said Paul Winchester, MD, professor of clinical pediatrics and the study’s lead author. “But little is known about how these chemicals can impact fetal development in humans.”
“As a neonatologist, I’m seeing more and more infants with problems like low birth weight as well as mothers with issues like obesity or gestational diabetes,” Winchester said. “We need to keep studying these herbicides long term to find out how they could be causing these issues and what we can do to prevent them.”
Researchers hope to study glyphosate exposure in a larger group of pregnant women over time.
This study was a collaborative effort with Franciscan Health in Indianapolis, University of California San Francisco, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and King’s College London School of Medicine.
Read the full article here.
National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones, Veterinary Drugs, and Nutrients Revealed
Thirty million genetically modified school meals are served daily in America to our children.
The testing of 43 school lunch samples shows:
- 93% of the school lunch items contained carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting, and liver disease-causing glyphosate.
- 74% of the samples contained at least one of 29 harmful pesticides.
- 4 Veterinary drugs and hormones were found in 9 school lunches samples at levels up to 130.76 ng/g.
- 100% of the school lunch samples contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 X higher than the EPA’s maximum levels allowed in drinking water.
- The majority of the samples were abysmally low in nutrients.
Many of these toxins have been found to contribute to or cause neurodevelopment disturbances, immune system damage, hormone disruption, cancer, liver disease, tumors, and more.
Without proper nutrients, our children’s brains will not function properly, and their bodies will not be developed as needed. Often children with learning and behavioral issues are deficient in just one or two minerals or vitamins; when those nutrients are added to their diet, their mental, physical, and behavioral issues subside. Even violent behavior is discontinued. Our children must have proper nutrient-dense food.
Click here to send a letter to your elected officials today.
For millions of underserved children, school meals are the only meals they consume. School lunches contain many GM crop ingredients such as corn, soy, and sugar from sugar beets and are processed with GM oils such as canola and soybean oil. Most genetically modified crops are engineered to withstand toxic chemicals such as glyphosate, glufosinate, dicamba, and many more harmful chemicals.
The wheat, peas, beans, oats, and other grain ingredients found in school lunches, such as in hot dog and burger buns, bread crumb coating, pasta, pizza crusts, etc., are primarily derived from conventional crops that are often sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent before harvest—this practice results in high levels of glyphosate residues in the foods. Thousands of food samples have been tested for glyphosate; we are unaware of such testing on school lunches.
Read moreEPA Shirks Its Duties For Another Four Years Regarding Glyphosate
Moms Across America has been working on getting glyphosate (and toxins in our food and environment) banned for ten years. At some point, many would expect us to give up. We can assure you we will not.
Extremely frustrating news was announced yesterday that shows us our work continues to be crucial to public awareness and health. The EPA is refusing to do its job to protect Americans from glyphosate. It's up to all of us to do so.
Although the EPA has announced that they have scrapped the interim approval for glyphosate, a huge win, they are now directing their attention to other issues about glyphosate and "anticipate" a decision by 2026. FOUR years from now.
This decision, or rather stalling tactic, is beyond incompetence. It is intentional corruption.
The EPA has been reviewing the science regarding glyphosate for thirteen years. They already have solid science (hundreds of studies, maybe thousands) showing that glyphosate causes and contributes to:
- Cancer - brain, breast, prostate, lung, blood, and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Reproductive effects
- Birth defects
- Nervous system damage
- Gut bacteria destruction
- Oxidative stress
- Sperm damage
- Androgenization of baby girl genitals and more...
For the EPA to continue to allow this harmful herbicide to be used in any way in our country is criminal.
Read more