Are You Considering Giving Your Child the COVID 19 Vaccine? - Moms Across America

Are You Considering Giving Your Child the COVID 19 Vaccine?

Do you have a family member or friend considering it?

COVID -19 Vaccine clinics for 5-11-year-olds are opening in schools and public buildings across the country this week.

A coalition team has compiled a science-backed educational flyer with crucial information that the mainstream media networks are not sharing in news coverage.  We feel this information is crucial for an informed decision.

We support access to all kinds of medical procedures, alternative therapies, food, supplements, and remedies to support our family's health. We believe it should be the parent's choice what treatments they utilize for their child. We also believe to make that choice, they should have access to all of the information regarding the side effects, special interests, and politics behind the sale of the product or service.

The only way to make informed decisions is with as much data as possible, from independent sources that do not stand to profit from the sale of the drug or procedure.

Although the following flyer is not nearly complete, (there are many more reasons why this COVID -19 vaccine is risky for children) we selected the information we feel is most likely to have a parent reconsider their decision. 

Given the facts:

The vaccine manufacturers, government, and clinic staff administering the vaccine are not liable for adverse side effects, most doctors and health care providers are denying the connection between the health issues and the vaccine (and victims are unable to get adequate care), and children are more likely to die of 8 other things, including the flu, than COVID, we feel it is safer to exercise precaution.

We feel that boosting a child's immune system with natural remedies, waiting a little longer, and researching the side effects further before deciding to vaccinate, is a valid and responsible decision at this time based on the scientific evidence that has been provided to us via many experienced physicians and scientists.

Share a PDF version (will include links) of this flyer to share by email or through social media. Download here.

Print this flyer and pass it out at schools or in your town. Download here.

Thank you for being our partners in health!!!!

Mamás en toda América


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  • Morgan Robinson
    commented 3 years ago
    Jerry Carlson – mine too, obviously. But until that day we have to do the best we can to prevent serious illness. I worry about my daughter getting sick, but also worry about her passing it to immuno-compromised family members. The vaccine carries fewer risks than the virus, and the numbers bear that out.
  • Jerry Carlson
    commented 3 years ago
    Morgan Robinson — Seeing zero death or damage from Covid OR the mRNA gene therapy shots would be an answer to my prayers. (Those prayers include you, and your family).
  • Morgan Robinson
    commented 3 years ago
    Jerry Carlson – when the next few months pass and there AREN’T hundreds or thousands of deaths and paralysis, will you admit you were wrong?
  • Morgan Robinson
    commented 3 years ago
    Linda Hanson – what “research” did you do exactly? Did you do your own clinical trials? Or did you just google articles that confirm your bias? Did you look at VAERS? Then surely you realize that anyone can enter a report on VAERS and claims are not verified. It gives you that disclaimer right up front. In this age of misinformation, that should be your first red flag. Even so, there are currently 23 reports of death in the 17 and under age group after the COVID shot. There are 11 reports of paralysis. Those claims are reported, not verified, but let’s take them as true. Compare them with 700 reported deaths (CDC) from COVID in the same age group in the US alone. If you look globally, there are 11,700 deaths of children from COVID (UNICEF). Vaccine injury may be scary, but COVID is much scarier.

    Not to mention, do you realize how much money these anti-vaxxers are making from the attention they get for these claims??
  • Donna Kelley Schink
    commented 3 years ago
    There is no science. We are the science experiment. Getting a booster after two shots and now in Israel, 4 shots! We all need to remind ourselves the definition of insanity.
  • Jerry Carlson
    commented 3 years ago
    Thanks for your courage and concern in urging parents to study the facts on mRNA injections. A sizable minority of parents are relying on the government/medical campaign to mandate shots as the only remedy for Covid-19. You’ve offered help to Moms and Dads and their kids, knowing that you’ll encounter attacks and name-calling. What I fear most in the next few months is hundreds, or thousands, of tragic social-media videos showing post-injection deaths and crippled lives among children like Maddy de Garay.
  • Linda M Hanson
    commented 3 years ago
    Thank you for this information! Maddy isn’t the only one Morgan Robinson, do the research and you will see. Should any mother’s child be damaged by “the cure?” I say no
  • Morgan Robinson
    commented 3 years ago
    I have followed your site for years without realizing you are anti-vaxxers. This is the same garbage spewed on every conspiracy site. I feel sad for miss de garay, but she is one sample point. You don’t mention the thousands of young children around the world sickened and killed by this virus. My family in Kenya is desperate to get the vaccine. This is just more first world, privileged, conspiracy nonsense written by non-doctors. I’ll trust my family doctor and science, and I’m unsubscribing from all of your materials immediately.

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