Cardio Miracle - 60 Recipiente para servir - ¡Usa el código MOMS para obtener un 10 % de descuento!
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$ 109.97
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“I was recently shocked to discover that I had intermediate heart disease. I was tested using the Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG) Test, and received a reading of 4.5. Because I already eat very healthy and exercise regularly, the only major change I made was introducing Cardio Miracle into my daily regime. About two months later I re-tested with the MCG and my reading had gone down to a 3.0 ( 2.0 and lower is ideal)! In addition my gums have stopped bleeding when I floss. I highly recommend a daily drink of Cardio Miracle!”-Zen honeycutt
Cardio Miracle es el mejor y más completo suplemento para la salud y el corazón del mercado. Es el suplemento que reemplaza a la mayoría de los suplementos, incluido el gabinete lleno de costosas vitaminas. Cardio Miracle es un producto simple que satisface casi todas las necesidades nutricionales. Activa el óxido nítrico a través de la vía oral e intestinal con un sistema de administración de vía dual. Se ha demostrado científicamente que Cardio Miracle estimula la expresión de óxido nítrico durante más de veinticuatro horas al día y está respaldado por muchos médicos, naturópatas, oradores, autores y expertos.
Enjoy a cutting-edge blend of over 50 ingredients and antioxidants, including organic beets, carrots, coconut, pineapple, and raspberries, combined with the best amino acids, such as L-arginine, L-citrulline and L-ornithine. These ingredients work together synergistically to promote and sustain the body’s natural production of nitric oxide.
La dosis recomendada es una cucharada, dos veces al día, mezclada con su jugo, agua o batido favorito.
The 60 Serving Canister is a 30 day supply. Gluten free, 100% natural, organic, non-GMO, made in the USA.
Como fundador de Sanacor International, fabricante y distribuidor de Cardio Miracle, John Hewlett ha dedicado su vida a compartir el descubrimiento del óxido nítrico y la formulación de Cardio Miracle con quienes padecen la enfermedad y los efectos devastadores para la salud derivados de la pérdida de nítrico. óxido. Comparte con entusiasmo la noticia sobre la capacidad “milagrosa” del óxido nítrico en las arterias, venas y capilares para reducir e incluso revertir los efectos de las enfermedades relacionadas con la edad. John considera que este es el llamado y la misión de su vida: ayudar a las personas a superar las enfermedades y disfrutar la vida al máximo.
¡Utiliza el código MOMS para obtener un 10 % de descuento!
Conferencia Documentando la esperanza: Aventuras en la curación: vía profesional
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$ 650.00
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Una de las mayores paradojas de nuestros tiempos es que las sociedades más ricas, con mayores recursos y médicamente avanzadas del mundo también tienen las tasas más altas de enfermedades infantiles crónicas. Hoy estas enfermedades están afectando a nuestros niños en cifras epidémicas.
The current healthcare model, while technologically sophisticated and scientifically rich, is not equipped to deal with the tsunami of complex chronic illnesses that will afflict the next generation of children even more profoundly unless we change course.
My friends at Documenting Hope want you to find solutions, instead of fearing worst case scenarios.
Conventional medicine leaves families in the dark… Documenting Hope is shining a spotlight down the path to healing with the Adventures In Healing Conference.
Save The Date for noviembre 10-12, 2023 at the The Omni Orlando at Champions Gate, Orlando, FL!
No solo aprenderá de LOS expertos que guían la innovación que puede cambiar la trayectoria de la salud de los niños, sino que también encontrará conexión y colaboración con una comunidad invaluable de expertos en bienestar, profesionales y padres para finalmente sentirse visto, escuchado y comprendido.
