Comentarios sobre los resultados del glifosato - Mamás en todo Estados Unidos

Comentarios sobre los resultados del glifosato

 De GM Watch:

¿Existe un vínculo entre los niveles de glifosato en la leche materna y el aborto espontáneo?

Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen has documented increased deformities and abortions in his herd, correlating with the amount of glyphosate in their urine. Now he's concerned about the reproductive health of American women after tests showed their breast milk contains high levels of glyphosate.

 Ib le dijo a GMWatch:

 "El nivel de glifosato en la leche materna de las madres estadounidenses fue de hasta 166 ug / lo 0.166 ppm. Eso es alto. Mis cerdas que tuvieron 5 veces las deformidades, 5 veces los abortos y menos los cerdos nacidos en camadas tenían 0.028 ppm -0.048 ppm en la orina, en comparación con las cerdas que solo tenían 0.0028 ppm en la orina. Esa [0.048 ppm] es menor que 1 / 3 de La cantidad en la leche materna.

 "Para obtener 0.028 ppm -0.048 ppm en la orina, las cerdas tuvieron que comer 1.1 ppm en sus alimentos. Para obtener 0.0028 ppm en su orina, tuvieron que comer 0.2 ppm en sus alimentos.

 "Judging by my pigs, it is a wonder that these women can reproduce. The number of deformities and abortions in the pigs correlated with glyphosate levels in their urine. My sows with 0.048 ppm of glyphosate in urine aborted 1 in 20 pregnancies. Research should be carried out to see if there is a correlation between the amount of glyphosate in the women's breast milk or urine and the number of miscarriages they've had."

 Curiosamente, un estudio de familias de agricultores en Ontario, Canadá encontró una tasa más alta de lo normal de abortos involuntarios tardíos y entregas prematuras asociadas con la exposición al herbicida de glifosato masculino.

(Savitz DA, Arbuckle T, Kaczor D, Curtis KM. Exposición a pesticidas masculinos y resultado del embarazo. Am J Epidemiol. 1997; 146: 1025-36)


 ¿Los niveles más altos en la leche materna en comparación con la orina muestran que el glifosato es bioacumulativo, lo que significa que se acumula en el cuerpo?

Anthony Samel, Independent scientist and co author of two Glyphosate papers, (which inspired this testing).

"The answer is yes, glyphosate is bio-accumulative.   Glyphosate is found in the blood, Neuronal fluid, breast milk and urine, but more importantly some glyphosate bio-accumulates in the muscles which includes the heart and other vital organs including the liver, kidney and pancreas.
If you haven’t changed your diet and are still being exposed to glyphosate, forget about improving your sulfur ( which is needed for every cell in the body to be healthy), because glyphosate interferes with Methionine synthesis that is responsible for our sulfur through the bacterial species involved with methionine.  Also if you haven’t change your glyphosate exposure you are defenseless to the sun!  Glyphosate interfere’s with vitamin D by interfering with the CYP 450 enzymes involved with activation of vitamin D3, catabolization of vitamin A, bile acid production and supplies of sulfate to the gut.
 Changing your diet is the only way to stop the effects of glyphosate"

Del Dr. Stephanie Seneff Científico Investigador Senior, MIT

Stephanie Seneff

"It is certainly disheartening to know that glyphosate is present in breast milk, but lest you think this means you should not nurse your baby, please be aware that soy-based formula probably also contains glyphosate, possibly in even higher concentrations. The US government has conducted very few studies measuring the amount of glyphosate residue in food, but a report issued by the Department of Agriculture in 2011 showed that over 90% of 300 samples of soy contained glyphosate, and nearly 96% contained AMPA, a derivative of glyphosate. Today, 90% of the soy crop in the US is "Roundup Ready," which means you can spray Roundup on it and it won't die. Contrary to what was claimed, this growth in Roundup Ready crops has led to a tremendous increase in the amount of Roundup applied to our core crops over the past decade.

I had been intensely researching possible connections between autism and a variety of different toxic chemicals in the environment for many years before I thought to take a look at glyphosate as a possible contributor to autism.  This delay was of course a consequence of the widely disseminated message that glyphosate is nearly nontoxic to humans. However, once I started looking, I was astonished to find that all of the many comorbidities associated with autism could be explained by glyphosate's known mode of action on biological systems.  Anthony Samsel and I have teamed up to write two papers detailing our findings on the diverse ways in which glyphosate disrupts human physiology, and linking glyphosate to a number of diseases and conditions that are currently on the rise in the US - a partial list includes autism, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and various gut disorders like Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.  We are still researching this topic, and nearly every day we are discovering new ways in which glyphosate can negatively impact health.  The problem is that the effects are insidious -- glyphosate erodes your health slowly over time, so that it's hard for people to realize what's happening to them until it's too late."


Ronnie cummings, oca

“This is another in a long line of studies showing the many ways in which glyphosate poses a real danger to human health,” Cummins said. “It’s time for Americans to demand that the FDA, USDA and EPA ban this toxin for good. Until then, at the very least, the FDA must require labels on foods that contain this dangerous toxin. And the best way to do that is to require mandatory labelling of foods that contain genetically modified organisms, most of which derive from crops that require massive amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup.

We must also stop retailers from selling Roundup to consumers, for use on their lawns and gardens. And we need to put an end to the use of Roundup by municipalities to control weeds in parks and roadways. The best way to accomplish all of this is to ban Roundup and other glyphosate-containing herbicides and pesticides for good.” Cummins said.



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  • Piedad
    seguido esta página 2016-10-05 12:25:55 -0400
  • Terra williams
    comentado 2014-05-09 11:45:32 -0400
    Published in a scientific journal, this raises concerns. More research needs to be done. As for the glyphosate in breast milk.. where is the study showing that glyphosate in breast milk is safe? Are there long term studies to prove that it’s safe? “it’s just small amounts” and the question to be answered is how much of it is accumulating?

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