Note to Neighbors - Moms Across America

Nota para los vecinos


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Pesticide Spraying for Mosquitoes, Weeds etc and Solutions

Dear Neighbors, 
Like you, I want my kids and pet to be safe. However, this is the season for the spraying of toxic chemicals from a helicopter for mosquitoes, by neighbors in their yards, or on our street for weeds. These chemicals threaten my children's and our neighborhood's health. These chemicals are shown to be neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors ( tiny amounts can cause birth defects or miscarriage) and carcinogens.

Muchos consideran que estos productos químicos son "seguros" porque están aprobados por la EPA, pero esa no es una suposición científicamente sólida. Este es el por qué: 
La EPA ha confirmado que NO aprueba la formulación final de pesticidas/larvacidas/herbicidas/fungicidas químicos. Sólo piden estudios en animales a largo plazo sobre UN ingrediente de la formulación, no todos juntos tal como se utilizan. Así que NADIE, ni el aplicador, ni nuestros funcionarios electos, Vector Control o la EPA, pueden afirmar con precisión que son seguros. Esta afirmación es completamente infundada.

So before you buy Roundup and spray it near your front sidewalk, where pregnant women, kids, and pets will walk a minute later, before you agree with the spraying of larvicides from helicopters and drones over our neighborhood, and if you choose not to object to carcinogens being sprayed on our streets, please consider that it is up to us to protect our neighborhood. There ARE alternatives that can be used that are safe for us. The only downside is that the chemicals companies just won't make a profit. 
For example BATS eat 600-1000 mosquitos per hour! Concerned about West Nile? Put up a bat house! See link:

Buy one at Home Depot for example, click here.

Screen_shot_2017-04-22_at_11.57.35_am.png¡O haz una casa de murciélagos con tus hijos o Boy/Cub/Girl Scouts!

Precut bat house here.

Weeds DIE when you pour white vinegar and boiling water on them! I have presented the city with a safe non-toxic STEAM weed control possibility Weed Technics as well. They KNOW they can use other methods besides poison. Weed wacking and hand pulling is always an option too.

Just so you know, Mission Viejo has STOPPED spraying glyphosate-based herbicides(Roundup/Rodeo) in our neighborhoods as per the request of concerned residents. They still are spraying on major roads/sidewalks, curbs (around drains to the ocean) such as Alicia. They are still spraying in our parks where our children play. We need more people to speak up and ask them to use alternatives. Please go to the Non Toxic Mission Viejo Facebook page if you want to get involved or just call the city council and make a request. 

Thank you!
Zen Honeycutt


UPDATE: In August of 2018, school pesticide applicator Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, who is dying of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, was awarded 289.2 million dollars from Monsanto by a California Supreme Court jury. Monsanto was found guilty of acting with "malice and oppression," meaning they knew their glyphosate products could cause cancer and the company executives suppressed the information. As of septiembre 2018, over 8,000 more Roundup users are filing lawsuits against Monsanto.

Mostrando 3 reacciones

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  • Laurie olson
    comentado 7 years ago
    Happel try asking your city council or county commissioners if they aren’t the ones to ask, they would be able to tell you who is working on that.
  • Happel kolakoski
    comentado 7 years ago
    How can I find out if they’re doing aerial spraying in my area?
  • Nancy Nixon
    comentado 7 years ago
    Please ask our city and county to stop spraying poison over our homes and in our public parks. There are many natural ways of controlling these issues. I’d rather have a few more weeds and not poison the air and grass where my grandchildren live and play.

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