Thank you for being interested in connecting with Moms Across America!
Our mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities.
Moms Across America wouldn't exist without feedback from moms and supporters like you!
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Know that in order to be most effective we do ask for your contact information when you sign up or volunteer. We do not share this information. We use it to identify where you are to connect you (with your permission) to others in your area. A state leader may contact you. If we get the funding we may mail you free materials or invite you to local events. So thank you for trusting us and joining our nationwide team!
Together we can create healthy communities!
Thank you!
With Gratitude,
Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America Team
P.S. Don't forget to sign up to volunteer here:
And join your local state Facebook page here.
Mostrando 138 reacciones
A: North American Herb and Spice
Tallow lotion has always helped with my gluten allergy break outs.
A: First thank you so much for doing the fight against our food system. As a farmer I’m always trying to learn everything I can. My goal is too provide nutritious food for people to support their health and not make them more sick. Because we live so rural and where I live we are the end of the line for the grocery store I want to encourage more people to start farms in my area to be able to provide for the community so they don’t’ have to go with the option of GMOs. I’m reading the book UNSTOPPABLE right now and even thought I I knew everything I’m learning there is always more to learn. We actually got “Certified Naturally Grown” last year. Not as many people knwo about this certification but it is more affordable to farmers(unlike the USDA organic) and there is no government agency or corporation involved. Trying to encourage more small farmers to go for this certification because it is all grassroots so in my opinion more trustworthy than the USDA. One more book I recommend to consumers to know about the food system and farming and buying from good farms to support more of our health and environment is “A Bold Return to Giving a Damn” by Will Harris. It can open a lot of minds up to help support our environment and health. Thanks for all you do
A: Flyers and materials to share with my community
A: I am healthy but I want to learn about GMOs, toxins, and prevention of health issues
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: My children or other family member's health issues
A: I just saw you on Dale big trees in the Highwire. I was very impressed with your knowledge and have been very concerned about what they’re doing to our food.
A: Connect with others near me with the same issues
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: I am healthy but I want to learn about GMOs, toxins, and prevention of health issues
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: I am healthy but I want to learn about GMOs, toxins, and prevention of health issues
A: Connect with others near me with the same issues
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: Research and data entry
A: N/A
A: I’m happy to know that I am not alone in the family’s health and wellness and being informed too.
A: Flyers and materials to share with my community
A: I am healthy but I want to learn about GMOs, toxins, and prevention of health issues
A: Concern about the environment
A: Meet with Representative, Senator, or City Council
A: Please have someone contact me. We belong to the Farm to School Program and I can definitely help with the experience I have
A: Other
A: Concern about corporate influence on our food supply and health
A: Professional support such as PR or marketing
A: Provide me with scientific data to back up issues and solutions
A: My children or other family member's health issues