Press Release: Glyphosate in Vaccines - Moms Across America

Comunicado de prensa: Glifosato en las vacunas

Para publicación inmediata: septiembre 6, 2016

Contact: [correo electrónico protegido]


Se encuentra glifosato en las principales vacunas infantiles

Las mamás y los científicos exigen vacunas de prueba de glifosato a los CDC y la FDA


Glyphosate, a chemical ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides, has been found in vaccines.  Mamás en toda América received preliminary screening results from Microbe Inotech Laboratories Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri which show the DTap Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine had 0.123 ppb, Influenza Fluvirin (Novaris)  0.331 ppb and HepB Energix-B (Glaxo Smith Kline) 0.325 and Pneumonoccal Vax Polyvalent Pneumovax 23, (Merk) had 0.107 ppb of glyphosate.The MMR II (Merk) vaccine, which CDC whistle blower Dr.William Thomas has linked to autism, had levels up to 25 times higher than the other vaccines, at 2.671ppb.  Subsequently, multiple rounds of additional independent tests have confirmed these finding at or above the same levels.


Moms Across America’s Zen Honeycutt sent vaccines to an independent lab earlier this year for testing because “vaccines contain many ingredients which could be genetically modified. 80% of GMOs are genetically engineered to withstand glyphosate based herbicides and glyphosate is allowed on 160 non organic food and feed crops by the EPA. We wondered if glyphosate could be contaminating not only our water, urine, breast milk, food, soil, beer and wine, but our vaccines as well.”


Mamás en toda América has sent a letter on septiembre 1, 2016 to the FDA, CDC, EPA, NIH, California Department of Health, and Senator Boxer requesting that they make it a priority to test vaccines for glyphosate, recall contaminated vaccines and for the EPA to revoke the license of glyphosate to prevent further contamination. “And in the meantime we call upon our lawmakers to rescind the mandate which forces parents to vaccinate their child in order to attend school, in light of extraordinary new evidence.”


Honeycutt afirma: “Nos sorprendió encontrar la presencia de glifosato en las cinco vacunas y descubrir que la contaminación del glifosato se ha extendido a nuestros tratamientos médicos. El hecho es que los CDC, los fabricantes de vacunas y nuestras agencias reguladoras deberían haber estado haciendo pruebas de contaminación por herbicidas / pesticidas hace 40 años antes de que comenzaran a rociar estos químicos en nuestros cultivos de alimentos y piensos. Si alguien cuestiona estos resultados, les pedimos que lo prueben ”. 


The tests were conducted with the Elisa method, (link to full report here) which is regarded by the scientific community as a screening method only and not as accurate as HPLC mass spectrometry.  Honeycutt reports that they asked numerous labs to test additional vaccines for glyphosate over the past few months and they have been unable to test. After learning of MAA’s results, an independent scientist conducted numerous rounds of testing, and has confirmed the presence of glyphosate in vaccines. He sent his data to Senator Sheehan, the FDA, NIH, elected government officials, major media, last week and received no response. One can contact Senator Sheehan for the additional test results.


Honeycutt continues, “The public must know that their vaccines likely contain glyphosate, a toxic weed killer, which is acknowledged by the EPA as a “reproductive effector” ( i.e.: endocrine disruptor) which "can cause liver and kidney damage” and has been shown to be a neurotoxin. The WHO has deemed glyphosate a probable carcinogen. We do not believe any state or government should have the right to mandate vaccines which contain harmful additives including a probable carcinogen such as glyphosate based herbicides, especially to our most vulnerable babies. Certainly, no parent should have to knowingly inject directly into the bloodstream of their newborn, within hours of being born, or growing child, with a probable carcinogen. No pregnant mother should ever be injected with a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor.  We are very concerned that the introduction of glyphosate in our food and feed crops, which correlates with the spike of reports of vaccine damage in the late 1990’s, could be a major contributing factor in the autism epidemic. This must be researched. Testing and reformulation must also be done. We will no longer settle for anything other than safe vaccines.“ 


La pregunta es cómo entran los herbicidas a base de glifosato en las vacunas.

Los cultivos rociados con herbicidas OGM y glifosato son ingredientes de vacunas o se alimentan al ganado.

MIT scientist, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, added that “glyphosate could easily be present in vaccines due to the fact that certain vaccine viruses (including measles in MMR and flu virus) are grown on gelatin derived from the ligaments of pigs fed heavy doses of glyphosate in their GMO feed. Livestock feed is allowed to have up to 400 PPM of glyphosate residues by the EPA, thousands of times higher than has been shown to cause harm in numerous studies."


French scientist and glyphosate expert Seralini’s research has shown that glyphosate is never used alone. It is always used with adjuvants (co-formulants/other chemicals) and they have found those adjuvants to make Roundup 1000X more toxic. So the detection of glyphosate in vaccines with this methodology would indicate the presence of other co-formulants which are 1000X more toxic.


Toni Bark MD MHEM LEED AP and Co-Producer of the movie BOUGHT, states, “I am deeply concerned about injecting glyphosate, a known pesticide, directly into children. Neither Roundup nor glyphosate has been tested for safety as an injectable. Injection is a very different route of entry than oral route.  Injected toxins, even in minute doses can have profound effects on the organs and the different systems of the body. In addition, injecting a chemical along with an adjuvant or live virus, can induce severe allergic reactions to that substance as vaccines induce the immune system to create antibodies to whatever is included in the vaccine. Since glyphosate is heavily used in corn, soy, wheat, cotton, and other commodities, we can expect to see more severe food allergies in the vaccine recipients. In addition, chemicals in ultra low doses, can have powerful effects on physiology behaving almost as hormones, stimulating or suppressing physiological receptors. ”




Zen honeycutt

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Dra. Stephanie Seneff

[correo electrónico protegido]


Dr. corteza de toni

[correo electrónico protegido]


The glyphosate in vaccines report: click here.

The test results: click here.

La carta a la FDA: haga clic aquí.

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