¡Traiga a toda la familia y planifique unas vacaciones en torno a este evento! El lugar es el resort de cuatro diamantes, The Omni Orlando at Champions Gate, uno de los principales destinos de golf, reuniones y ocio del país. Además del golf de clase mundial, el complejo ofrece un exclusivo spa de servicio completo, piscinas espectaculares y un río lento, lo que lo convierte en el hotel de escapada perfecto para adultos y niños por igual. Además, su inscripción a la Conferencia le ofrecerá acceso a precios especiales de entradas para el Parque Walt Disney World exclusivos para los asistentes a la conferencia.
PD: Asegúrese de reservar su estadía en el lujoso resort Omni Champions Gate... ¡su bloque de habitaciones se está llenando rápidamente!
noviembre 10-12, 2023 en The Omni Orlando en Champions Gate, Orlando, FL
Experience the whole body benefits of Sugar Shift®
Heads-off inflammation and other complications by altering sugar metabolism.
Improves bowel regularity. Provides relief of both diarrhea and constipation.
Decreases sugar and carb cravings often leading to weight loss.
Boosts energy and lessens fatigue
Restores overall digestive health
Improves glucose metabolism by reducing levels of blood glucose
60 CAPSULE COUNT (1 Month Supply)
Toxin Binder - Advanced Detox for Optimal Organ Function
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$ 34.95
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Every day, we are exposed to microscopic harmful substances through environmental pollutants, personal care products, and household cleaners. While our bodies have a natural filtering process, excessive exposure can cause toxin buildup, leading to various health issues. Our detox support supplement is made with revolutionary ingredients and innovative technology to help you flush out toxins naturally and improve overall organ function.
Our formula contains the world’s first Ozonated Activated Charcoal, Himalayan Shilajit, organic broccoli sprouts, and minerals. Each ingredient is selected for its synergistic effects that target various toxins and pathways, ensuring a thorough yet gentle detox and a more energized system. Utilizing MicroSomal™ Technology, we made one of the most effective products for toxin removal with 20% more bioavailability than similar products.
Toxin Binder is a gentle detox that is typically well-tolerated when used as directed. However, some individuals may experience minor gastrointestinal discomfort or changes in bowel movements, particularly during the initial stages of use. For best results, please consult a healthcare professional before adding Toxin Binder to your supplement routine.
Lithium Orotate Supplement
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$ 24.95
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Mood Balance & Calm Mind
Discover the profound impact of a balanced and calm mind on your overall wellness. Lithium, a natural trace mineral with a rich history of therapeutic use, plays a pivotal role in supporting a healthy mood and mental well-being. Our Lithium Orotate supplement combines lithium with orotic acid, offering specialized nourishment that promotes a joyful mood, a resilient stress response, and optimal cognitive function. Embrace tranquility and bid farewell to irritability and frustration. Each vegetarian capsule delivers 10 mg of elemental lithium.
Our formula surpasses the competition through its superior bioavailability, achieved by combining lithium with orotic acid for enhanced absorption and intracellular transport. Unlike other lithium products, our formulation ensures optimal effectiveness, as it is free from less-absorbable forms. We take pride in using only pure ingredients, sparing no expense to deliver uncompromised quality.
Each bottle of lithium orotate contains 60 capsules; if taken as directed, the bottle should last two months. Take 1 capsule daily or as recommended by your healthcare provider. We do not recommend using Lithium Orotate while pregnant or breastfeeding.
ProColostrum LD
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$ 109.95
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PRO Colostrum-LD® is a targeted immune support supplement designed for daily use in people of all ages. Colostrum provides foundational bioactive components that assist the healthy human immune system to perform the functions it was designed to do. Bovine (cow) colostrum is an ideal supplement because it is plentiful and biologically transferrable to humans.
PRO Colostrum-LD® contains first-milking bovine colostrum that has been flash pasteurized, low heat dried, and instantized for safety, solubility, and efficacy. Proprietary LD Liposomal Delivery™ ensures that colostrum's bioactive components have best chance of transit through the digestive tract to be well-absorbed into the bloodstream. PRO Colostrum-LD® contains a minimum of 25-30% immunoglobulins, 1.5% lactoferrin, 1.5% growth factors and enhanced Proline-rich Polypeptide formula (PRPs).
30 Day Heavy Metal and Chemical Cleanse Program
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$ 199.00
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Global Healing's 30-day Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse Program gives your health and wellness a much-needed boost, detoxing chemicals, and heavy metals, helping you beat fatigue, and encouraging mental wellness. These body pollutants are tough to avoid, so it’s important to cleanse your body when they become problematic.
The Heavy Metal and Chemical Cleanse Program. This powerful, detoxifying blend supports the body’s ability to attract, bind, and cleanse heavy metals and chemicals.
Global Healing's Oxy-Powder
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$ 29.95
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Global Healing's Oxy-Powder is crafted to alleviate the discomfort of gas, bloating, and occasional constipation. Formulated to counteract the harmful effects of toxins that permeate our daily lives, this natural solution utilizes oxygen to gently and effectively dissolve compacted feces from your intestinal tract while creating a safe space for probiotics to flourish. As an effortless way to promote regularity and support a healthy lifestyle, Oxy-Powder is an essential addition to any wellness regimen.
Oxy-Powder Capsules come in 60 or 120 capsules.
Take 4 capsules with a full glass of water before bed (at least 2 hours after your last meal).
If you do not achieve 3-5 bowel movements the next day, increase by 2 capsules each night until you do. Drink plenty of water while using Oxy-Powder.
Take your serving 2-3 times weekly or as your healthcare provider recommends.
Global Healing Liver Cleanse Program
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$ 84.85
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Your liver, the body's primary detoxification organ, can greatly benefit from a revitalizing reset to function at its best. That's where the Liver Cleanse Program steps in, providing an all-natural, 6-day regimen designed to cleanse and rejuvenate your liver and gallbladder. This comprehensive plan involves adhering to a healthful diet and liver-supporting supplements, stimulating your liver and softening buildup, followed by a detoxifying flush to eliminate toxins. What's more, the program includes a complimentary VIP support session with our dedicated Customer Satisfaction Team, ready to answer your queries and guide you through the initiation of your cleanse. Prepare to be amazed by the transformation - a surge of energy, enhanced well-being, and streamlined digestion await!
The Liver Cleanse Program consists of following a healthy diet and taking Liver Health, Turmeric, and Oxy-Powder for 4 days. Day 5 is a flush prep day where you’ll take Epsom salt and extra virgin olive oil. Day 6 completes the cleanse with a morning flush using Oxy-Powder.
Immune Support Bundle
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$ 58.87
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If you want to get started supporting your body naturally but you aren’t sure where to begin, we have put together our TOP three daily immune support products in ONE bundle just for you! Plus, The Immunity Tool Guide (PDF) is included *free* with the purchase of this bundle!
Vita-C has many benefits, which is why it's one of the most popular supplements. Vita-C is made by extracting the vitamins from amla berries, orange peel, and dandelion leaf. This bioavailable herbal liquid remedy is minimally processed and easy to use.
In the fall and winter months (and sometimes year-round!), most people want to help support and protect their immune systems from all the germs they encounter every day. We can't control the world around us...but we can help keep ourselves healthy!
Adaptogenic Immunity is a combination of 5 (certified organic) herbs that may help support a healthy immune system, improve the body's ability to cope with daily stressors, and nourish you to help promote total body wellness! This is an alcohol-free, botanical liquid that's highly bioavailable and easy to assimilate.
Nourish Me Naturally is a liquid botanical multivitamin formulated for the whole family! It promotes total body wellness by providing your body with highly bioavailable vitamins and minerals it can properly absorb, made from actual, whole herbs (not isolates or synthetics).
The nutritional value provided by our herbal multivitamin is naturally bioavailable in whole plant form. This means you reap the benefits of the vitamins and minerals provided by the herbs we use, and you are also reaping the benefits of the other constituents of the herbs! Earthley's ingredients are naturally rich in nutrients, but they ALSO support gut health, detox, liver health, and more!